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Check out the v.257 - Tallahart: Grave of the Gods Patch Notes
Does anyone have an updated KMS DPM chart for the 5th job update?
So, unrealistic scenarios, subjective rankings, math is not public (ie to know whether its even accurate math), evidence of creators of said charts artificially placing certain classes higher/lower than they would normally be. The charts are useless
On topic, here you go:
Honestly, i hardly doubt nexon count these charts to balance their classes.., they problably calculate themselves with more precision and neutral about the classes.
I find abit confusing how marksmans who got a buff with the new critical damage system, be on the lowest ranks..(used to be on top 15).
4~~6 arrows and 180sec cool down, compared to other jobs, we end up spamming snipe, it's not that exciting, you get a new skill it's not even worth using most of the game(specially with cores, where snipe should out-damage it easily).
Hope marksmans get something worth in this summer uptate in KMS.