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Check out the v.257 - Tallahart: Grave of the Gods Patch Notes
Permanent Safety Charm is an item that prevents your character from losing exp when dying, forever.
These items were offered for sale
five years ago, around the same period as the permanent Hyper Teleport Rocks and Permanent Pendant Slots.
The latter two have made a return through random-reward Cash events.
Permanent Safety Charms have not, probably because one-time Safety Charms can be bought with meso (from NPC Matilda), so people's willingness to spend hundreds of dollars to try to obtain a permanent one, is not high.
However, I feel that, despite the fact that Safety Charms can be bought for meso, some people would be willing to pay a reasonable price in NX for the convenience of not having to bother keeping track of their Safety Charms and constantly stocking up. I know I would.
So, my request is to offer Permanent Safety Charms for direct sale in the Cash Shop.
I thought so too, since the multi-use charm is called gem now. But when I tried to find when it was offered, I found out it was called a Charm back then (see the link in the first post), and assumed it probably still is in the data by that name. If you actually own one and know its name got changed, I'll gladly change my post and title.
Especially because of the level cap increase.
The permanent gem/charm is even more convenient though if they want to bring that back through whatever means... marvel/directSale/etc/etc
They may as well bring it back for direct sale. No one buys them out of the cash shop anymore since whatsherface in most towns sells three non-expiring one-time-use charms per day. So it's not like they'd be missing out on any nx sales. Hell, they might be able to squeeze some last bit of money out of them before everyone has permanent safety charms.
my thoughts exactly.