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Check out the v.258 - MapleStory x Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba Patch Notes
Closed Duplicated Item Removal
And of course, there's no way to tell if they are duped >~<
I'm usually good at spotting questionable in-game items, because there are usually exact replicas of the same item (i.e. same scrolling, main potential and bonus potential) being sold in different shops in the free market, and they are also shown off by players through item megaphone. However, the outlaw heart that I traded was not questionable at all (to the extent of my knowledge), because it had a fairly distinctive and unique item potentials.
However, since it was deleted, my guess is that the player I traded with bought a duped outlaw heart and cubed over it to get the stat that I desired. So my question is, if players cube over duped items how are we supposed to know whether or not it's duped?
Also, is the market "safe" and clear from most of the duped items now? If Nexon plans on clearing more items in the next few patches, I might stay out of the market for awhile.
when a group of funded legit players lost their accounts for BUYING or HOLDING a level 200 weapon no one was screaming.
holding a level 200 weapon is violating the ToS EXACTLY the same as holding a duped frenzy totem bought for 400-650 $ from hackers !
in one case they give no punishment and for the other case - a permanent ban.
The little difference is lvl200 weps werent obtainable in any way at that moment so they were clearly hacked items. The frenzy totems you mention in the other hand comes from marvel and philo books. Yes it's extremely rare but still obtainable so those are two different cases and if it's duped one im sure nexon removed it which is good enough of a punishment.
everyone knows that 33 dex frenzy in scania are duped and can only be bought for real money FROM HACKERS.
no one buy frenzy at FM for messos ... people buy from hackers knowing its duped and paying with PP !
the level 200 weapons were obtained from the normal coin shop after NEXON let the exploiters kill endless lucid and KEEP the ETC drops for many weeks. It was not a generated item.
So comparing a duped frenzy totem and lvl 200 weapon, YES they are both illegitimate items. However one is available in game legitimately while the other is not.
I also can't understand this.. They should ban those who had the duped items.. those prob their main accounts.. and the exploiting stuff they made on botting account..
And this is why you shouldn't have done it. It's not worth the trouble. You knew exactly it was wrong. Someone pointed out the difference already.
Sure many players know about that the Frenzy with 33 Dex is duped, but I wouldn't have known if nobody told me. I don't have 'buddies' like yours who know all these stuff. And there are still many items out there I wouldn't know whether they are duped or not, because they are not so obviously.
But in your case Lv200 weapons were 100% obviously unobtainable within that period of time but you still somehow obtained one. You knew about this.
Same applies to your friends who got banned for the same reason as yours. Some of you even pretend that you didn't know and purchased it in FM for mesos and made a thread about it to seek support from other players. Nobody can support that kind of things if they knew what happened exactly.
It's also the same players who abuse it. So after the SC I heard some players were unable to login and they happened to be those players who always think they are so awesome.
Edit: And you should realize who to make friends with. I am pretty sure you got many shady people on your buddylist which could get you easily involved in such things. You can avoid most part of it if you don't have them.
I have a buddy who is legit but her friends are far from that but she doesn't care. And her attitude changed too by being around with these kind of people. The influence is bad by being around these bad players.
He may have been wrong for purchasing the lv 200 weapon but at the same time the hacker who he bought it from is not getting punished. The hacker got and gets to keep his money and will continue hacking for money. Thats the problem with the action nexon took, this sort of action needs to occur before duped items circulates into the fm that way the hackers wont be able to profit but we all know thats close to impossible for nexon since there is just too much.
You failed to understand that the item you bought/held was obtained illegally, knowing the fact the item was not even obtainable at the time and requires at least 24 weeks of Lucid Kill and playing this game for 12 years, you of all people should have known to not go near those items. As far as duped items goes, yes you say people could have known the 33 dex Frenzy Totem was duped but there can be other Frenzy Totems with same stats that are legit because they were obtainable by Marvel or Philosopher boxes. Many dupes were flowing in the Free Market, and a lot of Mapler don't know which one is duped or not. You expect to be banned for something they had no knowledge of when you knew exactly what item you was holding or buying. Nexon knows they had let too many dupes slide in the game and it was unfair to ban people with the item because it was not fair. Maybe this is Nexon's 1st step to remove the item then ban the hackers/dupers. I'm just glad they did.
Yea, the hacker got the money, which is true. The buyer cannot reverse that through PayPal since they don't support virtual items/currency. I understand what you mean but don't do it in the first place. I know the main account from that hacker (yes he actually used his main account to hack, with a decent ign too) got permanent banned.) Sure we cannot avoid or find out which items are all illegal/duped but Lv200 items are.
And this isn't the first incident that happens, similar incidents happens all the time. When it comes to 'obviously' duped or unobtainable items within that period of time, other players should learn from this mistake and don't do it. Learn the mistakes from each other. And the fact is that she played for 12 years and is one of the high top players. She should know better than any other players out there.
Edit: And also find her a shady person, during her 12 years of game experience, half of it could be shady but never got caught for it. There are more of these kind of players around. Still not banned and pretending they are legit.
"Well, now you did, but we still hate you."
That's basically the gist of this thread. You demand that Nexon does something about hacking, and they do, but instead of being glad, you through a tantrum on HOW they did it.
I laughed so hard on the "Nexon is the opposite of truth and justice" post. You don't even know what truth and justice is.
Regardless of what most of the forums are saying, if the only thing you did was purchase a hacked item there is no good argument for you remaining permabanned since. 1. they explicitly stated that players who merely purchased the weapon will not be banned. 2. While many players claim moral high ground, the vast majority of players outside reboot purchase blatantly botted equip enhancing materials from hackers and nothing is done to them. 3. In previous item generation events, equips were deleted and only exploiters banned, so it would make no sense to shift policy now. 4. The existence of the hacked equips causes little or no damage to the state of the game or economy and is not truly gamebreaking regardless of stats. Even if it were, it would be similar to the enhanced hacked equips (cravens/stonetooth) in which no one was banned for purchasing.
Unless every single person who also bought the wep is currently permabanned, it seems the case is that GMs suspected that you were involved with the generation of the illicit weapons. If it's true, I guess you can appeal the severity of the ban depending on the level of involvement with the hackers. If not, there's no reason why you should stay permabanned based on the community managers' own words and past policy in dealing with generated/obviously hacked items. But you'd probably get better results by apologizing and explaining the situation rather than debating the GM handling your account.
She was not banned now.
She was banned a few months ago, for having an Arcane weapon when it was not technically possible for anyone to have one.
And everyone else who bought such weapons was perma-banned as well.
I remember reading the post she made, in that post she was claiming innocence but now she's basically admitting it was a duped item. And I remember someone with the knowledge about the case addressing the post too saying that there was conclusive evidence against her. Unless it was another person that was banned for the same reason. The point stands though, if you have the knowledge that an item is duped and youre seen with it, action should be taken against them even if it isnt their item. (alluding to real life, it's like being caught with stolen property and knowing it was stolen when you bought it)
Unless you're the one that stole the item, the penalty for purchasing stolen property is usually losing the property in question and nothing more.
If you were aware of the time of purchasing or receiving stolen goods, you can get jail time. http://www.legalmatch.com/law-library/article/receiving-stolen-property.html
dont want to get sidetracked on this but had to correct you, with all due respect.
Objectively speaking, nonetheless, Nexon did good with removing duped/hacked items, doesnt matter what level the people were, how much they spent on the game, they showed no bias and did their job.
As for the punishment, good that all people got perm banned. "Knowingly or unknowingly". You see an item that seems 'way too good to be true' then guess what?! DUPED/HACKED/ILLEGITIMATE ! Whatever you want to call it.
You may see it as 'unfair', but you know what? LIFE IS UNFAIR! You just get back up after being punched down, and play by the rules. It's so simple!