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Check out the v.257 - Tallahart: Grave of the Gods Patch Notes
Quest lookup causes horrible performance
Bug type: Performance (very high priority)
Brief bug summary: Looting multiple items at once or killing many mobs will cause massive frame drops and lock up the client for a short time.
More details: Whenever you loot items or kill a mob, the game iterates through all the quests loaded in the game (whether if they're in progress or not) and checks if the mob you kill/item you loot is associated with that quest so it can notify you about quest progress. It applies to mesos bags too. This iteration causes bad performance as the game files contain well over 15k quests nowaday.
Edit: My bad, it's just when looting mesos bags, not other items.
Non-mesos loots will cause lag too only if your inventory is full.
Steps to reproduce:
1. Use a program that can monitor FPS. FRAPS works for this purpose as it adds an overlay to the active window.
2. Get a pet that can loot items.
3. Have over 20 mesos bags dropped by mobs.
4. Walk over them with a pet.
Character name: Irrelevant.
Character level: Irrelevant.
Character job: Irrelevant.
World name: Irrelevant.
Date and time of the incident: Irrelevant.
Doesn't mean we need to stay quiet..
I have no clue what you're on about.
This happens to just about everyone even without any recording software and on a clean system (with only MapleStory installed) using my specs - i7 3770 CPU (3.4GHz), 16GB RAM and an R9 380 GPU with 4GB VRAM. No anti-virus solution and all of the Windows bloat is disabled on my system.
I just used FRAPS as an example of a program that can display the FPS of running games, doesn't mean you need to record/limit with it..
We haven't been quiet.
This is one of the issues we've been harping on for many years. Not just the lag but its being caused by quests. When people started using the modified quest.wz Nexon finally took notice. But it's taking them forever. As of right now it seems that only kill-count quests and meso loot are still causing lag, but item loot has been fixed. Step by step, they'll get there.
It's CPU, not RAM. Happy Mapling