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Check out the v.256 - The Dark Ride: Limbo Patch Notes
Mother of all compensations
Con someone from Nexon shine any light on how big the compensation you're going to give us is going to be? I mean.. I think we can all agree that you simply can't get away with giving everyone some 2x coupons and some spell traces this time..
And fellow maplers, feel free to add what you think would be an acceptable compensation?
Yes... please?
Spend $900 on MVP Diamond and you actually get that now lol
thanks in advance for reading.
Really though, after 2+ weeks of constant unscheduled maintenance, bugs and glitches out the wazoo, and the amount of discontent generated in the community, I'm not sure what would even make that acceptable.
I vote for 2 weeks of straight 3x Exp and Drop, and a new Burning Event. One that lets you choose a new character to be Burning once your current one hits 150. Let everyone get their Legion and Link skills up.
How about we just choose any character and it automatically becomes 250 with all items legendary and 3 lines of 12% stats... also 15 star tyrants! XD
XD I'd rather have 40 lvl 150 characters so I can actually advance my damned Legion, but I wouldn't say no.
Nah the game is ded, so don't need to worry about that
Hmm, assuming reboot has lost a ton of players, I guess i'll be ok with that.