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Server instability megathread


  • Member mrskannax
    Reactions: 740
    Posts: 37
    edited September 2017
    if any of you guys are going to quit ill accept all of ur equips and mesos, thanks n.n love all of yall <3
  • Member Minimelt35
    Reactions: 840
    Posts: 8
    edited September 2017
    Arlong wrote: »
    I've quit until further notice. I'll occasionally check the forum to see if the lag has cleared up. I refuse to play under such conditions, I don't care what event is going on. I've stuck through all the ddos, instability and terrible updates through the past decade that I've been playing but this is unreal.

    I'm basically on the same board as you, it's just ridiculous at this point. It'd be better for them to take the game down until they have a guaranteed fix or at least a fix that would make it moderately playable for more than 5 minutes without crashing.
  • Member, Private Tester AKradian
    Reactions: 40,340
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    edited September 2017
    mrskannax wrote: »
    if any of you guys are going to quit ill accept all of ur equips and mesos, thanks n.n love all of yall <3

    Quit? Why would we quit? This is the best boss in the game right now.
    1) Equally difficult at all funding levels
    2) Unlimited daily clears - to get more entry tickets, just attempt one of the following quests: "Visit Cash Shop", "Change Channel", "Fight Inferno Wolf", "Use Boss Queue", and many, many more (have fun discovering them all yourself!)
    3) Rewards: as much exp, meso, and valuable drops as you can farm in the boss's bonus stage, a.k.a Maplestory!

    What's not to like?
  • Member Lilyflower
    Reactions: 4,030
    Posts: 760
    edited September 2017
    I wish they would hire professionals from other mmos to fix the server,lag,crash and other ingame issue,
    but nope nexon america is being stingy=greedy as always -.-".
  • Member, Private Tester LolaBunny
    Reactions: 2,785
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    edited September 2017
    They should just get the Nexon Korean team. Considering KMS team works hard to keep the server stable and not trash, I don't see why gms Nexon can't just get a few employees from Korea to fix the issues.
  • Member Lilyflower
    Reactions: 4,030
    Posts: 760
    edited September 2017
    They should just get the Nexon Korean team. Considering KMS team works hard to keep the server stable and not trash, I don't see why gms Nexon can't just get a few employees from Korea to fix the issues.
    that is what im talking about! it would be so much better if there is korean team fix issues with the game since their the best team to handle crash,lag and other issues.

  • Member ftfy
    Reactions: 840
    Posts: 28
    edited September 2017
    Day 10, servers still down. Hands cold... due to not enough maple play. Maple Admins no where to be seen... Its quiet, too quiet.. Im scared.. will we ever find hope again.. 4

    -Transmission ended -
  • Member DealingJoker
    Reactions: 200
    Posts: 3
    edited September 2017
    Its ridicoulus. 10 days and the game still isn't even close to working. Can login, thats where it stops. world loads but can't talk to npc's, can't go to CS, can't use portals. Then comes the "Maplestory has stopped working" notification. Awesome game this one!
  • Member DealingJoker
    Reactions: 200
    Posts: 3
    edited September 2017
    At this rate they might aswell throw the servers offline for 2 days, roll the server back to before the original maitenance and give us all 2 weeks of 24/7 3x exp and 3x drop. Thats atleast a way to fix this game and get it stable again. Sick of it.
  • Member Zouyiro
    Reactions: 1,020
    Posts: 49
    edited September 2017
    After all the maintenances nexon did my client keeps crashing so much. Can't try changing channels, using owls to move on FM, access Auction or Cash Shop without a lottery of client crash.

    Even during the Maintenance of GRAZED, I tested other servers same thing & after GRAZED "fixed" is still the same or worst.

    Can you actually fix this massive client crash issue? Close the game for a week or something but fix it. I've so many glitch trying to enter the game.. always crashing for client not responding, 'account already connected', 'account not verified'.. closing the client always freeze the client & most of the times changing characters freeze/crash the client.

    Maplestory's client has always been pretty bad but with TuneUp is PRETTY BAD.
  • Member Saifs
    Reactions: 1,015
    Posts: 30
    edited September 2017
    Be careful guys. This thread has too much legitimate criticism of Nexon. Any time now, the moderators of justice will rain down fire and close the thread

    Yes you're right crusading against nexon not allowed #closethread
  • Member Zouyiro
    Reactions: 1,020
    Posts: 49
    edited September 2017
    Archeryi wrote: »

    What the title reminded me of

    lmao. Well Maplestory's client has always been pretty bad... but since TuneUp update the client/server is a joke
  • Member HaltishPower
    Reactions: 320
    Posts: 5
    edited September 2017
    Repugnant client and server service.
  • Member Zouyiro
    Reactions: 1,020
    Posts: 49
    edited September 2017
    Yea men, right now the game is unplayable.
  • Member Zouyiro
    Reactions: 1,020
    Posts: 49
    edited September 2017
    Zouyiro wrote: »
    After all the maintenances nexon did my client keeps crashing so much. Can't try changing channels, using owls to move on FM, access Auction or Cash Shop without a lottery of client crash.

    Even during the Maintenance of GRAZED, I tested other servers same thing & after GRAZED "fixed" is still the same or worst.

    Can you actually fix this massive client crash issue? Close the game for a week or something but fix it. I've so many glitch trying to enter the game.. always crashing for client not responding, 'account already connected', 'account not verified'.. closing the client always freeze the client & most of the times changing characters freeze/crash the client.

    Maplestory's client has always been pretty bad but with TuneUp is PRETTY BAD.

    Right now is even WORST my client is crashing going out of bosses or queu.ing what a joke.
  • Member AznboiE
    Reactions: 3,445
    Posts: 519
    edited September 2017
    I definitely like the new classes that they released during this update: The Frustrated Player and the Toxic Player. They even allowed job change so you can switch between the two. I myself have already reached 5th job as a Frustrated Player.
  • Member Arurei
    Reactions: 545
    Posts: 20
    edited September 2017
    Nexon is obviously trying their best to satisfy you cry babies. Things happen, sometimes worse than others and this is one of those rare occasions where it has been persistent like this. So what? Maybe the problem is bigger than all of you can understand. Try cheering them on at least. Give them motivation. Who wants to try hard to fix something to satisfy a bunch of whiny people always starting something. Just because we have freedom of speech doesn't mean we have to be up someone's ass about something at every little thing that makes you unhappy.

    Cut Nexon some slack. They are not just sitting around sipping their coffee and laughing at us. They are also being financially effected by these sort of issues.

    Go outside for a bit, hang out with friends, do some chores around the house, plan something.
  • Member, Private Tester YinYangX
    Reactions: 3,995
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    edited September 2017
    Zouyiro wrote: »
    Can you actually fix this massive client crash issue? Close the game for a week or something but fix it.

    So maybe I'm just a bit ignorant, but what difference in result is there between closing the game for a week to do fixes vs just repeatedly doing unscheduled maintenance?
    If there's no difference, you can just take your week off the game and let the rest of us try logging in and play for whatever short periods we can instead of closing off the game completely from everyone.
  • Member Ron
    Reactions: 730
    Posts: 21
    edited September 2017
    Hope this time it will work =P
  • Member, Private Tester TheOutlander
    Reactions: 1,230
    Posts: 83
    Member, Private Tester
    edited September 2017
    Listen here m8, we've been enduring a whole week's worth of these connection issues. We've gone through about 4 unscheduled maintenances of which there's probably more I have forgotten about and yet no fix has been found. We tried to "cheer them on" as you insisted for a good half of that week and we got no response for it. Also regarding that tired and lazy "Go outside" argument, you must have a narrow minded perception of free time. Most of us here have jobs, school, college in my case and the simple want to play a game after all of that; just for us to come to a game that refuses to work is a good reason to be somewhat dissapointed in them.