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Zero on Reboot - New and Improved

Reactions: 905
Posts: 10
edited May 2017 in Suggestions, Feedback, and Requests
Hello Maple Forums!

Here is another post on “Why Zero Should be in Reboot!” As of lately there have been a few posts that mention Zero being on Reboot. Most of them lament about Zero not being on Reboot. One of these posts was made my /u/Marvinsaurus, you can see his post here. In his post, it covers some of the reason to why Zero should be on Reboot. His post is absolutely fantastic! It appears to be much more organized than prior posts with many reasons and perspectives. However, it just hasn’t reached it’s maximum potential yet. That’s why I’m making this post. I hope that I will be able to cover more bases and acknowledge more sides of the argument.
Background Information:
Zero was a class released sometime around December 2013 in the Red Update. The class was new, featured a unique dual character system, and was only available for a limited time. It became a favorite for many within the early days of it’s release. Since that day, it still remains as the only classes with a dual character system and remains as the favorite class for many Maplers. It would be 2 years later around the same time, December 2015, that the Reboot Server would be released. Reboot’s release brought with it a wave of new and returning players, all of which wanted to get their hands at the F2P nature of Reboot. However, there was a shock that radiated out in the community. Where was Zero? All the classes that existed tin GMS could be made on the Reboot server. All the classes except Zero. It’s been 1 year and 5 months since the release of Reboot and Zero has yet to make an appearance. Zero has been longed for by many of the Reboot community. I too, am waiting for that fateful day, but it has yet to come.
Initial Concerns and a Question:
There are many questions floating around involving the release of Zero, however the following should be answered first. Even if that is the only questions answered, it would clear much of the speculation and theory crafting within the community. Hopefully, our current community manager @Arwoo can answer this question.
  • Why is Zero not allowed onto Reboot in the first place?

The only information we have in regards of this is >All characters can be created except Zero. Taken from the patch notes here. Other than that there have been nothing in regards to the withholding of Zero from Reboot. As far as I am aware, even in the KMS there was no other information released. Our previous community manager KThxBaiNao has looked into the issue, only to find that there were no plans at the moment to add Zero. His response can be seen here Of course this question rather simple, but knowing the origins of the problems can lead the way to more meaningful discussions that don’t include a whole load of speculation. (Disclaimer: This post has a lot of speculation in it.)
Reasons for Zero on Reboot:
Please note that some of the following reasons come as a result of the convoluted-ness surrounding the topic. Yes, they are short, but then again a bulk of my argument will come from my refutations that will come shortly.
  • Zero is a fun and unique class that many, many players would love to have on Reboot.

I sure by now, you’ve seen the countless posts calling for Zero on Reboot. Nexon has to have noticed at least one of them.
  • Zero is just another one of the 41 classes available in other servers, but not Reboot.

There are very few reasons given to by Nexon as to why we can’t have Zeros. In fact the phrase >there were no plans to add Zero
seen here denotes that they have the capabilities to add the class onto Reboot. Why not? Zero was never advertised as normal server exclusive. Moreover, their lack of communication about this is a disservice to their community.
  • The class provides bonuses and stats of which are extremely beneficial to players on Reboot.

In similar to a quality of life change. Having slightly increased stats can help player throughout Reboot. Some who are at the much later stages of the game can gain a boost in their damage to pursue end game bosses. The newer players who have yet to reach that end game, can get there just a bit faster as a result of Zero and its character cards.

Opposition and Refutation:
The following is a commonly presented argument when people sure say, “Zero shouldn’t be on Reboot.”
  • We (GMS Reboot) will never get Zero because KMS Reboot doesn’t have Zero and because of that reason we will never get it

Yes, it is true that GMS has been following in the footsteps of KMS for a very long time now. Our major updates all seem to come from KMS along with many other things as well. However, at the end of the day we are different of KMS. GMS is much more different than one might think. There are various things that we have that KMS doesn’t have. Just to name a few. Hayato and Kanna, Gollux, Ghost Ship Exorcist. We also lack many things that KMS has. Here are some of them. Flames, 25 Stars, Ridiculous Scrolls, and so on. We are inherently different than KMS, we are a much different community, Just because KMS doesn’t have it doesn’t keep us from making it happen. I believe there are many skillful workers at Nexon who are capable of making it happen. Maybe it's time for GMS to come up with something on its own for once without taking it from another region.

The following things presented are heavily in response to /u/LetsTalkTheNBA video on “Why we won’t probably get [Zero on Reboot].” The video itself can be foundhere.
There are many other arguments out there, however Ryan of RebootMS covers most of them in his video. After going through numerous posts that ask, “Zero on Reboot?” there always seems to be the same response of “KMS doesn’t have it so we won’t.” That is why I’m turning to this video, as it presents many reasonable arguments against Zero. If there are any other reasons to why Zero shouldn’t be on Reboot, feel free to share them. Also I will be paraphrasing what he says to keep this reasonably short. Moving on!
  • They (Nexon) want Zero to be the main server exclusive. If there was no exclusive class there would be no reason for people to play on normal servers. Main servers make Nexon most of their money. It is a good thing since it is keeping the game running.

I can see where you’re coming from. I understand that the game needs money to continue running, and I also see that Zero might be a good way of making that money. However, there are a few holes in this. First, Zero as a class was never said to be normal server exclusive, and concluding such causes a lot of issues. It can be argued that unless Nexon gives an official statement in regards to the exclusiveness of Zero they are not fulfilling what they marketed. Second, would be the concept of Zero being a reason the Nexon is able to make money off of normal servers. I see this as a hasty generalization. I believe that the money the Nexon makes comes from the cubes and cosmetics they sell on normal servers. Of which happens to be something that Zero players buy as well. It is highly unlikely the Zero as a class is contributing so much to Nexon’s revenue that it would be hurtful to make it available in Reboot. That’s why I feel that it is critical to answer the question of why Zero wasn’t available in the first place.

Edit: I'd like to further this by also saying that, the populations of Reboot alone is capable of rivaling many of the normal servers combined. The way I see this, is even with the release of Zero on Reboot, the overall population of normal servers would change in very minimal ways. It can be thought of as having more options. Having the class available on both servers, leaves players to decide what they would rather have (ie. Scrolling v. No Scrolling). As RebootMS pointed out below it's just more incentive to spend money on normal servers, and not Nexon's sole source of revenue. It can also be applied to Reboot. Zero on Reboot gives players more of an incentive to spend money on things available on Reboot.^FashionStory
  • Zero gets a 170 weapon that took little effort to get. It is unfair that a class can get the weapon, especially on Reboot, which is all about gear progression.

True, they get an endgame weapon. Other classes would have to work pretty hard to even compare to Zero’s weapon. However, the class itself has its own gear progression. It has to not only have the meso. ( Which shouldn’t be a problem in Reboot) It also needs to have weapon points to do most of the resetting functions that the class has available to it. Basically, what I’m getting at is, that Zero still needs to farm. The class even suffers a major drawback, Despite having a level 170 weapon, it still will not apply to any set effect. You still need to do the boss and such to get the scroll needed to make the weapon apply towards a set. That in itself requires RNG of boss drops and so on. If anything Zeros are at a disadvantage for that reason. As for the upgrading part, that will be addressed in the next section: “Problems and Solutions.”
  • Zero can get to level 180 much faster compared to other classes.

Yea. Much like what RebootMS said, at the release of the server, people struggled to get to 180. However, along time has passed since Reboots release. Now it is much easier to get to level 180. Some people go as far as to leech their character there using friend’s accounts and so on. Basically saying, it's not hard to get level 180, it just takes time. A way to work around this will be proposed in the next section so stay tuned!
Problems and Solutions:
  • Zero starts at level 100 and can level to 180 easily.

Solution: Raise required level to make class from 100 to 180. Or just tell Reboot to deal with it. I’m sure they’ll handle it well.^nope
  • Zero has an unfair weapon upgrade system.

Solution: Make weapon points the same as spell traces in that they can be converted to meso. Or raise base meso cost need to re-roll potential on Zero and keep the weapon points system.
  • Zero has those lucky scrolls.

Solution: They like potential scrolls, I mean haven’t they always been like that? They only work for Zero and only one set’s lucky scroll will work. I mean that system seems fine, you can just move it over. (I swear, if anyone goes and says “Scrolls on Reboot are unfair.” In that case we shouldn’t have potential scrolls. Cause you know they’re scrolls too.) The scrolls only make it so Zero’s weapon can actually work with a set, and it is only one set at a time depending on the scroll you use.
  • Zero has some stuff in its mirror world that makes it unfair.

Solution: Why is it fair on normal servers than? I mean even on normal servers only Zeros can access the mirror world. For that one, we seriously would just have to deal with it.
Thank-you for your time. I’m sure you took the time to carefully go through and read every single thing.^(Sarcasm) I hope this post bring many perspectives together and that it will hopefully get a response out of Nexon. If there are any comments or concerns, please feel free to leave them. I will be constantly improving and revising my argument until we get an official response from Nexon.
  1. Should we get an official response from Nexon in regards to this issue?28 votes
    1. Yes, such would help clear up confusion in the community.
       75% (21 votes)
    2. No, you're just dreaming. There would be no way we'd see Zero on Reboot.
       25% (7 votes)


  • CatoooloooCatooolooo
    Reactions: 5,625
    Posts: 1,213
    edited May 2017
    only if it happens in KMS
  • DragaurDragaur
    Reactions: 905
    Posts: 10
    edited May 2017
    Catooolooo wrote: »
    only if it happens in KMS

    I addressed that point in the post. It seems as if you didn't read it. Even if you did read it, try to provide me with more information and reasoning so I can improve my own position. Or even learn from your position. It is completely fine to have your own opinions and all, no matter how short they are. However, especially in this sub-thread I believe its important we share and try to have a more meaningful discussion.
  • PetalmagicPetalmagic
    Reactions: 7,660
    Posts: 1,572
    edited May 2017
    While I would LOVE to get a Zero Character card...Zero just gets an easy life compared to the average Player (Reboot or not). It was originally intended to be a ONE TIME class (aka only make it back when it was released) due to its high damage, easy gear progression, ability to get most crafting levels up with little to no effort. This was before they nerfed Zero pretty hard. I loved it as far as storyline goes, and the pseudo-dungeon system Zero gets....but it ends up being super easy. With Reboot's increased exp and damage AND drop rates...a Zero gets all the goodies with a lot less work. While it would be nice...I don't see it happening.
  • DragaurDragaur
    Reactions: 905
    Posts: 10
    edited May 2017
    Petalmagic wrote: »
    While I would LOVE to get a Zero Character card...Zero just gets an easy life compared to the average Player (Reboot or not). It was originally intended to be a ONE TIME class (aka only make it back when it was released) due to its high damage, easy gear progression, ability to get most crafting levels up with little to no effort. This was before they nerfed Zero pretty hard. I loved it as far as storyline goes, and the pseudo-dungeon system Zero gets....but it ends up being super easy. With Reboot's increased exp and damage AND drop rates...a Zero gets all the goodies with a lot less work. While it would be nice...I don't see it happening.

    Absolutely amazing point. I had considered how it is much easier. However, I did not account for the fact that on Reboot, the easy going life Zero has could be much more unfair than I had originally thought.
  • AKradianAKradian
    Reactions: 40,340
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    edited May 2017
    If you know a thread about this was already made, and recently, why make a new one instead of bumping the old one?
  • DragaurDragaur
    Reactions: 905
    Posts: 10
    edited May 2017
    AKradian wrote: »
    If you know a thread about this was already made, and recently, why make a new one instead of bumping the old one?

    I felt that the old one had not addressed many points. Moreover, it seemed to be a response to just one part of the whole argument. I decided that even if I did bump it, few would consider the argument due to how it was presented. Therefore, I made another post, with what I feel is more developed and presents more depth as to why some would like to have Zero on Reboot.
  • ArwooArwoo
    Reactions: 17,755
    Posts: 498
    edited May 2017
    We've seen a great deal of requests for Zero on Reboot and we'll be sure to put down the suggestion.
    We can't give an exact date at the moment, but we'll let you guys know when we have an update.
  • DarkPassengerDarkPassenger
    Reactions: 8,980
    Posts: 2,669
    edited May 2017
    Arwoo wrote: »
    We've seen a great deal of requests for Zero on Reboot and we'll be sure to put down the suggestion.
    We can't give an exact date at the moment, but we'll let you guys know when we have an update.

    If zero gets released, would the character limit be expanded by at least 1?
    The max amount only supports all except zero. (not specifically but speaking reboot terms since it cant be created as it is)
  • MiraceMan1HalfMiraceMan1Half
    Reactions: 100
    Post: 1
    edited July 2017
    Arwoo wrote: »
    We've seen a great deal of requests for Zero on Reboot and we'll be sure to put down the suggestion.
    We can't give an exact date at the moment, but we'll let you guys know when we have an update.

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    Do not threaten the staff or the volunteers.
  • ClawStaffClawStaff
    Reactions: 2,950
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    edited July 2017
    I think the reason for all the down-votes this time is because of how you phrased the poll answers You made it more of a question of whether people think Zero will be on Reboot, rather than should they be on Reboot.

    Because of the way you worded it though brings me to another point of confusion though, why would anyone not want an answer about the possibility of Zero on Reboot. How would getting an official response cause any negativity is beyond my comprehension... I would think everyone would want closure on this suggestion so we do not have to keep making forum posts like this, and know for certain whether there is even a possibility or not.

    I understand why some people may not want Zero on Reboot, but not wanting to even get an answer is kind of silly. Not that it matters now, since Arwoo seems to be suggesting we may get a response at some point on this topic.
  • RollsRolls
    Reactions: 3,220
    Posts: 177
    edited July 2017
    ClawStaff wrote: »
    I would think everyone would want closure on this suggestion so we do not have to keep making forum posts like this, and know for certain whether there is even a possibility or not.

    If they don't want it on Reboot, they should just straight up say they don't want it. As much as I'd like to believe it's still "in consideration," that's probably just an excuse to not give an answer at this point. Might just be that they don't want to give an answer to avoid disappointing people and to avoid having to actually put effort into a Reboot release of Zero, which, with the surprisingly unproblematic accidental release, I could imagine would require not too much change.

    Because at this point, they better have a damn good reason why it can't happen, and especially why it hasn't happened yet.
    It's ridiculous already that it's not available in Reboot, over 1 and a half years into its existence, but to not even so much as give a reason why is just adding insult to injury. Like UTC and the word filter, this problem's not going away. In this case, at least not until Nexon clearly explains why Zero isn't already in Reboot and if or not it will be. It will keep coming up again and again, and no amount of stalling is ever going to change that. No amount of "we will take this into consideration" is going to fool anyone. It's either address the issue and end it, or keep indefinitely hearing about it.
  • Arch_AlyssaArch_Alyssa
    Reactions: 1,335
    Posts: 86
    edited September 2018
    Arwoo wrote: »
    We've seen a great deal of requests for Zero on Reboot and we'll be sure to put down the suggestion.
    We can't give an exact date at the moment, but we'll let you guys know when we have an update.

    *cough* *toss the dust away*

    Any update or news please?
  • EnokumoEnokumo
    Reactions: 1,610
    Posts: 122
    edited September 2018
    Honestly, I haven't seen anyone mentioning the technical issues Zero carries into Reboot. Aside of "being too easy" to play them due the fact they start with 100 and can level quickly to 1xx (which is not an issue at all because leveling pre 200 is not the big deal anymore), I'd like to mention their upgrade system is not suitable with the coding Reboot has. The upgrades are following by a system that works like scrolls - and as we know we do not have scrolls nor can use them on Reboot. I only have a small portion of information regarding this but it makes perfectly sense it's by far more complicated why Zero hasn't been considered for Reboot for now, rather than being broken (because getting 10% exp from a Lv 250 Zero is not broken considering what you need to do)
  • Arch_AlyssaArch_Alyssa
    Reactions: 1,335
    Posts: 86
    edited September 2018
    Enokumo wrote: »
    Honestly, I haven't seen anyone mentioning the technical issues Zero carries into Reboot. Aside of "being too easy" to play them due the fact they start with 100 and can level quickly to 1xx (which is not an issue at all because leveling pre 200 is not the big deal anymore), I'd like to mention their upgrade system is not suitable with the coding Reboot has. The upgrades are following by a system that works like scrolls - and as we know we do not have scrolls nor can use them on Reboot. I only have a small portion of information regarding this but it makes perfectly sense it's by far more complicated why Zero hasn't been considered for Reboot for now, rather than being broken (because getting 10% exp from a Lv 250 Zero is not broken considering what you need to do)

    We all know about the upgrade system, but it's only for those Lucky scroll to get the set boss on the weapon... If the problem is because it's a scroll, then change it to anything else (special cube, potion etc...) It's not something that should be a problem to the point that we are still waiting to have access to all classes in maplestory in Reboot...
  • TI84PlusTI84Plus
    Reactions: 310
    Posts: 3
    edited December 2018
    I definitely agree that people should have Zero in Reboot server and I would love to see a response from directors and administrators...

    Moderator Note: Please do not necro post very old threads.
  • Arch_AlyssaArch_Alyssa
    Reactions: 1,335
    Posts: 86
    edited December 2018
    3 years later.... Not even a word from them... Can we please have a update for this 3 years old request...?

    Moderator Note: Please do not necro post very old threads.
  • DarkPassengerDarkPassenger
    Reactions: 8,980
    Posts: 2,669
    edited December 2018
    zero in reboot is probably low priority topic in the grand scheme of things

    Probably shouldn't necro post either, last activity was September
This discussion has been closed.