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Check out the v.257 - Tallahart: Grave of the Gods Patch Notes
Do you think all characters in the world should have access to the familiar storage instead of having to scavenge for another Big Spider?
Some other features I would like to mention may be the ability to rename familiars (I missed the name of one.)
I just realized I could've name all my Xenon's familiars Roo-(initials). I have much regret.
However, I can't see any reason why we shouldn't be able to rename our familiars. All the good ideas always come five seconds after you click "Yes".
It just doesn't feel right to me to have a familiar unless I hunted for it on that character,
Some familiars cost a lot such as Cygnus and the most sought-after Wolf Underling are worth a lot. Would you pay more more wolves for your other characters?
yeah but wolf can only be found from marvel (consistently) and marvel brings in revenue.
You can get wolf from more then just marvel
I bought one wolf. I don't want my characters to have access to it and some other ones I collected.
I also don't enjoy grinding, so why not let all your characters share levels gained? Or inventory expansions? Or the cosmetic Salon? Or prequest completions?
I mean, wouldn't you rather have Gollux unlocked for all characters as soon as you do the prequests on one, instead of just being able to move your Big Spider around and save a few minutes of the tediously long prequest line?
I would STILL like a familiar name change system though, as long as it requires paying Mesos and not NX cash.
Q: If all characters share the same familiar, will the player be able to name them differently for each character?