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Kanna feels terrible to play and how we can fix it

Reactions: 685
Posts: 7
edited July 2017 in Suggestions, Feedback, and Requests
I will concede that having Kishin and Haku buff on hand at all times feels nice.


Minus those two things, Kanna is a chore of a class to play.

- The teleport has a delay, and cannot be cast when low on mana. Really, moving around feels VERY clunky, not that you get to move much anyways when using Shikigami Haunting/Tengu Strike/Orochi.
- Has terrible terrible mobbing. Tengu Strike and Demon's Fury are subpar abilities compared to ALL the classes. Tengu Strike is a 3rd job skill with low damage/long cast time/immobility. Demon's Fury has a 3 second cooldown, despite being merely a horizontal clear. Why are these skills so weak despite being a LOW RESOURCE CLASS? They aren't even spammable for prolonged intervals.
- Minus the Haku buff, Kanna has terrible passives/self-buffs (See: Kinesis). Haku buff only buffs 1/4 of the classes too.
- Low bossing damage, other Hurricane abilities in the game straight up do almost 2x Kanna's damage (while having seeking final attacks and longer range. See: Wind Archer).
- Human Haku is ugly.

Now I get that as a support class, I can't expect to have great support skills, great mobbing, great mobility, and great solo-bossing, but having nothing besides buffs just feels so bad. I don't expect Kanna to be as good as or surpass some of the mentioned examples and other unmentioned classes, but the state that Kanna is in right now for some of the aforementioned areas is just sad.

Solutions I propose:

- Improving Kanna teleport. (Instant cast, for example)
- Demon's Fury cast-able while jumping and no cool down.

- For the next 5th job skill, I think it'd be AMAZING if it was some kind of alteration to Haku, maybe instead of turning into a human, Haku turns into it's giant fox form (as seen with the mount). So it's like another Haku enhanced #2. Additional affects could be self buffs, or have Haku mob like Wild Hunter's Jaguar (code is in the game) etc.
I think this alone, is a VERY cool idea. Current human Haku looks like an outdated sprite.

- Actually I think it's acceptable that Kanna has low solo-bossing damage. A support class should not be able to be a strong solo-bosser at the same time.

Thanks for reading guys. I know this may seem like trivial complaining to some, but these are some things I've really thought about as a Kanna main; the game is very different when you don't have large area mobbing skills, flash jumps, and general mobility. Any video comparison of Kanna vs. another class will instantly show that without Kanna's long cool down skills, Kanna is visibly lacking in all of the mentioned areas.
  1. Agree or Disagree?23 votes
    1. Agree
       74% (17 votes)
    2. Disagree
       26% (6 votes)


  • PirateIzzyPirateIzzy
    Reactions: 5,265
    Posts: 862
    edited July 2017
    I do agree that Kanna could use a rework for damage. Doesn't need to be OP, just doable.
    What Nexon could do is update Shikigami Haunting to make it more viable for mobbing, and make the damage boosts additive (and making it required to max out the skill to get the full boost, because Level 1 Frozen SH is the same as level 20). As for Tengu Strike, what Nexon could do is make it possible to teleport during the first Tengu attack, while reducing the delay for both and Mana Cost for the 2nd to 15. To make Orochi more useful, make the cooldown the same at all levels and have the 2nd Tengu Strike always activate while on cooldown, with a passive damage boost to Tengu.
  • SyllvirSyllvir
    Reactions: 685
    Posts: 7
    edited July 2017
    PirateIzzy wrote: »
    I do agree that Kanna could use a rework for damage. Doesn't need to be OP, just doable.
    What Nexon could do is update Shikigami Haunting to make it more viable for mobbing, and make the damage boosts additive (and making it required to max out the skill to get the full boost, because Level 1 Frozen SH is the same as level 20). As for Tengu Strike, what Nexon could do is make it possible to teleport during the first Tengu attack, while reducing the delay for both and Mana Cost for the 2nd to 15. To make Orochi more useful, make the cooldown the same at all levels and have the 2nd Tengu Strike always activate while on cooldown, with a passive damage boost to Tengu.

    To be honest, they should make Demon's Fury or Shikigami Haunting the main mobbing skill. Those would be viable changes though.

    I think you're absolutely right, I do not advocate making Kanna OP, but right now the class has a LOT of quality issues.
  • ChenChenChenChenChenChen
    Reactions: 320
    Posts: 3
    edited July 2017
    Agreed, the 5th job skill idea sounds really cool. I don't main Kanna, but I can see how an ugly Haku following you around all the time can be annoying xD
  • PetalmagicPetalmagic
    Reactions: 7,660
    Posts: 1,572
    edited July 2017
    I totally would mob with Shikigami Haunting...just gotta give it some damage...
  • DiscordOfColorsDiscordOfColors
    Reactions: 965
    Posts: 45
    edited July 2017
    that whole class needs a complete rework, i have a level 140 kanna and it was a real pain to level up, no damage, no fun, the only thing that made it worth was that i could grind on lower level mobs because of kishin
  • ChenChenChenChenChenChen
    Reactions: 320
    Posts: 3
    edited July 2017
    I definitely think the reliance right now on Kishin is unhealthy. The position that Kanna is in for the game right now is also unhealthy.

    They've already made their money off Frenzy totems, now can we get a Kanna rework?
  • IvangoldIvangold
    Reactions: 2,985
    Posts: 588
    edited July 2017
    Yeah, extremely weak class in the beginning(before you scale well with Haku), 2nd job is a pain to level and really slow.

    They can just remove the idea of damaging when teleporting so you can teleport like any other magican.
  • PirateIzzyPirateIzzy
    Reactions: 5,265
    Posts: 862
    edited July 2017
    Syllvir wrote: »
    PirateIzzy wrote: »
    I do agree that Kanna could use a rework for damage. Doesn't need to be OP, just doable.
    What Nexon could do is update Shikigami Haunting to make it more viable for mobbing, and make the damage boosts additive (and making it required to max out the skill to get the full boost, because Level 1 Frozen SH is the same as level 20). As for Tengu Strike, what Nexon could do is make it possible to teleport during the first Tengu attack, while reducing the delay for both and Mana Cost for the 2nd to 15. To make Orochi more useful, make the cooldown the same at all levels and have the 2nd Tengu Strike always activate while on cooldown, with a passive damage boost to Tengu.

    To be honest, they should make Demon's Fury or Shikigami Haunting the main mobbing skill. Those would be viable changes though.

    I think you're absolutely right, I do not advocate making Kanna OP, but right now the class has a LOT of quality issues.

    Personally, my mentality is to make older skills not entirely obsolete. Demon's Fury definitely doesn't need a cooldown though.
  • NihilisticNyxNihilisticNyx
    Reactions: 615
    Posts: 11
    edited July 2017
    I disagree with a lot of this.

    As a Kanna main,

    - Our mana problem is solved with our 5th job Yuki summon and Spirit's Domain to some extent at its third stage.
    - Orochi + Demon's Fury are skills that I'd never mob with.
    - Our teleport has an insane vertical range and a decent horizontal range, so our delay is slightly justified, so they would have to nerf its range to make it instant.
    - The only change I would do to Shikigami Haunting is to make it moveable while casting instead of being stuck in one spot.
    - If you are a low level Kanna then your primary hunting tactic would be to find the ideal platform with Kishin and chain it with Nimbus Curse every 45 seconds while you either use Vanquisher Charms or Tengu Strike on the other platforms while casting Mana Balance at every available chance. Git gud and learn to manage your mana at lower levels.
    - Haku needs to have a toggleable transformation form, and it doesn't even need to be new. Just let us keep Haku in his cute fox form while he is transformed, and I'd be permanently satisfied.
    - Are you serious about low mobbing at lower levels? As soon as you get Kishin and Tengu Strike then the whole map pretty much dies quickly unless the map is huge. Afterwards, we have insane mobbing summons from all our job advancements in the form of Spirit's Domain, Yuki, Kishin, Nimbus Curse, and our Sengoku Forces which kill so many monsters that I have to be careful on having all of them activate at once while training due to the lag.

    One major thing you didn't mention is the fact that Haku's Blessing ( the one skill that gives us half the magic attack of Haku's fan ) does not always get casted while we are training or bossing which means we lose a huge portion of our damage until it is recasted, and I would also suggest to have it act as a permanent buff with party members be within a certain adjacent radius to receive the buff from us.
  • DragooooooooonDragooooooooon
    Reactions: 1,060
    Posts: 32
    edited July 2017
    that whole class needs a complete rework, i have a level 140 kanna and it was a real pain to level up, no damage, no fun, the only thing that made it worth was that i could grind on lower level mobs because of kishin

    lol i got one to lvl 200 in 3 days, they have good map clearing skills they do need some minor adjustments, however.
  • HoneyWaterHoneyWater
    Reactions: 2,245
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    edited July 2017
    Didn't Kanna and Hayato get a Re-vamp o-o like not so long ago

    I think Kanna's Okay the way she is... idk on Reboot tho, i feel like She's a little weak in Reboot but who knows
    But Kanna's has a lot of Perks that many classes don't have like a exp Boost with the Monkey Spirit( i dont remember the skill name)
    Kanna's also has her Popular Kishin :D
    She's good for Meso farming in Reboot
    Kanna Mobbing might not have much range, But her Side Skill can Take up most of the Map like Kanna has 2 map Explosion Attack. (Orochi, and the other with Haku)
    and Kanna has a really good Buff also (Haku Blessing)

    The only Thing i feel like they should change about Kanna is the Max Mana Kanna has :o,
    it would be great if u could Increase it as ur hyper stat or something. Or make it a Passive Skill. I feel like that could be Op but i also feel like It's needed? It would also be cool if Demon Fury got no Cool-down... but Demon Fury does a lot of line, and using Shikigami haunting or whatever that Moving Attack is VANGUISHER CHARM or something for 4 seconds for Demon Fury to cool down can't be that bad... right?

    Kanna's also a good Support, Since she has the 2 Blossom Effect that looks really pretty to use while being afk and sitting in a chair even tho it won't last long, But still Pretty
    and Haku Blessing again :3
  • Jess82Jess82
    Reactions: 300
    Post: 1
    edited March 2021
    I just made a Kanna. I thought she looked cute and her Fox friend too. I recently got her to level 80. Any tips from here on out? Also is it better to use kanna robes or magician robes? Thanks. Any advice is appreciated.
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