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Check out the v.257 - Tallahart: Grave of the Gods Patch Notes
Did the the Rose Clipping (pocket slot quest item) get massively buffed or something?
AH was flooded with over 30 cheap Rose Clippings (no not "Rose" item, actual clippings) and the price plummeted from ~250m to ~50mil.
Bought a whole bunch yesterday but AH is still packed with a whole bunch of cheap ones, so did the drop rate change? (duping?)
[Probs should have found out before mass buying. xd]
For reference, any idea which patch/how long ago you mean by "earlier"?
But like 3 groups of 10+ (bought them in groups on 10's where they were priced the same and listed around the same time) over ~24ish, seems a bit of an op buff.
You are correct
They probably raised the drop rate since they didnt just raise nodestone and those items' base rate, they raised other "sought after" items.
For reference, I'm in Scania. =l
RIP selling clippings for 400m.