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Check out the v.258 - MapleStory x Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba Patch Notes
Add "Master Chef Feedback" to coin shop
This item drops from the Furious Ritzy boss, that you fight after you repeatedly fail to get a recipe to 2 stars. You use this item by clicking on Chef Ritzy's head next to your "Try Again" button. He then gives you hints regarding the quantities of the ingredients in your recipe.
The problem is that at Legendary tier, the recipes have so many ingredients, that the way from 2 stars to 4 stars (which are required for the final medal and chair) can be very long, and you might run out of Feedback items and have no way to get any more. Ritzy only gets mad enough to fight you if you've never gotten that recipe to 2 stars.
So, I suggest that Master Chef Feedback items be sold in the "Spoon 'n' Pantry" coin shop, for those people who can no longer obtain them the normal way.

On top of this, it takes way too much space in my inventory (after ~4hours of trying Burrito combinations, my inventory looked like this: )
And even after using all these items to cook dishes, it doesn't feel like I've gotten any closer to the actual combination.
Adding another way to get Feedback by adding the items to the shop would be a very nice addition and make this event doable for me again.
For all the dishes before the legendary tier, you'd need 1 Feedback item, and for the Legendary ones you'd need 6 per dish.
I'd say allowing us to buy 3-5 Feedback items/day would be reasonable (you can at most use 5/day anyways) and allow everyone to finish the event.
(Edit: Legendary tier ingredient amounts can vary uptill +3 aswell, instead of only going down to -3..... )
I have experienced this myself aswell and I have to say that adding the chef reports to the coin shop would make this do-able, at least.
Also, if what Fortunat says is true about the legendary tier having the recipes vary with up to -4 per ingredient, this will probably be close to impossible for most people!
There is a problem with Tier 5 - dish chicken friend steak. No matter which combo i do, i get 3 stars
from 1,1,1,1 to 10,10,10,10
its frustrating because i feel like i`ve wasted 20 hours on that one dish and it gets worse from there.
Curently have all dishes with max stars
and i have 22 dishes that have a stamp
This is the best help i can do. I managed to get 1 of the tier 11 / legendary recipe to legendary star without feedback using this method with 2 hours worth of hunting. As note, i have gotten Legendary medal and gotten all dishes to legendary stars.
Do comparison. This comparison strictly based on Facts :
1. 1 star recipe on 6 ingredient dish means you have around 15% of them are correct and that is around 1-2.
2. 2 stars recipe on 6 ingredient means around 35% of them are correct and that is around 2-3.
3. 3 stars recipe on 6 ingredients means around 70% of them are correct and that is around 4-5
4. 4 stars / Legendary Star / Max Star recipe on 6 ingredients means you have 100% of them are correct and that is 6 of them
5. There are only 4 stars rank on the cooking rank. Not 5 stars rank. Don't listen to those people who said that there are 5 stars. That 5 stars is actually only 1 rank higher than 3 stars. There are only 4 ranks which are 1 star, 2 stars, 3 stars and 4 stars which is a Legendary Stars. So only 4 ranks, not 5. I repeat only 4, not 5. Rank 1 star, 2 stars, 3 stars and 4 stars.
This is what i did :
1. You have to understand the rules of "-3 and +3" to basic recipe on tier 11/legendary tier recipe. This will help you to decrease the samples you need to do. Google it and read the other guides to understand about it. I am not going to explain in here. Tier 1-10 has "-1" Rule from basic recipe. Tier 11/legendary has "-3 and +3" from basic recipe rule.
2. Do the basic recipe combination and also "-3 and+3" and write down their stars to get you the insight on how many correct ingredients possibly are in it. You can use the 4 facts I mentioned above. For example if the basic recipe is 555555, also do "-3" which are 222222, 333333 and 444444, and "+3" which are 555555, 666666, and 777777.
3. Find a few combinations that gets you 1 star and write them down. increase or decrease 1, 2 or 3 ingredients from it, but it still have to be inside the " -3 and +3" rule. if the little changes you made can increase your star from 1 star to 2 stars, it means The changes you made, actually might contain the correct ingredient. You need to collect around 3 or more changes and do comparing on them, After a few comparison, you will be able to decide which material actually help you get from 1 star to 2 stars. Keep noted on that and write it down. Also compare it to the results from point 2 above.
4. Repeat step 3 until you find at least 4 ingredients that you are 99% sure it is the correct one. if you have gotten 4 ingredient correct. You just need to do a bit of trial and error on the last 2 ingredients.
5. If step 4 failed, repeat step 3. Gain more samples. Possibly 1 out of 4 ingredient need a bit of decrease or increase.
6. After you get another 4 ingredients suspecting to be correct from step 5, do another trial and error on the last 2 remaining ingredients.
7. If it is still really not working, this is the last method, try to find recipe for 2 stars. Same as 3rd step, but try to change the ingredients that makes your recipe increase from 2 stars to 3 stars. then compare them.
Hope that will helps. 1 out of 3 tier 11 recipe, i didn't use feedback. I simply use the method above. The other 1, I used 1 feedback. The last one i used 3 feedbacks, but simply coz i couldn't wait and i still have feedbacks left.. I had used around 5-6 hours to finish all of this tier 11.
So for others who couldn't get the feedback expect maybe around 10 hours hunting and mismatching. But i wish you all a good luck and hopefully get your legendary Medal.
Guide by : Redavengerz / RedNightW Reboot Server.