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Please bring Direct Game Launcher back debate plz?
Am trying using Nexon Launcher but i cant play with that so am forced to use steam to play and thats fine
but what if both steam and nexon launcher fails at some point?
nexon team its supposedly working on nexon launcher mainly
yet all i see its only pushing adds of the other nexon games instead of maplestory server stability or better network handling still not a fan of it really
all i want is to launch and play the game is that too much to ask for?
Bring Direct Launch back until Nexon Launcher can do at least as good a job as it did.
It sounds more organized, but it screws over a lot of players. On top of that, the launcher itself is heavily flawed with bugs, specific to Nexon Launcher. And that implies that many players actually use multiple games with the same account.
You could always do this, MapleStory accounts were always Nexon accounts that you could use for any of their games. The only time you save is not having to log into the games since you're already logged into the launcher, but that's pretty negligible to be honest.
A multitude of reasons; needing to store stuff on mules, not having enough character slots, maybe a fresh start?
Thats a thing to consider, I agree with the differences in patching. Old launcher was more efficient in patching.
Too subjective to take into account. For the sake of the debate.
"Too subjective"? Not an argument. You asked why people have multiple accounts, and I gave you a answer. It's obviously an issue that affects players; just because it doesn't apply to you doesn't mean it won't apply to someone else.
There may be cases of siblings/friends alternating between accounts. Some people may want to keep important items off their main accounts for security reasons. There are also people who may use mules for Kishin or Holy Symbol, or possibly other types of boosts. Before you say "This has nothing do with Nexon Launcher", you asked why one person would have multiple accounts in the first place, not about Nexon Launcher.
Even going away from the fact that some people have multiple accounts, there are other issues with the Nexon Launcher. For instance, it doesn't let people know if and why they may be banned (the client just crashes). Or is that too subjective for you? It also has done absolutely nothing to reduce the number of botters in the game, as some people hypothesized at first. The cases of it updating files have also affected players. And let's not forget the fact this beauty, which only ever occurred with the Nexon Launcher and because of how it functions (and I know you know what it is, I saw you comment on that thread):
All that is good in theory.
However, when the Launcher forces you to redownload the whole game often, or refuses to relaunch the game after it crashes because it thinks you're still "in game", then all that theoretical convenience is worth nothing. Which is why I said the GameLauncher should not have been removed before Nexon Launcher could perform equally well.
As for the "multiple accounts" - those are allowed by the ToS and used by many people for many reasons. Just because you don't use a feature doesn't mean that people who do should be punished.
We're not saying to ditch the Nexon Launcher. Keep it for those people who play multiple Nexon games with one account. And keep the GameLauncher for those people who play only MapleStory but on multiple accounts.
I dont think you understand what subjectivity is, the inherent personal reasons as to why you personally use many accounts is what is subjective, and using those reasons to suggest bringing the direct launcher back, the nexon launcher having issues in fact is objective. Lower your tone because youre making claims that arent connected.
There are many reasons to suggest bringing back the old launcher/direct launcher e.g the bugs and kinks the current nexon launcher has, the efficiency of the patching, being able to manual patch. But using the "multiple accounts" argument isnt the best because not everyone uses multiple accounts.
and yes Im well aware of the blank box issue, I am the one that brought it to the attention of the support team and they relayed the issue to the tech team.
Yeah, Im looking at it objectively, I would wager that is what the developers had envisioned, but it didnt work out that way. Im not saying it's wrong or against any rules to make multiple accounts, right? Im saying it isnt a good argument to support the request the direct launcher being brought back.
By the same logic, playing multiple Nexon games is also a subjective issue and not the best argument for having a central Nexon Launcher because not everyone plays multiple Nexon games.
In fact, I dare say I know more Maplers who have more than one account, than I know Maplers who play another Nexon game as well.
I do understand subjectivity, I'm saying it's not a good way to dismiss an argument, especially since I know for a fact that I'm not the only person who has some of these issues (heck, half of them don't even apply to me); I'm not arguing from my own personal perspective, but how it does affect many players. And my tone is fine, thank you, but you've been pretty condescending yourself, but let's put that to the side.
And just because not everyone deals with an issue, no matter how subjective it is, doesn't legitimatize the fact that it affects people regardless. It's not like we're talking about how something makes a person feel (like in the current political climate) affecting them compared to other players, but something that objectively (yes, objectively) does make things more inconvenient for many players. Not everyone gets banned or does anything risky, does that mean Nexon shouldn't do anything about that? If NL could work with people who use multiple accounts or not, it would be fine, but like AKradian stated above, just because you don't personally use it doesn't mean people who do should be affected.
Easier to manage accounts on their end.
That being said it isn't about "playing multiple nexon games" but having a single platform in which their respective titles are easy to access. Alluding to steam. That's basically what Nexon launcher is comparable to now but to a scale of just Nexon games.
What would be the difference in terms of purpose between playing multiple Nexon games and having a single platform in this case? The difference between Steam and NL is that the people who manage Steam expect their users to actually play multiple games, usually in the same genre, whereas Nexon's games are much more niche; one of everything, in a way.
Let's get this clear right now, I'm not against the direct launcher. I'm against the argument for it. It's a weak one.
Maybe it should be opened with "the evidence is clear, after the removal of the direct launcher, nexon launcher has had many technical issues that weren't foreseen." "In light of these issues, a consideration to reinstate the direct launcher for those that have the technical issues as an alternative to be able to play the game, would be appreciated by the player base." "Moreover, having the direct launcher also helps those of us that use multiple accounts (legitimately) for whatever reason (insert subjective reasons), and we will be happy campers"
The difference is in the intention, "for those that play many nexon games"
"so nexon games will all be in one place, easy access if you happen to play other nexon titles"
There's a difference