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Check out the v.257 - Tallahart: Grave of the Gods Patch Notes
So is it just me or are cadena's weps non existent? (iirc its happened before too)
Nothing from level 20-100.
Guess I'm grinding to level 130 with lv10 weapon lol
Except for lv20 tot quest, all the Tot's quest give chain weapons with corresponding level.
I opened lv20 and got no chain, so I thought even Tot wouldn't give chain, but it's just lv20 box.
yeah i was lvl 130 when someone told me about that XD im now farming with a lvl 60 wep X3
im sure theyll fix at least this bug in the upcoming maint next week. seems rather important
the servers dropping them may be wrong, i started a cadena in windia too and no weapon has dropped