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Member, Private Tester ardy
Reactions: 560
Posts: 34
Member, Private Tester
edited September 2017 in Tech Support
game is too lagging after patch


  • Member Caeleste
    Reactions: 530
    Posts: 7
    edited September 2017
    Yup. Same issue here. Since the patch, it's been really laggy - taking upwards to 30-40 seconds before buffs actually work (if I'm lucky enough to not have Maple crash on me). D/C'ing when I CC, go into the CS or try to change characters.
  • Member RikoLatté
    Reactions: 520
    Posts: 13
    edited September 2017
    I believe all my friends just got kicked from the server the moment I went back in. O.o the lag is real...
    Anytime you go to or out of the Cash Shop, Auction House, or anywhere thats not really a map, it kicks you.
  • Member dimnut43
    Reactions: 920
    Posts: 38
    edited September 2017
    same cant play with all this lag and keep getting booted from game is so annoying please shut down game and fix this so we all can at least do some of quests and dream defender is not something i can even attempt to do thank you for looking into this and fixing this
  • Member, Private Tester giiiinnnnnnaaaa
    Reactions: 1,175
    Posts: 28
    Member, Private Tester
    edited September 2017
    Hey, I keep dcing. I dc when I change channel, go to cash shop, muto and dice game. Someone please resolve this issue soon. I don't want to have to wait til the next scheduled maint. The game is unplayable right now.
    Character Name: GeeLady
    Level: 222? cant remember lol
    World: Bello
    Date/Time: 9-3-17 10:15am CT
    Steps to Resolve: Reload game launcher, restart computer.
  • Member CrystalOra
    Reactions: 3,235
    Posts: 667
    edited September 2017
    I have not been able to get on and stay on the game since last night. I can't play at all like this.
  • Member, Private Tester TheOutlander
    Reactions: 1,230
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    Member, Private Tester
    edited September 2017
    I have the same issue, I thought that if I gave Maple complete freedom over my internet security (lifting firewall restrictions, making exceptions in my antivirus, etc.) maybe the game would work better which it hasn't. I log in for 5 minutes, the game lags like crazy up to 10 seconds between actions such as using items before disconnecting me. Are the servers being DDoS'd? Seriously, the channel population on my world (Broa) is nigh empty. By this point I dont mind an unscheduled maintenance to check what's going on.
  • Member SlayerKev2
    Reactions: 620
    Posts: 28
    edited September 2017
    Has nexon even mentioned anything about the server instability or are they just ignoring it and hoping it goes away?
  • Member, Private Tester RiceyTofu
    Reactions: 800
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    Member, Private Tester
    edited September 2017
    I definitely can relate to everyone from all these posts. The server is extremely unstable. I can barely stay on or even when I try to log in, I completely crash or disconnect from the entire game. Having those two unscheduled server maintenance a few days ago basically destabilized the servers. Maybe this is a backlash for nerfing the drop rate? .No idea, but for a patch that is called Tune Up, the gameplay has gotten worse instead of improving. Also, the hackers have moved from Blaze Wizards to Kannas now since the Kishin got buffed. Nexon, you basically are working for the hackers at this rate with these changes.
  • Member SlayerKev2
    Reactions: 620
    Posts: 28
    edited September 2017
    As it stands i cant even play the game, every time i log in i lag so hard i cant even kill a mob, and if i change channels or try to quit out to the server select screen i just crash.
  • Member xxHorntailxx
    Reactions: 1,860
    Posts: 257
    edited September 2017
    cant stand the lag....my internet was solid as well...
  • Member PonPon
    Reactions: 1,265
    Posts: 53
    edited September 2017
    I'm getting the "Not responding" message upon logging in. Server lag is the cause. Can't even play the game properly...
  • Member TheToxicDudeFromRene
    Reactions: 845
    Posts: 58
    edited September 2017
    Maple SEA is being DDoS'd. Most likely GMS is also experiencing issues due to this. Be patient.
  • Member SlayerKev2
    Reactions: 620
    Posts: 28
    edited September 2017
    Honestly i'm not angry that its lagging i'm angry that nexon isn't even acknowledging it, they could at least give us a heads up as to whats going on or something, its been lagging like this for almost 20 hours now and they haven't even mentioned anything about it once.
  • Member mrskannax
    Reactions: 740
    Posts: 37
    edited September 2017
    well thb im anoyed too, 1st i cant do vanishing journey quests...2nd lagg and D/C , but cmon i cant complain ,nexon its doing there job in there way just imagine if u had a game like this big ,you cant be there for every little problem with the game , so much coding and stuff. lets just be patient and go out for a bit, i bet most of us spent most of our times playing this game :S n.n7
  • Member, Private Tester Roni777
    Reactions: 1,180
    Posts: 256
    Member, Private Tester
    edited September 2017
    Not only you. All of my friends in reboot has the same issues. even some can't play coz they keep crashing. You are still lucky can play
  • Member MisterPoo
    Reactions: 570
    Posts: 26
    edited September 2017
    Nexon are cowards. Not addressing the issue to save face.
  • Member SlayerKev2
    Reactions: 620
    Posts: 28
    edited September 2017
    mrskannax wrote: »
    well thb im anoyed too, 1st i cant do vanishing journey quests...2nd lagg and D/C , but cmon i cant complain ,nexon its doing there job in there way just imagine if u had a game like this big ,you cant be there for every little problem with the game , so much coding and stuff. lets just be patient and go out for a bit, i bet most of us spent most of our times playing this game :S n.n7

    I can understand that running an mmo cant be easy but still you cant just stay quiet on issues like widespread lag problems, it just makes the player angry at the game and makes them think that nothing is being done about it, even more so given its been almost 30 hours since these issues started.
  • Member xxHorntailxx
    Reactions: 1,860
    Posts: 257
    edited September 2017
    its been 3 days already....by thor's hammer, get it together, nexon..-_- oh, i rather be at college than play a game with so much lag and bad quality...
  • Member Mystery
    Reactions: 1,545
    Posts: 29
    edited September 2017
    My buddychat, guildchat, alliancechat is only about lagg / crashes at the moment. Really curious nexon when are you going to respond to your community?
    It literally took me a day to get one char to level 40 cause i crashed more times then i gained levels. I haven't seen this many black screens in all my maple years of playing as i have in the past few days. Basically i can't use CS or AH or even my farm. I can't cc or skill or train. And it's everyone having these issues. I was patient over the weekend cause i figured you would look into this issue when monday came. But it's now monday night and still no sign of life from nexon's end about all these issues. The game is unplayable and horribly frustrating. Surely you are going to let us know something soon i would hope? I think we deserve that at least.
  • Member RandomVixen
    Reactions: 500
    Posts: 5
    edited September 2017
    Cant log on anymore..IF im lucky i can get to pick channel screen.