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Check out the v.257 - Tallahart: Grave of the Gods Patch Notes
Royal faces not updated for Androids
But can anyone confirm it is happening to Male Androids too?
Can you please elaborate and report in the proper format? I'd love to know more.
Bug type:
Cash Shop update
Brief bug summary:
Royal styles are not properly updated for androids.
More details:
I was excited about the newly updated royals today and couldn't wait to give my android a fresh look. Sadly, the two royal face coupons that I used gave my android two faces that were both not in the update.
Now I have to say that this happened before and was raised by someone else in this forum and yet it is still not fixed by now. I cannot believe that the format of reporting the bug is much more important than actually fixing it. The title says enough. We pay for entertainment, not for being ruled. Just go and see how many real players are still around, this is pathetically correlated to how Nexon treats customers and we are simply too disappointed to even fight back, and we leave.
Character name: Apotrina
Character level: 231
Character job: Shade
World name: Scania
Date and time of the incident: 7:00am PDT, Sep 13, 2017.
Royal Hair update matches the android
but royal face doesnt, i got a completely random face from the royal face coupon..
it worked out for me cuz she ended up really cute but still, this is a bug
Same thread has already been opened.
its good to know the hairs are actually updated.
Used the royal face coupon on my android. Got the Damien face - the one from the Aug 16 rotation.
i don't understand what the point having this forum..
its not event, like TakeOver which they can ignore.. players actually losing money because of it.. when i pay something i want to get what i paid for..
Didn't take a screenshot, but I have gotten 'Cool Elf Face' and 'Gentle Elf Face' on the androids as well.