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Check out the v.257 - Tallahart: Grave of the Gods Patch Notes
sometimes i think that nexon
on purpose extends the maintenence just to **** with us it's either that or sheer incompetence!
get better programmers! >:C
I find that neither is the case. You have to understand that Maple is an old game with old coding that newer developers have to work with or around. Is like a mechanic trying to improve and add horsepower to a 1987 Toyota, it doesn't work too well. If better coding you want, It'll have to start with Korea Nexon and to scrap all coding for newer coding and better programming. That'll be an overhaul that could take one full year if they worked full time and a lot of time. What we have are newer programmers trying to make work with what they already have and sadly that's the best they can do for now.
Too bad they do both sometimes...