after seeing a few videos about the new hardcore, perma death verion of maplestory.
i instandly remember about the good old supreme world days.
sooo i would like to ask if we could get that instead of that xD
i mean a lot of gms players always wanted it and some ems would love to see it return.
what is supreme world:
its a hardcore verison of normal maplestory in which mobs dealt a lot more damage than usual and you had to avoid their attacks as much as possible.
all potions and mobbing skills had cool downs and ranged attacks had a medium miss chance.
alsoo mobs had a really high stat res so they couldnt be stunned, posioned or anything (no crash or bind worked)
bosses usully always 1 hit you with 100k hits so you had to find a way around that yourself

(party up with bischops shadowers)
about the server itself:
it was limited via char creation
you needed a 150 char in another world to create 1 char in supreme world (appearense stayed the same its like your char was reborn i hell xD)
that 1 char coulldnt be deleated so you had to pick carefully which class you gonna play.
there was only 1 channel for all players. ( but because it was that hard it was never crowed after 2weeks)
you could only chose adventuer classes.
and like many already know there was a reward for reaching x level with a really strong att medal.
this could be included to but could also be removed if some thing it would be to broken.
(i would keep them in since i know how hard it was to even get 100 and even much harder getting past 4th job for level 200...)
red update ruined it a bit because of some skill changes turning them into mob skills.... , but there is always a way around that
well than lets see what you guys think
it's not quite perma death but it drops you back to lvl 10 upon death also has many more potted drops.
I'm speaking as one who did 1-101 the hard way (as a spearman->drk) and then switched to paladin to grind 101-200. Can say that any class was tough to play (4th job bosses were 1hkoing me even as a dark knight), except paladin, which became a joke and completely demolished the difficulty of the gameplay.
Assuming that people are asking for Supreme for the sake of the challenge/reward, and not just a free and easy 100att medal, IF the world were ever to be released I would suggest a change to drastically nerf the defense ability of certain jobs (though I don't know how stats would apply to Supreme because formulas/caps have been changed since then).
That way, the gameplay will "encourage" (i.e. force) people to party up and do party quests, events, etc.
you had to party up, you had to make friends since everything was way to dificult to even attempt solo
you had to find a lot of people on diffrent jobs that had to work as 1 team to clear does party quest
since 1 missstep could already lead to a fail and many deaths.
it was frustrating at some points but at the same time really funny and rewarding when you manage to complete it at the end
i remember i attempted 5-8 times 4th job (manon griffith) when i did it with my marksman
than i had to change classes to bowmaster since they ruined them by removing strafe... (red patch)
rest in peace stafe you will forever be missed.
lets just say supreme world without any attack you can spam is much much worse xD
TMS Lab and EMS supreme are two different things. Luna had Supreme World which is why they have their 50 att medals.
Also unrelated stuff, It would be nice if we had Veracent and Vampire Castle.
they literally mention it in the first sentence
I know they are different, but the only New hardcore maplestory is TMS LABS server
I was just pointing out and fixing the misconception that it was perma death, when actually, it's not.