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Check out the v.256 - The Dark Ride: Limbo Patch Notes
I mean, come on.... I just got scammed last night, supposed to buy a really nice Fafnir for 20b, so that kid from Bera, told me to go first and brought 2 vouchers, and they all were nice and seems pretty legit, so I decided to go first and paid him the first 10b, and when I went to the bank to grab the other 10b and came back, he disappeared along with his 2 vouchers (probably his friends, they all were in the same Guild called "Matcha") T_T
I understand that 10b might not be a lot of mesos for a many people but for me, that's really a lot.
So Nexon, I'm begging you, please raise the mesos cap from 10b to 100b.

Also, please do not accuse others of scamming on the forums. Report them in-game or file a ticket.
It was scrolled, main potential was Legendary, 18% att and 30% damage boss, Bonus potential was Legendary as well, 9% att.
When it is fully scrolled, 15 starred, legendary on main and bonus potential, 25% boss neb, decent Magnicifent soul stat and very good lines on potentials, it may worth that price.
Unless an edit was made to remove IGNs to not see who scammed, it's ok to mention he got scammed as long as there is no name.
We need to eliminate botters completely so every items in-game will worth way less expensive. Why can't we have any GM patroling botting maps everyday?
Yes, you're definitely right, 30b is not enough AT ALL! we need 100b as soon as possible.
It probably was 20b because it could have legendary potential and legendary bonus potential, idk if nexon is aware of this or not but the really good items with legendary pot/ legendary bonus potential are way avobe 10b or 30b(future meso cap increase) they are around 50b or even more, to avoid legit players get scammed by assholes something needs to be done( increase meso cap to 100b or even more or do something to fix the broken economy most servers suffer from).
Yeah, everything in the fm is literally above 10b, which is really annoying too, everything is just overpriced!
I've heard it's all because mesos rate is low, so the lower mesos rate is, the expensive things will get.
Back then, a really godly weapon would cost only a few bils.
I bet Nexon could fix everything in no time if they could at least take care of those hackers who spam their mesos sale sites, I mean, think about it, if hackers couldn't advertise that they're selling mesos (and couldn't advertise their sites), mesos prices should raise up to the sky and then the economy would change by a LOT.
Speaking of hackers, why Nexon won't take care of all those mesos selling sites?
We need to rid of botters in-game. But players rarely report them.
SINCE THERE ARE A BUNCH OF THESE, WHY THE HELL NEXON DOESN'T PATROL GAME INSTEAD OF US REPORTING THEM IN EVERY MAPS AND CH??? They way it work is you can report one at a time and it's 10 report daily PER Character!! I want a confirmation from Nexon that in-game report actually works. Also in one of last reports I made via Live chat, I have reported one player advertising meso site. The proof that they don't really log is I reported one IGN in particular, it got rid off instantatly which is nice, but I mentionned other maps (not IGNs) where there are more of these players. I even showed a SS of example what I select to report ads with another players spamming (without mentioning this new IGN). It was still online ...
I would like to have GM power to actually ban these botters lol. Also I would love Nexon to create event which lasts 1 month so players which report the most botters will win some prizes
***Here is one thing... Botters who spawn elite boss in Arcane River, when I land in these maps with my hyper teleport rock, when trying to get close to botter, it already cc so I can't report them f3.
The great advantage of no longer getting any botter in-game is the items cost. It will drastically decrease so players loaded of nx, meso and worthful items to sell will be forced to drop price, so everyone can afford buying stuffs. Isn't it marvelous?
EDIT: Omg I completely messed up, I wanted edit the reply above but I made a new quoted reply instead T.T
I don't get it, why so people voted "No"? this is just ridiculous.
It's like saying why would we get something because of botters? If there was no botter, no one will get loaded of mesos and all items will cost less expensive, giving more value to mesos.
If anything, we need to get MTS back (maple trade system). People selling/buying nx mainly because it was legal with MTS, then because of dupes and exploits, it has been removed.
Ok... I can only stand so much. Do you expect players to kill endgame bosses with clean fafnir gear?
Do you expect people to roll $1k just in cubes(main/bpot) to get 2-3 lines of %attack on average(main/bpot)?
Then when that's all over, and they play this game enough to get the next upgrade of arcane shade are you expecting that player who spent $1000 to sell this item for 10b and call it a day?
Are you freaking serious right now?
That's true, lol.
10B should be way more valuable then it is right now, we can thank botters for that, in KMS the 30B meso increase is more then enough, because mesos there are just that much more valubale.
GMS 1 Billion Mesos = 1.3/1.4 Maple Points/NX/USD
KMS 1 Billion Mesos = 66.3/66.4 Maple Points/NX/USD
do you see my point? ( sigh if we only didn't have any or as much botters, though it's not an easy task to kill them off, but when 1 Billion in game currency is worth jackshit, that's when you know you got a problem with your in game currency.
because doing trades for over 100 or even 300 of Billions can result in scams, and items are priced way too high ( which is just nuts for new players )
for ex: 17 Stared Arcane Umbra gear in kms is worth like 7.3/7.5 Billion of mesos.
in gms arcane umbra gear is worth more then 250 Billion mesos or maybe even more, i know that players in gms just sell items for usd, so it's nearly impossible to buy end game gear with a reasonable amount of mesos.
Mesos should become way way way more valuable in GMS then they currently are, because that hurts everyone
I know the meso is more valuable in kms. I would more than happily get to a stage where 1b would be considered roughly 60b current in game.
Do you know how many pss items I have that's going to rot in my cs inventory because I refuse to do USD trades?
But that's besides the fact. My original quote was to point out that the person quoted is so out of touch with the game if they think :
A) clean fafnir is good enough for endgame
B ) the current game USD spent to meso translation is more like 1:.01 versus 1:1
We aren't kms. NexonNA doesn't have a good/accurate autoban system. Anything they've done to try to control the nx:meso rates dies because it's a joke compared to what it currently is in this economy.
Bring back mts or raise the cap 100b+. It's far beyond repairable at this point.
I like your idea, and wow, I haven't seen the MTS for such a long time now, how long it has been? oh my gosh.
You took the words right out of my mouth, but the question is, how do we do that? how do we get rid of all those hackers? frankly, I gave up training.
We need some active GM who can actually ban these botters who spam in Leafre, Henesys, FM, etc.