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Server instability megathread


  • Member YamiNL
    Reactions: 550
    Posts: 23
    edited September 2017
    I've been having the same problem too, i kept re-installing like 3 times and nada.
  • Member, Private Tester Albinorock
    Reactions: 2,205
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    Member, Private Tester
    edited September 2017
    I dont plan on trying anymore. I might get a heart attack.
  • Member BMW750i
    Reactions: 485
    Posts: 15
    edited September 2017
    DeeMon wrote: »
    I haven't been able to play my Hayato properly since this Frig Up update for reasons unknown, dood.

    No body cares about your hayato obsession drop the **** already. Hayato was the MOST op class in MS history, they deserved that nerf.
  • Member Daxterbeer
    Reactions: 7,580
    Posts: 1,091
    edited September 2017
    DeeMon wrote: »
    I haven't been able to play my Hayato properly since this Frig Up update for reasons unknown, dood.

    It isn't just about Hayato, or other classes. I heard that getting desirable drops from mobs in Arcane River is a nightmare, but let me share with you another curse Tune-up had on me.

    The drop rate nerf had a huge impact on bossing. Items such as boss cubes drop less even with all the drop accessories and familiars equipped. I used to net about 4 cubes a day with drop gear after killing all the bosses. After the Tune up update, I receive 0-1 to a day. Even though we have an RP shop with Red and Black cubes, we are only restricted to buying 5 of each for month. It will be a lot harder for players to re-roll their potentials if Master Cubes suddenly started dropping less frequently. All the extra Master and Meisters are beneficial for getting your item to Unique before you use Black, Reds or Meisters for the tier up you need.

    Boss Accessories aren't as important to players funding mains, but they do serve as good items for players who want to outfit their mules something without spending so much on Gollux gear. Boss accessories (Condensed Power Crystals, Aquatic Letter Eye, Sea Diadus Earrings, Royal Metal Shoulder, Silver Blossom rings make good gear for players training their characters for their legions. After killing a boss like Zakum, I would count for a face accessory as well an eye accessory (ring and earring for Horntail and Badge and Shoulder for Magnus.) Ever since the patch, it has been a lot harder to outfit my characters. Without accessories to fuse or enhance (and no cubes to enhance them too,) I bet other people have a hard time getting stronger in terms of damage and legion strength.

    I really and not sure how nerfing drop rate for people with drop gear a balanced approach. If KMS's intention was to force LVL 200+ characters to slow down and return to areas in the Arcane River instead of maxing their symbol and never returning to that area, the devs should have focused on adjusting the drop rates whether it may be nodes, symbols or droplets instead of rewriting the drop rate formula. The devs may have not thought it well for GMS since KMS bosses always drop Occult Cubes and flames regardless of drop rate.

    I would like the cube and boss accessory drop rates to be restored to pre-tune up. I am not happy about about the nerfs made to Arcane River monster drops, but the cube/accessory drop rate nerf inhibiting early progression is just unacceptable.
  • Member Petalmagic
    Reactions: 7,660
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    edited September 2017
    This is sitting close to the same level as teh old DDoS of Legends (literally the name of the patch was Legends...so the DDoS is...Legendary) and that put the game out of commission for the same kind of time frame. We got like...super 2x for a week or so and a bunch of goodies. Back when I would have thrown money at Nexon. I am gonna have high standards on what Nexon does to make up for this mess (Honestly if they gave me that one Perm NX set I really want...I miiiiight let this slide...but that ain't gonna happen)
  • Member EfficientlyLazy
    Reactions: 815
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    edited September 2017
    Albinorock wrote: »
    I dont plan on trying anymore. I might get a heart attack.

    Yep. Takes me 2-5 just to get it started. Try to boss? D/C. Try to do anything? D/C.
    Not worth it.
  • Member AlmostEasy
    Reactions: 815
    Posts: 28
    edited September 2017
    I just solo'd Chaos Log in, took me 8 tries, how about you guys?
  • Member Daxterbeer
    Reactions: 7,580
    Posts: 1,091
    edited September 2017
    If we get a 25,000 Maple Point compensation as well as a free perm mini Yeti or other pet, I would forget about the lag all together. But if the weakened servers are a permanent feature to this update, I would try to play Maplestory from other regions.

    Nexon America surely takes the prize for the stingiest company for not investing money on better service and keeping players happy. I am wondering if Nexon would redeem themselves by taking player requests and suggestions seriously as well as properly maintaining their servers or they are planning on slaughtering their cows after they are done secreting milk.

  • Member BrokenMS
    Reactions: 580
    Posts: 21
    edited September 2017
    One word to Nexon = Garbage
  • Member, Private Tester TheOutlander
    Reactions: 1,230
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    Member, Private Tester
    edited September 2017
    2 tries, git gud m8.

    Maybe you need more %Success Rate
  • Member CrystalOra
    Reactions: 3,235
    Posts: 667
    edited September 2017
    i just want to play the game :/
  • Member Nyvor
    Reactions: 1,720
    Posts: 128
    edited September 2017
    > If we get a 25,000 Maple Point compensation as well as a free perm mini Yeti or other pet, I would forget about the lag all together.

    So funny, cause is unreal and unecessary, just trying to take profit from the chaos.
    Extended events and good servers should be enough for us. Hope they can make it.
  • Member Nyvor
    Reactions: 1,720
    Posts: 128
    edited September 2017
    Maybe that's gonna be the new legendary potential line "%success log in 15/20/25%" calculated as our PDR of course.
  • Member, Private Tester TheOutlander
    Reactions: 1,230
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    edited September 2017
    Nyvor wrote: »
    Maybe that's gonna be the new legendary potential line "%success log in 15/20/25%" calculated as our PDR of course.

    I can't wait for the cubes to be released!

    PS: In all seriousness we should just rename this to Sarcasm Thread amirite?
  • Member, Private Tester foussiremix
    Reactions: 2,335
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    edited September 2017
    When do they hire people that have actual skills to fix servers.
    They should hire people from other (good) mmo companies to fix the servers.
  • Member, Private Tester Fennekin
    Reactions: 2,941
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    Member, Private Tester
    edited September 2017
    I like it. It's a boss that puts f2p'ers and whales on even ground. Luna has the advantage cuz flames, though.
  • Member, Private Tester Roni777
    Reactions: 1,180
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    Member, Private Tester
    edited September 2017
    i get around 10-15 crash every hour
  • Member, Private Tester Roni777
    Reactions: 1,180
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    Member, Private Tester
    edited September 2017
    Nah all we need is a new event. Crashing event. 10 Times crashing = Epic potential scroll. 20 crash = unique potential scroll. 50 crash = legendary potential scroll. 10 crash for 30 days = Absolab weapon. Thank you maple
  • Member, Private Tester Roni777
    Reactions: 1,180
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    Member, Private Tester
    edited September 2017
    Nah all we need is a new event. Crashing event. 10 Times crashing = Epic potential scroll. 20 crash = unique potential scroll. 50 crash = legendary potential scroll. 10 crash each day for 30 days = Absolab weapon. I have been crashing more than 20 times perday past 10 days. 20 more days and i will get an absolab weapon YAY!. Thank you maple
  • Member Arlong
    Reactions: 4,645
    Posts: 424
    edited September 2017
    I've quit until further notice. I'll occasionally check the forum to see if the lag has cleared up. I refuse to play under such conditions, I don't care what event is going on. I've stuck through all the ddos, instability and terrible updates through the past decade that I've been playing but this is unreal.