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A lot of problems...

Reactions: 100
Posts: 10
edited September 2017 in General Chat
Returned after not playing for a couple years. Downloaded and installed late yesterday 9/9/2017 and things ran ok. Today 9/10/2017 things ran fine for about 90 minutes then game started freezing up... had to kill tasks and reboot... took about 8 attempts to finally get in for a little while and now it is back to that behavior. Can't connect to game server after selecting channel... if I get further then can't connect to game server after entering PIN... try again and again and then at some point get connected and can play but lots of lag. Changing channels works only about 50% of the time, changing characters works about 50% of the time... game freezes the other 50%... Now I can't log in again repeating the same thing again of either just freezing or not connecting to game server... Odds and ends of other people saying they are having issues but nothing specifically. Windows 10 64 - 16 gigs of RAM - Mardea

Any help appreciated.


  • TheOutlanderTheOutlander
    Reactions: 1,230
    Posts: 83
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    edited September 2017
    Sorry for your current state man, I'm going to give the rundown to you in the most neutral way possible. The servers have been in their worst state since the Firepower Update (personal opinion here) and we don't know why exactly. In other threads some have speculated its due to a mishap in the gift box system and while proven false, some still believe the lack of connectivity to be due to a DDoS attack. Frankly I've never seen so much rage projected onto the forums ever.

    Long story short, be on the lookout for the eventual update that maybe fixes these issues and everything will be fine.
  • EfficientlyLazyEfficientlyLazy
    Reactions: 815
    Posts: 66
    edited September 2017
    Sorry for your current state man, I'm going to give the rundown to you in the most neutral way possible. The servers have been in their worst state since the Firepower Update (personal opinion here) and we don't know why exactly. In other threads some have speculated its due to a mishap in the gift box system and while proven false, some still believe the lack of connectivity to be due to a DDoS attack. Frankly I've never seen so much rage projected onto the forums ever.

    Long story short, be on the lookout for the eventual update that maybe fixes these issues and everything will be fine.

    It makes sense though. Support staff is once again, telling us that it is our problem with most of the issues that we're facing. There's been 7 maintenances this patch alone. If people have spent money on items i.e. Hyper Teleport Rock (30 DAYS) like I have, then a lot of that is being wasted because I'm not going to spend an hour trying to get on and stay on only to do 5 minutes worth of work inside the game.

    There is factually no other company that takes more advantage from their playerbase while not giving back in greater amounts or lowering the gambling paywall despite having an unstable game that had its instability increased furthermore upon this patch. Yes, they had/have it coming. Every criticism is well deserved.
  • Roni777Roni777
    Reactions: 1,180
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    edited September 2017
    Doppel it is not you. currently maple is facing a massive game crash/lag/black screen. It started around a week ago after update. It is happening to everyone. So it's not your side, it is on nexon. Just wait until they hopefully fix it
  • DoppelRatcatDoppelRatcat
    Reactions: 100
    Posts: 10
    edited September 2017
    Many thanks all for the information. Hopefully they get it fixed. Seems things never change...
  • GlirotusGlirotus
    Reactions: 1,520
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    edited September 2017

    My hypothesis (some GMs should read my hypothesis) Sept 3rd 11:59 pm server time, this was the last day of my lag-free maple experience. Then everything changed after a quest pop-up after the clock rolled to midnight. This quest was Big Bully's. I accepted the quest and the game started lagging like never before non-stop.

    I feel that this quest is the culprit of Maple-pocalypse of 2017.

    This is just my observation and theory.

  • DoppelRatcatDoppelRatcat
    Reactions: 100
    Posts: 10
    edited September 2017
    Glirotus, let's hope that today's unscheduled maintenance takes care of the problem...
  • DigDatDoeDigDatDoe
    Reactions: 300
    Post: 1
    edited September 2017
    Maintenance didn't fix anything... I'm still getting the blank pop up when trying to start the game. How many unscheduled maintenance have we had, I think I lost count... -_-
  • NeospectorNeospector
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    edited September 2017
    DigDatDoe wrote: »
    Maintenance didn't fix anything... I'm still getting the blank pop up when trying to start the game. How many unscheduled maintenance have we had, I think I lost count... -_-

    Blank error message can be fixed by tweaking your registry:

    Open the Regedit program on your computer and locate "Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\AppCompatFlags\Layers"
    Then, find the registry that contains the filepath for your Maplestory files
    Right click>"Modify">delete the value
  • DoppelRatcatDoppelRatcat
    Reactions: 100
    Posts: 10
    edited September 2017
    Worked great at 4pm PST... played a couple of hours... Now all I get is a run time error which I didn't before. Also got an odd pop-up after connecting to channel about them wanting to collect stats off my PC... couldn't click agree or cancel and from then on couldn't log in without out Maplestory getting a runtime error or freezing... Oh well...
  • NeospectorNeospector
    Reactions: 9,760
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    edited September 2017
    Worked great at 4pm PST... played a couple of hours... Now all I get is a run time error which I didn't before. Also got an odd pop-up after connecting to channel about them wanting to collect stats off my PC... couldn't click agree or cancel and from then on couldn't log in without out Maplestory getting a runtime error or freezing... Oh well...

    Runtime errors can typically be solved by updating your 32-bit C++ Runtime Libraries:

    If this doesn't work, I'm not sure. Some of the other VFMs are better at fixing those errors than I am.
  • DoppelRatcatDoppelRatcat
    Reactions: 100
    Posts: 10
    edited September 2017
    Neospector, Everything is fully updated. The runtime errors occur only once in a while and only during periods where it is difficult to login. I have also noticed that my daughters account has far more issues logging in then mine no matter which computer she uses...
  • DoppelRatcatDoppelRatcat
    Reactions: 100
    Posts: 10
    edited September 2017
    And we are back to exactly the same issues... lag pockets of up to a minute when I can get in... repeated attempts to log in result in the application window just freezing after selecting channel or selecting character depending on how far the log in gets... runtime error on launching game after a couple of failed frozen logins... rebooting doesn't help and one really should not have to reboot due to application erros such as this.

    I am still curious about the one screen after the character select that asked permission to gather statistics from my PC... the screen was from within the Maplestory login and mentioned turning this off and on in the options. I could do nothing but kill the app as it had totally stopped responding at that point.
  • AznboiEAznboiE
    Reactions: 3,445
    Posts: 519
    edited September 2017
    Sorry for your current state man, I'm going to give the rundown to you in the most neutral way possible. The servers have been in their worst state since the Firepower Update (personal opinion here) and we don't know why exactly. In other threads some have speculated its due to a mishap in the gift box system and while proven false, some still believe the lack of connectivity to be due to a DDoS attack. Frankly I've never seen so much rage projected onto the forums ever.

    We know it's a DDoS attack, Nexon America won't admit it, but it's pretty obvious everyone is mad at the previous changes made during this event, and it's commonplace in maplestory when something hurts everyone that there's a DDoS attack. (I personally remember a time where there were botters farming elite drops here and there and when Nexon applied a huge patch to stop botters they retaliated with DDoS). Everything was fine the first 2 days of the update, then suddenly the servers crapped themselves with no explaination. When they turn off servers for maintenance DDoS-ers stop DDoS-ing and when they restart the servers, its fine for a few hours until the DDoS-ers find out the game is back up to start DDoS-ing again. I just want some closure man.