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Stuff for next ‘A Better Maple’


  • crimson24crimson24
    Reactions: 815
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    edited July 2017
    explorer thief's buffs don't have long enough durations. night lord has 6 buffs, shadower 7, and dual blade 6, before decent skills and 5th job skills are even taken into account. That's way too many for them to only last 200 seconds. flip the coin is very annoying to keep up with only a 120 second duration.

    Either increase the duration of thieves buffs to around 240 seconds or make 1 or 2 passives per job. Many other classes in the game are suffering from similar problems.
  • HorsechubHorsechub
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    edited July 2017
    Make a server merge/transfer event again! Broa/Khaini's fm barely goes up to fm4 whereas servers like Scania seem full to me!
  • JushiroNetJushiroNet
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    edited July 2017
    after thinking about it, I think I personally would rather skip flames in favour of bringing nebulites up to their level.

    - release S rank nebs (optional)
    - allow multiple neb slots 2-3
    - make nebs entirely untradable and fused with mesos only
    - add random A rank neb boxes where flames are normally sold in events/persistent shops/drops etc

    As an additional power up to get us closer to kms: add >15 starforce. Either a weakened version capped at 20 like ems had or the full 25 star.

    Should probably also consider removing flames from ems. I guess I don't really care about this since I am not there but I can imagine it's causing imbalances that won't be solved unless removed (or adding flames permanently again)

    Even if my specific idea is passed over, nebulites are in a very bad place right now and need a revamp/update. They're far too rare (just ask rebooties) and even in non-reboot they're so rare that 25% boss nebs are >15b now in bacon.
  • SeleriaSeleria
    Reactions: 1,170
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    edited July 2017
    I just really want to see more character slots. I have all 40 full,and there are only like 2or 3 that can NOT be made. Driving me crazy.

    So make available character slots match the number of classes.
  • JushiroNetJushiroNet
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    edited July 2017
    Suggestion to improve inventory usage/clarity.

    1. Move cash shop equips to the CASH inventory. Sure they're equips but we have a ridiculous amount of space we don't use in the cash tab. This separates covers from real items too.
    1.a) I imagine you can make this work for legacy items (that are already in equip) by placing them in the cash inventory when removed.

    2. To improve clarity for which items are already equipped and no longer tradable perhaps write untradable on them? Alternatively they could be use items that create the cash item. Use items are the tradable form, cash items are untradable.

    3. As a player convenience make all cash covers movable to the cash shop's inventory. Do they really need to be locked to your character?
  • iluvsuniluvsun
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    edited July 2017
    Something needs to be done about the equip and set up tab in our inventories. Expanding the slots we have for these tabs is a band aid solution and not really solving the problem. What should be done from now on is make set up items from event coin shops and such moveable within account and for cash items to be able to be moved into cs inventory this should also apply to past cs items we received such as the heroes blockbuster chat rings and hats. Also I would like if the damage skin storage could be expanded to hold more than 30 skins. With more and more events coming out that have new damage skins the current slots we have is not enough for all of them. I would suggest a number of 100 slots to be a good number, if that's too much make it 60 slots so its double of what we currently have.
  • SilvaSilva
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    edited July 2017
    1. Maple Rewards Shop: I like how Global MapleStory is following Korean MapleStory's footstep in working towards a less pay to win scenario, but there are still some items that requires user to purchase NX, with no other alternatives.

    Such as the Premium Fusion Ticket for fusing Rank B+ Nebulites. I know this is a GMS exclusive, but as it is now, A Rank Nebulite is only readily available for premium players. Non-premium players can only fuse up to C rank, and if it ranks up to B rank, they'll stay as "trash" forever, unless the player was lucky enough to get a good B Rank Nebulite on first try.

    Another such item is the Bonus Potential Cube. So far, the only way to change the Bonus Potential is to buy Bonus Potential Cube with NX Cash, there are no other alternatives, such as boss drop or monster collection. Even if the one added in Reward Shop is not as good as the current one in Cash Shop, it's still better than nothing.

    2. Dream Defender: My next complain is the Dream Defender. In my honest opinion, this "quest" is too hard. Only the best of the best can clear up to a reasonable stage to get enough coins to purchase reasonable number of Arcane Symbol per day. As it is now, even with 4mil range, one can only clear up to stage 30 at best and get up to 3 Arcane Symbol per day (without the 2x Dream Coins event). This is too little for too much effort. I suaggest either lower the difficult level of Dream Defender, increase the Dream Coins reward, or decrease the amount of Dream Coins required to buy the Arcane Symbol.

    The other thing about Dream Defender is that, the daily attempt still count even when you failed to clear the stage. It also considered as fail even if one get disconnected or crashed from MapleStory, I was utterly devastated when I crashed from MapleStory earlier. I'd suggest you make it so the failed attempt don't count towards the daily attempt, like how it is with Chu Chu Party Quest (Muto).
  • DaisukeHarutoDaisukeHaruto
    Reactions: 1,935
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    edited July 2017
    HoneyWater wrote: »

    Ok yea the Node aren't shared through-out other Characters i don't remember why i thought that, i feel like i read it somewhere but i guess i was just losing my Marble and HEY DON'T Bold the "Wrong" makes me feel uncomfortable.

    actually I thought u could o-o idk why tho x_x. I Remember Reading it somewhere but i forgot where. Or idk, But hey u didn't have to Bold the "Wrong" It makes me feel bad p_p.

    Could you be thinking Legion board?
  • JulyJuly
    Reactions: 2,720
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    edited July 2017
    Silva wrote: »
    1. Maple Rewards Shop: I like how Global MapleStory is following Korean MapleStory's footstep in working towards a less pay to win scenario, but there are still some items that requires user to purchase NX, with no other alternatives.

    Such as the Premium Fusion Ticket for fusing Rank B+ Nebulites. I know this is a GMS exclusive, but as it is now, A Rank Nebulite is only readily available for premium players. Non-premium players can only fuse up to C rank, and if it ranks up to B rank, they'll stay as "trash" forever, unless the player was lucky enough to get a good B Rank Nebulite on first try.

    Another such item is the Bonus Potential Cube. So far, the only way to change the Bonus Potential is to buy Bonus Potential Cube with NX Cash, there are no other alternatives, such as boss drop or monster collection. Even if the one added in Reward Shop is not as good as the current one in Cash Shop, it's still better than nothing.

    2. Dream Defender: My next complain is the Dream Defender. In my honest opinion, this "quest" is too hard. Only the best of the best can clear up to a reasonable stage to get enough coins to purchase reasonable number of Arcane Symbol per day. As it is now, even with 4mil range, one can only clear up to stage 30 at best and get up to 3 Arcane Symbol per day (without the 2x Dream Coins event). This is too little for too much effort. I suaggest either lower the difficult level of Dream Defender, increase the Dream Coins reward, or decrease the amount of Dream Coins required to buy the Arcane Symbol.

    The other thing about Dream Defender is that, the daily attempt still count even when you failed to clear the stage. It also considered as fail even if one get disconnected or crashed from MapleStory, I was utterly devastated when I crashed from MapleStory earlier. I'd suggest you make it so the failed attempt don't count towards the daily attempt, like how it is with Chu Chu Party Quest (Muto).

    I really hope they add those items to reward point shop.

    Also, i would like to suggest of making Damien boss fight into Private channel.. i think this will make the fight better with less lag and chances of 5 swords glitch to happen.
  • JulyJuly
    Reactions: 2,720
    Posts: 376
    edited August 2017
    another suggestion that will make maple better: Allow to attempt Lucid fight more than once per day (keep the clear one per week).. Players do get d/c and game crash in this game very often, and blocking them for a whole day to try again is.. sorry for the language.. stupid.

    It used to be same in Lotus boss, it was one attempt per day, and in a better maple patch this limitation got removed. so please do the same with Lucid boss..

  • DaxterbeerDaxterbeer
    Reactions: 7,580
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    edited August 2017
    why must mapleover9000 like everything?
  • HoneyWaterHoneyWater
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    edited August 2017
    Daxterbeer wrote: »
    why must mapleover9000 like everything?

    Cause it brings Joy to other people

    or maybe he likes everything \_( o 3 o )_/
    Oh also Did anyone in this forum say anything about Putting Un-tradable items in Storage, or maybe they could add a little personal chest where you could go to store your un-tradable items, or just extra storage.

    maybe *cough* Housing *cough*
    totally not a sign . _.
  • iluvsuniluvsun
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    edited August 2017
    Since this thread gets attention on occasion I would like to suggest a possible Guild PQ (GPQ) revamp? Me and my guild ran this pq awhile back like maybe year ago since it apparently still works and well it was pretty fun and nice to do something with my guildmates besides just socalizing and bossing. However the only issue was the rewards in the bonus room are severely outdated. I opened like one side of the room and got nothing but mesos, low lvl potions like white, blue, mana pots, and the really outdated scrolls that give like +2 def and what not. Nothing in the party quest itself may not need changing, except the lvl 30 sacrifice, but it would be nice if the rewards were worth the effort and gave items relevant to the current state of the game.
  • ThatBaldyThatBaldy
    Reactions: 1,145
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    edited August 2017
    Daxterbeer wrote: »
    Change the boss queueing system so randoms cannot hijack already formed parties.

    Good idea.
    Maybe they could change it to be similar to ursus as well. Ex. They could let people queue into a 6 man party, except instead of instantly popping at 2 people like it does now, the party could choose when to go/have a time limit. This way less parties can potentially take more players. And to address your issue, queuing could have an option to enable/disable what I mentioned above and otherwise queue with the current party members only. Then there is also the problem of keeping/selecting a channel for convenience instead of taking us to specific channels that can end up buggy due to overcrowding(zakum).
  • RollsRolls
    Reactions: 3,220
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    edited August 2017
    ThatBaldy wrote: »
    And to address your issue, queuing could have an option to enable/disable what I mentioned above and otherwise queue with the current party members only. Then there is also the problem of keeping/selecting a channel for convenience instead of taking us to specific channels that can end up buggy due to overcrowding(zakum).

    This already exists in easy cygnus queueing. It just takes your current party, I believe, if not it just takes you straight to the area. I highly doubt people would want to be paired up to boss with random people, especially for smaller daily bosses like Zakum and Horntail. They should either replace queueing with teleporting to the boss entrance or make both of them options. Because although it's a stretch, having an actual queue option for endgame or lategame bosses might be useful, since of course it's hard to find a Lucid party, and maybe there'd be a bit of a struggle to find one for Lotus and Damien.
  • DaxterbeerDaxterbeer
    Reactions: 7,580
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    edited August 2017
    Rolls wrote: »
    ThatBaldy wrote: »
    And to address your issue, queuing could have an option to enable/disable what I mentioned above and otherwise queue with the current party members only. Then there is also the problem of keeping/selecting a channel for convenience instead of taking us to specific channels that can end up buggy due to overcrowding(zakum).

    This already exists in easy cygnus queueing. It just takes your current party, I believe, if not it just takes you straight to the area. I highly doubt people would want to be paired up to boss with random people, especially for smaller daily bosses like Zakum and Horntail. They should either replace queueing with teleporting to the boss entrance or make both of them options. Because although it's a stretch, having an actual queue option for endgame or lategame bosses might be useful, since of course it's hard to find a Lucid party, and maybe there'd be a bit of a struggle to find one for Lotus and Damien.

    Queuing for Easy Cygnus just takes you to cygnus, and not your party. This dirty trick has been by players to keep a handy HS mule around especially when you have flying mobs in the Arcane River.
  • Nick1192Nick1192
    Reactions: 325
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    edited August 2017
    Server Time: Add an in-game clock on player's UI.

    Kritias: You did well allowing the eluna express to be accessed every hour 24 hours a day, but that is only one time limited event. Currently Kritias offers 8 invasions per day, 1 every 2 hours starting 1 A.M. pst, ending at 3 P.M. pst. Changing Kritias invasions to every 2 hours all hours of the day, for a total of 12 invasions daily, or even changing it to every 3 hours, 24 hours a day, to keep the 8 invasions daily, would help tremendously for people who cannot make the awkward timed invasions. Many players who live in NA and work during the day cannot get on for any invasions because of their terrible timing, and requiring 400 invasions or dailies for tyrant gloves is quite a commitment to get, especially in reboot where you can only get tyrant gloves in that manner. Also allowing teleport rocks to be usable in Kritias would help greatly, there is no reason why they shouldn't be allowed there, especially when people can teleport into Kritias with the hyper teleport rocks ONLY if they had saved the maps inside of Kritias while doing the prequest line.

    Nebulites/Flames/25 Star equips: As a Reboot player, PLEASE allow us a better way to get nebulites. Nebulites as how they are currently are just purely not strong enough, and way too hard to get. After playing the game thousands of hours, at level 239, I still am missing nebulites on most of my gear. The nebulites I have acquired are majority C rank nebulites, and each one takes hours of farming to acquire. Because there are so many useless nebulites like weapon defense, accuracy, facial expressions, etc... to get even 1% mainstat C nebulites for our gear takes many fusions, which even have a chance of tiering down. A nebulites, the most rare and helpful nebulites, are practically impossible to obtain in reboot with the exception of the Maplehood Watch event which comes around once per year. Aside from that one event, getting an A neb takes literally months of farming. The current state of nebulites makes them equivelent to about 1 extra starforce for a C Neb, which is nowhere near strong enough to replace flames or 25 stars which GMS currently doesn't have. Some possible solutions for nebulites would be to allow nebulite boxes to be purchased with meso (on reboot), similar to cubes, or add an area where nebulites could be specifically farmed for(arcane river as a suggestion), or add them to shops such as legion, ursus, and kritias.. There also needs to be a boost to how strong nebulites are. The addition of flames, 25 stars, and an update for nebulites would solve many problems, not only would it allow more people to have hope of clearing end game bosses, it would also revive some less useful shops, like the kritias shop, ursus shop, and revive crafting (flames can be crafted in KMS). Nebulites alone are far too rare and too weak to help players that are in anything lower than the top .01% to kill the current end game bosses. In Reboot, very few groups are killing lucid, and no one can even hope to attempt hard lucid until we get much, much stronger.

    Chat: Please allow us to filter chat for things like honor exp, drops from events like the valentines one and the rocket one, where it counts how many points you have in the chat box. Also allow us to scroll through the chat box while looting. Currently if you try to scroll through the chat box while looting many things, even just meso bags, it acts as if the items you loot take up a line of chat, so the chat box scrolls up rapidly while looting if its currently being scrolled through.

    Cash Shop: Increase how often the stamp shop is changed, and add more items to it. As a reboot player, where no trading of any items, even duplicate cash items can happen, the stamp shop is a godsend. The only issue is the inventory of the stamp shop stays the same for months at a time. When it does eventually change, it only has a few items in it, and many aren't special for how many stamps they cost. In addition, allow us to purchase monster park entries for meso again. I personally did monster park 7 times every sunday every week for the past few months, because I had a goal of getting to lvl 250, and the exp coupons gained from that helped tremendously. Currently the only way to obtain extra monster park entries is through the override coin shop, where you can only purchase 1 entry per day with a 1 day duration, per character.

    Reboot Specific: Meso farming is in a great place when compared to how it was a few months ago, however, as more people play reboot, the meso farming maps become ever more crowded. Ghost Ship, Mysterious Path 3, Alien Corridor 6, and Longest Ride on ByeBye Station are the current meso farming areas, as well as some less well known areas in Ulu city and Malaysia. However, even with how many maps are available, they still fill up. ByeBye station, a theme dungeon in fantasy theme park, is great as is, but it caps at 20 entries per channel, at a maximum of 400 people. (20 channels). The purpose of the instanced ByeBye map is to allow people to meso farm without stress about having to hold a map 2+ hours before the 2x events even start. There is also no way you can be ks'd out of your map at ByeBye station. As an instanced map, there should not be a cap to the number of people who can enter. Every 2x event for the past few weeks has had ByeBye fill up, so no more people can enter. This leads to people waiting outside the map hoping that someone will exit soon to reset their 2 hour timer in order to steal the spot.

    Inventory: Being able to have equipment "setups" available to be saved, and switched on the go, would help tremendously for switching in between damage, and drop gear. Having to manually equip items in boss fights without a chest containing the rewards, but with death counts, like lotus, damien, and chaos vellum cause many people to either not risk putting on drop gear, therefore getting little to no soul shards, stigma stones, S cores, emblems... etc, or continue dodging abilities, while changing into drop gear one by one, where getting hit could mean you die, and at the very least you have to stop changing gear since you cannot change while you are in "combat" (recently been hit). Also, even though many items that used to stack at 300 now stack at 3000, inventory still needs to be more condensed. Having the ability to get higher slot Soul Bags would help tremendously in reboot. Many players like myself have the best souls currently in our weapons, and just save all other souls until a "5x chance for magnificient" soul event comes around, and with how few events of those we get, players like me have upwards of 30 stacks stacks of souls in our inventory, even after using our 8 slot soul bags. Also allowing ore drops to stack above 100 would help greatly.

    Nodes/5th job: Allow us to disassemble more than one node at a time. When you are getting hundreds, even thousands of nodestones while leveling to 250, the time it takes to disassemble them is absurd. Please give us a mass disassemble function, and another great utility would be to auto-disassemble nodes for classes that are not your own (with the exception of classes that can job switch, don't have the function auto disassemble nodes which they may use in case of a job switch, an example being explorer night lord disassembling any kaiser nodestones, but keeping all NL, shadower, and dual blade nodes). In addition, it would be helpful to add a way to sort through your nodes easier, having them sorted by usable nodes, special nodes, common (class specific) skills, etc. Also please make the visual size of arcane symbol drops and arcane river droplet stones drops the same visual size as nodestones, massive enough to see very easily and not be missed.

    Legion: Allowing players to save specific setups would be very useful, for leveling, you would obviously want to put many pieces into bonus exp, but while bossing that is completely unnecessary and just a waste of pieces having them in bonus exp. Rearranging your legion board for every time you want to level versus do bossing is too slow, add presets that allow us to save setups. As well, when a legion piece is overlapping over another, you should make that overlapped square red, so people can more easily see that they are wasting a square.

  • RollsRolls
    Reactions: 3,220
    Posts: 177
    edited August 2017
    Nick1192 wrote: »
    Nodes/5th job: Allow us to disassemble more than one node at a time. When you are getting hundreds, even thousands of nodestones while leveling to 250, the time it takes to disassemble them is absurd. Please give us a mass disassemble function, and another great utility would be to auto-disassemble nodes for classes that are not your own (with the exception of classes that can job switch, don't have the function auto disassemble nodes which they may use in case of a job switch, an example being explorer night lord disassembling any kaiser nodestones, but keeping all NL, shadower, and dual blade nodes). In addition, it would be helpful to add a way to sort through your nodes easier, having them sorted by usable nodes, special nodes, common (class specific) skills, etc. Also please make the visual size of arcane symbol drops and arcane river droplet stones drops the same visual size as nodestones, massive enough to see very easily and not be missed.

    A future update will make it so you only get nodes for your class in exchange for requiring more exp to level them, and I believe there is or will be an update in KMS that allows multiple nodes to be disassembled at the same time.
  • JushiroNetJushiroNet
    Reactions: 6,160
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    edited August 2017
    all boss queues should be like easy cygnus.
  • Nick1192Nick1192
    Reactions: 325
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    edited August 2017
    Additions to earlier post:

    Character Stats page: Allow us to see certain stats such as drop %, meso obtain %, total exp % (including all buffs), total %mainstat gained from equips/buffs, and %att gained from equips/buffs.

    Inventory: Make spell traces and event boxes stack to 99999, 1 stack currently 9k, in reboot takes not too long considering the amount of farming required to progress. Allow us to use more than 1 coin pouch, or just add a separate "coin" inventory, every event has different coins, and many events come around more than once, so its beneficial to keep these coins, which fill up the etc tab quite fast.

    Leaderboards: Currently in Reboot, the same people are always at the top of dojo and dream defender, with completely impossible clears. Players clearing floor 170 in dream defender on reboot for example, is literally not possible without hacking. Maybe keep a tiny bit better tabs on current leaderboards like dojo and dream defender to make them competitive? It's not like its new hackers topping the rankings every week, its always the same ones, and the clears they are making are actually absurd. Just by looking at the leaderboards for 5 seconds and you can instantly figure out who multiple end-game hackers are.
