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Can we please do something about drop rate?

Reactions: 410
Posts: 2
edited January 2018 in Suggestions, Feedback, and Requests
Either let coupons and spider stack or revert the drop rate formula to be additive again. Farming node stones is PAINFUL for anyone without drop gear, even though you guys said you buffed it.


  • darikdarik
    Reactions: 3,270
    Posts: 603
    edited November 2017
    Sazzas wrote: »
    Either let coupons and spider stack or revert the drop rate formula to be additive again. Farming node stones is PAINFUL for anyone without drop gear, even though you guys said you buffed it.

    Let alone arcane symbols, droplets, event items and the list goes on, the drop nerf was a huge mistake from nexon in my opinion and i wish they did something about it.
  • PeepPeep
    Reactions: 3,950
    Posts: 355
    edited November 2017
    The drop rate nerf was a huge mistake in general. That whole "closing the gap" post made it that much more painful. It shows how out of touch they are and shows they aren't paying attention to feedback either. Korea didn't want this and neither did we, yet they still pushed it through into the live servers. There are many ways they could have made things a bit easier to lessen the gap without screwing over the people who have spent hundreds of dollars investing in an additional gear set for the drop rate stat. The fact that you lose over 10k+ stat (as a funded player) investing heavily into this stat means it should be good.

    All they had to do was buff the drop rate universally (either that or make in game cubes more accessible with higher tier up rates on meisters). This would make it easier for unfunded. This would also bring down the price on nodestones for unfunded as funded would farm more too. Even with full drop rate gear before the nerf, the drop rate for symbols and droplets was disgusting. It's now almost non existent. Most of the people I know have been put off by these changes and have just stopped playing or farming in general. It's incredibly demotivating. It's like Nexon's purposely trying to slow down progression even for people who invest money heavily into the game to make things faster for themselves.
  • SherriSherri
    Reactions: 3,375
    Posts: 309
    edited November 2017
    Sheesh. Nexon has been making tons of terrible choices lately, haven't they?
  • AKradianAKradian
    Reactions: 40,340
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    edited November 2017
    Peep wrote: »
    It's like Nexon's purposely trying to slow down progression even for people who invest money heavily into the game to make things faster for themselves.

    That is exactly what they intend.

    Once you've hit 250 and maxed all your nodes and symbols, and beat all the bosses (possibly with a squad), what else is there to do on Maple? Some turn to FashionStory, some others just stop playing except for a weekly HLucid run and maybe a bit of flexing in Dojo or Dream Defender.
    So yes, Nexon definitely wants to slow progression down, so not that many people would be in this state. They raised the cap on symbols, and may well do so again, but they don't want to power-creep too fast with more caps being raised, so they make it harder to reach the existing caps.
  • Traveler5577Traveler5577
    Reactions: 1,995
    Posts: 173
    edited November 2017
    well let em make more bad choices, they are going to lose more and more veteren maplers here and there and new ones if they dont get their act together. i have a ton of memorys in this game. and they distroyed all that. no one talks to anyone anymore on the ships back and forth, and plus ... i want the old maps back on victoria island... but that will never happen .. (sniffles)
  • JulyJuly
    Reactions: 2,720
    Posts: 376
    edited November 2017
    They should really do something with the arcane river droplet drop rate.. its way too low..
  • TheToxicDudeFromReneTheToxicDudeFromRene
    Reactions: 845
    Posts: 58
    edited November 2017
    Sniff Sniff, boo hoo. 2x event + 2x card + some for of additional drop be it spider or w/e = PLENTY of nodestones. There is little to no merit in these complaints other than MAYBE arcane River droplets. In 3 hours of grinding I got 75~100 Stones (did 3 sessions) more than plenty for a day. NEEDING more than that is pure entitlement.
  • JalaJalaJalaJala
    Reactions: 415
    Posts: 8
    edited November 2017
    The node drop rate was increased significantly. I get around 1 node per 15 mins with nothing but the spider summon. When i was playing last december, i was lucky to get 1 per hour. The update was great for people who didnt want to waste time cubbing a set of gear just for drops. If you play maple as intended and grind at arcane river there is a nice combined progression of leveling, mesos, and nodes; this decentivized the clunky idea of creating a kanna for the sole purpose of farming mesos at a lower level map.
  • AznboiEAznboiE
    Reactions: 3,445
    Posts: 519
    edited November 2017
    AKradian wrote: »
    Peep wrote: »
    It's like Nexon's purposely trying to slow down progression even for people who invest money heavily into the game to make things faster for themselves.

    That is exactly what they intend.

    Once you've hit 250 and maxed all your nodes and symbols, and beat all the bosses (possibly with a squad), what else is there to do on Maple? Some turn to FashionStory, some others just stop playing except for a weekly HLucid run and maybe a bit of flexing in Dojo or Dream Defender.
    So yes, Nexon definitely wants to slow progression down, so not that many people would be in this state. They raised the cap on symbols, and may well do so again, but they don't want to power-creep too fast with more caps being raised, so they make it harder to reach the existing caps.

    And they couldn't just make it harder to level up? People are already level 250 there's not much you can do, but honestly to tell you the truth the fact I can get to 150 in less than 24 hours of playtime on one of the naturally stronger (unfunded) classes is one of the main reasons why I drop my mains every 2 weeks. I get to 200 in a week and having a blast and all of a sudden it takes me a week to get from 200 to 201 no thanks, unless I can view myself maining the class for the next 4 years (which I don't). I wouldn't mind having to spend a month to get to 200 and have a slightly easier ride from 200-250 because unlocking nodestone core slots is already bothersome enough when you have 15+ cores you need but only 4 slots you can use from the start.

    It's a matter of time before Nexon releases Big Bang 2: Electric Boogaloo and we have easier access to 250, 5th job skills are as easily obtainable as the current mastery books, an even more pay to win method to do more damage, and a level cap of 300.

    Also, don't you think it's already enabling a power creep if you allow those who already hit the cap to continue to hit cap while those who were near it or not even close now have to work twice as hard as those who already spent all the cold cash on capping?
  • TheToxicDudeFromReneTheToxicDudeFromRene
    Reactions: 845
    Posts: 58
    edited November 2017
    The entitlement in this thread is just pathetic IMO. In case anyone has not played in the past, let me enlighten you. It used to take 4 hours, JUST TO GET TO LEVEL 10. Getting to level 70~100 took about as long as it takes to get to 230~240 now. I don't get it. Having a main is supposed to take awhile. Sure, people have level 250 characters, but it still took awhile. There is a reason link skills max out around lvl 210, it's supposed to be fun to get to the 200's (and it's not supposed to take forever) but it allows you to take a break from your main, while still being able to make it stronger. There is 0 problem with progression as it is. If you want to hit 250, THEN MAKE IT A GOAL. Don't whine and cry about how bored you are, or how it's not fair that you don't have the diligence required to climb that mountain.
  • JalaJalaJalaJala
    Reactions: 415
    Posts: 8
    edited November 2017
    The entitlement in this thread is just pathetic IMO. In case anyone has not played in the past, let me enlighten you. It used to take 4 hours, JUST TO GET TO LEVEL 10. Getting to level 70~100 took about as long as it takes to get to 230~240 now. I don't get it. Having a main is supposed to take awhile. Sure, people have level 250 characters, but it still took awhile. There is a reason link skills max out around lvl 210, it's supposed to be fun to get to the 200's (and it's not supposed to take forever) but it allows you to take a break from your main, while still being able to make it stronger. There is 0 problem with progression as it is. If you want to hit 250, THEN MAKE IT A GOAL. Don't whine and cry about how bored you are, or how it's not fair that you don't have the diligence required to climb that mountain.

    Agreed. When people start asking for progression without actual investment, you end up with a game like WoW. Where all time investment is arbitrary, and the time you put into the game means little to nothing 6 months from when you began playing.
  • SazzasSazzas
    Reactions: 410
    Posts: 2
    edited November 2017
    I'm just saying that it taking almost an hour to get 1 nodestone, that has a majority chance to just giv
    JalaJala wrote: »
    The node drop rate was increased significantly. I get around 1 node per 15 mins with nothing but the spider summon. When i was playing last december, i was lucky to get 1 per hour. The update was great for people who didnt want to waste time cubbing a set of gear just for drops. If you play maple as intended and grind at arcane river there is a nice combined progression of leveling, mesos, and nodes; this decentivized the clunky idea of creating a kanna for the sole purpose of farming mesos at a lower level map.

    How the hell are you getting 1 nodestone every 15 minutes? I was on a 2x coupon for 1hr and I got 0..... I really don't get it.
  • JalaJalaJalaJala
    Reactions: 415
    Posts: 8
    edited November 2017
    Sazzas wrote: »
    I'm just saying that it taking almost an hour to get 1 nodestone, that has a majority chance to just giv
    JalaJala wrote: »
    The node drop rate was increased significantly. I get around 1 node per 15 mins with nothing but the spider summon. When i was playing last december, i was lucky to get 1 per hour. The update was great for people who didnt want to waste time cubbing a set of gear just for drops. If you play maple as intended and grind at arcane river there is a nice combined progression of leveling, mesos, and nodes; this decentivized the clunky idea of creating a kanna for the sole purpose of farming mesos at a lower level map.

    How the hell are you getting 1 nodestone every 15 minutes? I was on a 2x coupon for 1hr and I got 0..... I really don't get it.

    I get around 1 nodestone per 15 min (this is probably more like 1.5/15 min), but this is contingent on being able to 1HKO monsters in arcane river. In my case, this is at tranquils.
  • JulyJuly
    Reactions: 2,720
    Posts: 376
    edited November 2017
    AKradian wrote: »
    Peep wrote: »
    It's like Nexon's purposely trying to slow down progression even for people who invest money heavily into the game to make things faster for themselves.

    That is exactly what they intend.

    Once you've hit 250 and maxed all your nodes and symbols, and beat all the bosses (possibly with a squad), what else is there to do on Maple? Some turn to FashionStory, some others just stop playing except for a weekly HLucid run and maybe a bit of flexing in Dojo or Dream Defender.
    So yes, Nexon definitely wants to slow progression down, so not that many people would be in this state. They raised the cap on symbols, and may well do so again, but they don't want to power-creep too fast with more caps being raised, so they make it harder to reach the existing caps.

    thats not a solution, because some of they player play this game for the grinding, and this drop rate nerff do make them want to quit the game.
  • PetalmagicPetalmagic
    Reactions: 7,660
    Posts: 1,572
    edited November 2017
    JalaJala wrote: »
    Sazzas wrote: »
    I'm just saying that it taking almost an hour to get 1 nodestone, that has a majority chance to just giv
    JalaJala wrote: »
    The node drop rate was increased significantly. I get around 1 node per 15 mins with nothing but the spider summon. When i was playing last december, i was lucky to get 1 per hour. The update was great for people who didnt want to waste time cubbing a set of gear just for drops. If you play maple as intended and grind at arcane river there is a nice combined progression of leveling, mesos, and nodes; this decentivized the clunky idea of creating a kanna for the sole purpose of farming mesos at a lower level map.

    How the hell are you getting 1 nodestone every 15 minutes? I was on a 2x coupon for 1hr and I got 0..... I really don't get it.

    I get around 1 nodestone per 15 min (this is probably more like 1.5/15 min), but this is contingent on being able to 1HKO monsters in arcane river. In my case, this is at tranquils.

    Dunno about you, but I can one shot tranquils too, and I don't get a node every 15 minutes...even with DHS.
  • SorrowSorrow
    Reactions: 2,780
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    edited November 2017
    Slowed progression just gives players more reason to resort to black market trading for Nodes/Droplets instead of getting a few nodes per hour theirselves.
  • JalaJalaJalaJala
    Reactions: 415
    Posts: 8
    edited November 2017
    Petalmagic wrote: »
    JalaJala wrote: »
    Sazzas wrote: »
    I'm just saying that it taking almost an hour to get 1 nodestone, that has a majority chance to just giv
    JalaJala wrote: »
    The node drop rate was increased significantly. I get around 1 node per 15 mins with nothing but the spider summon. When i was playing last december, i was lucky to get 1 per hour. The update was great for people who didnt want to waste time cubbing a set of gear just for drops. If you play maple as intended and grind at arcane river there is a nice combined progression of leveling, mesos, and nodes; this decentivized the clunky idea of creating a kanna for the sole purpose of farming mesos at a lower level map.

    How the hell are you getting 1 nodestone every 15 minutes? I was on a 2x coupon for 1hr and I got 0..... I really don't get it.

    I get around 1 nodestone per 15 min (this is probably more like 1.5/15 min), but this is contingent on being able to 1HKO monsters in arcane river. In my case, this is at tranquils.

    Dunno about you, but I can one shot tranquils too, and I don't get a node every 15 minutes...even with DHS.

    That's odd. Do you play on Reboot? If so, I can watch you train for 15 mins or so, and we can find out why we are having different rates. I'm 100% confident that 1.0 to 1.5 nodes per 15 mins is my rate at tranquils with 1HKO and only a spider summon.
  • darikdarik
    Reactions: 3,270
    Posts: 603
    edited November 2017
    Sniff Sniff, boo hoo. 2x event + 2x card + some for of additional drop be it spider or w/e = PLENTY of nodestones. There is little to no merit in these complaints other than MAYBE arcane River droplets. In 3 hours of grinding I got 75~100 Stones (did 3 sessions) more than plenty for a day. NEEDING more than that is pure entitlement.
    1) Not everyone plays on a normal server and has access to 2x card
    2) Not everyone can afford paying real money to get a 2x card
    3) Not everyone has as much drop rate as you might have
    4)Not everyone has 3hrs to grind each day
    5) Not everyone is strong enough to kill mobs as fst as u do
    6) 2x event happen like once every 1-2months(they should happen much more often if u ask me).
    7) There are more thing than just farming nodes such a symbols droplets event items quest items , rare weapons to use anvil on, getting more coins on CRA on reboot for example so that u dont need to go two times to cvell to get a weapon and the list goes on
    As u can see theres more behind this nerf that affects all players in a negative way.
  • JalaJalaJalaJala
    Reactions: 415
    Posts: 8
    edited November 2017
    darik wrote: »
    Sniff Sniff, boo hoo. 2x event + 2x card + some for of additional drop be it spider or w/e = PLENTY of nodestones. There is little to no merit in these complaints other than MAYBE arcane River droplets. In 3 hours of grinding I got 75~100 Stones (did 3 sessions) more than plenty for a day. NEEDING more than that is pure entitlement.
    1) Not everyone plays on a normal server and has access to 2x card
    2) Not everyone can afford paying real money to get a 2x card
    3) Not everyone has as much drop rate as you might have
    4)Not everyone has 3hrs to grind each day
    5) Not everyone is strong enough to kill mobs as fst as u do
    6) 2x event happen like once every 1-2months(they should happen much more often if u ask me).
    7) There are more thing than just farming nodes such a symbols droplets event items quest items , rare weapons to use anvil on, getting more coins on CRA on reboot for example so that u dont need to go two times to cvell to get a weapon and the list goes on
    As u can see theres more behind this nerf that affects all players in a negative way.

    Sounds like you shouldn't get as many nodes as someone who has 3 hours to grind a day and can kill faster than you.
  • chaoscauserchaoscauser
    Reactions: 4,740
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    edited November 2017
    Sherri wrote: »
    Sheesh. Nexon has been making tons of terrible choices lately, haven't they?

    They have since Ascension to be honest.. just the ones in more recent times have been more negative. Well since Unleashed they have been pretty bad. The removal of party play areas was the main start of things really. Which was when many people quit from Unleashed onwards.