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Frustrated about the state of the game

Member, Private Tester chaoscauser
Reactions: 4,840
Posts: 596
Member, Private Tester
edited November 2017 in Rants and Raves
I really enjoy playing this game but.. the current state of the game is really depressing. I am going to lay out my frustrations and I am sure many other people feel the same way.


It didn't run that great on my old pc due to the poor optimization of the game in it's current state ( It never used to be this bad) Now even on my new pc the game can regularly crash/freeze/ error out. I spent a bunch on my new pc and can't believe how frequent this can happen. Quite often it happens when entering my pic which would never happen in KMS. I have 32 GB of ram how on earth does the game freeze ,crash and error so much... my other components are top spec to. I would never freeze at character select on Korean MapleStory. Mainly due to the fact that they don't force users to use the Nexon Launcher...

Also if you sit on the region select, server select or channel select screen for to long , when you eventually log in it will say "having trouble logging in?" and then you have to reset the game to get in. Again this isn't a problem which happens in KMS.

Nexon Launcher
So I was playing fine today when all of a sudden my house lost power, so my pc boots up again and I run the nexon launcher as usual to get back in game. For some reason it's now asking me to redownload the entire game again. When it does it just creates a duplicate of the appdata folder. I have had countless issues with having to redownload the game since game launcher was removed and Nexon Launcher was introduced..

Region change - Your Region Selection settings are remembered by the client so that you do not have to select a region every time you log in. > I still have to click Europe or North America at the region selection every time

I logged in my EU account it landed me in NA
I logged in my NA account it landed me in EU today
I always do my EU account first then my NA dailies

I want the client to remember the last region I logged out of on my ACCOUNT . Your account should remember the last region you used not the client.. I don't want to keep changing region every time I log in. This feature in it's current implementation state has just increased the time of logging in (Especially if it crashes) Region changing has a high chance that the game might crash freeze or error. Heck I don't see why we even need two different regions , just have one server select screen and separate the servers between Europe and NA on that screen..

The amount of maintenance's/what gets fixed in them
Sure the small bugs need fixing but you have much more important bugs that need fixing. Also I think you could do less maintenance's at times. Unless you have a critical thing which needs fixing save all the small fixes for one maintenance.

At times we have way to many events going on at the same time..

Annoying bugs

Today my game froze and I lost my Sunday hot time thus I missed out on on the bonus reward as well as the Sunday reward. As the bonus screen popped up my game froze and when I went back in game poof .

Channel change - The amount of times it takes to change channels at times , Sometimes you have to try like 3 times (In KMS it will always happen first time)

Item dropping - In GMS, unless you drop your items below your inventory window it might not be instant. Whereas in KMS you can drop items to the left and right of the inventory and it will always be instant.

Buffs not casting- I was grinding away on my Blaster today and I was trying to cast a buff ( I was on a rune) I had to cast the buff, I tried multiple times but it wouldn't work until I went in and out of the cash shop.

Zakum bugged deaths-I was fighting zakum on my DB the arms all died died and the fire was still going for a bit and i died twice. This was the first time this happened in all the times killing Zakum. I stayed dead for a bit and eventually the fire went away. Pretty frustrating as I was on an exp coupon

Cross world party quest - Cross world pq is buggy, you have different instances and it's only supposed to have one ( I checked it out in KMS) Plus the portal takes you to a completely random one and you can't change inside. So it's hard getting to your party to do the PQ.

"Many UI screens are modified so that the game remembers where you placed the UI windows and whether they are On/Off/Expanded/Minimized.!" it still doesn't remember the location...

Report function not working anymore..

Dropping of quest items when you aren't doing a quest and also Ludibrium still drops low level gear from when it was a low level area..

Reboot- The drop tables STILL don't drop class specific items

The fact that the client minimize button doesn't even work

Recommend world screen can bug out and you can still see it in game until you reset the client because it's not close-able at times

Old tots trial items are stuck in characters inventories as you have removed the quest without removing the items..

Quest helper keeps minimizing itself

Random errors that crash the game (One can happen on accepting a boss queue)

Familiars not spawning

Ninja nerfs
Monster collection no longer gives mesos from the boxes.. what harm is giving us a little bit of meso? also the reward point amount was nerfed... KMS can gain reward points from killing Elite Bosses.. Also the fact that they used to give meister cubes but now all we get is occult ones.. which can't even tier up past epic if I am not wrong

Botters/Gold sellers

Anti hack doing nothing but harming legitimate players
The anti hack is pretty much useless you know.... real hackers never get dced yet me playing legit on certain class like Beast Tamer, and Jett get dced due to hack reason which is completely wrong -_-
What's the point having a report function if I report all these botters yet none get banned?
Anti hack needs improving, and report function might as well be removed as it doesn't work currently.. and when it was working it didn't do anything in stopping botters
The rune changes have done nothing in stopping botters so it's basically it's just an annoying change again for legit players.
someone smega phoning gold selling websites in luna constantly and can't report /block them at all
Might be an idea of adding what they say in the chat filter.

Class specific issues
I was trying to level my Blaze Wizard earlier , initially I was having a hard time staying online. After awhile it normalized and I could stay on and grind but then it happened again and then I gave up. Blazing Extinction seems to be at fault for this. Upon logging in if you use the skill to quickly without being online for a time you will disconnect. I went afk for about 30 minutes and after I came back the skill didn't disconnect me. Although i did hand in the dark ring master quest , could be connected somehow?

Now I have not been playing Kanna lately but the auto banning on legit players is ridiculous

Removal of content -
Why was Maple Runner even removed?

Lack of certain KMS /EMS features and content - Fairy bros, Additional options,Hekaton, Guild announcement feature ,
KMS- They still have a game launcher which runs SO MUCH BETTER than the nexon launcher
Fairy bros - An incentive of logging in daily!
Additional options at this point you have no reason not to have it with the current damage cap.. throw the unfunded players a bone as getting good nebulites are really difficult for the average player
Higher star force which pretty much every other region has
Elite bosses give reward points, Why shouldn't they in GMS?

EMS -Exclusive content which was removed as well as events which don't happen anymore . Veracent for example was a great area for playing with friends! Plus all the exclusive events . I hope to see them come in 2018

Lack of communication
Arwoo seems to be the only one who really talks with us .. and he doesn't even talk on the forums daily. The whole MapleStory team should communicate more with us (Everyone who works on the game be they in America or Korea whatever country) They should all talk to us regularly and listen and start implementing what we want. We are the ones playing the game ..... It's clear that quite a bit of the MapleStory team don't play the game/ play it much. (Which they should)

Lack of listening to the community
Many players express the disgust in things but you don't care you don't revert negative changes or you don't listen when we say we don't want those negative changes.

Negative changes

Jett < Mobility nerf and FMA nerf. I can't understand why you nerfed both the mobility and the full map attack. Give Jett back one of those things , make it a unique experience.

Kanna nerf ,buff ,nerf,buff nerf...... the recent one which killed kanna completely was a joke. I don't main a kanna or even use kanna buffs but what the hell? The damage cap is SO HIGH what does it even matter? At least let them keep the self buff.

Nerfing in general. It's not needed , the game has no PVP just buff up all classes up to the same level

Drop rate nerf - Ok I don't have much drop rate gear barely any in fact so the change doesn't DIRECTLY effect me but if i party with someone at a boss it can do. Quite often my friend just lets me take all the drops.

The Ascension drop rate system where you can't get items at lower level maps if you aren't in level range.... Why is this even still here? Nothing is valuable in lower level maps now.

Root abyss change - Let players wait outside , such a petty change

Stop with the negative changes in the game I pray you don't nerf boss entrance like in KMS. As GMS bosses are a source of exp whereas in KMS they give barely any in comparison. GMS in a way is supposed to be less of a grind fest. KMS never has 2x exp events for instance, they don't have things like Frenzy Totem, Kishin and Firestarter rings.

Reward shop

No bonus pot scrolls, no regular pot scrolls, no nebulite fusion tickets. Add more in the reward shop basically but mainly those 3.

Frenzy Totem ,Firestarter ring
These should be available without paying money somehow

Reported bugs not being fixed years later
Tespia bugs not getting fixed - So many bugs have been reported yet we haven't heard anything on the subject

Single player feeling- It mostly feels like a single player game these days, partying needs to be the best way to level up like it was in the old days. Buff up party quests, remove the entry limits and bring back the mmo aspect of MapleStory. Make some end game party play training areas , Veracent from EMS maybe? Make everything better done in a party! Bossing and Training.

Things which are looked at /changed but the point is completely ignored
The maplestory team looked at my thread on region changing, made a change but they missed the point completely

Lack of character slots

Having the limit of character slots which KMS has just isn't enough. I want to be able to have one of every character class in a world + some challenge characters like making a perma beginner! perma citizen ect ect .+ some mules maybe.

Small buddy list
Why is it still so small?

Tradability of items
Some of the old items are so out of date . Why not let us trade more things like zakum helmets ect.?

5th job
Another one for me is 5th job . I know not everyone feels the same way but even in the current state in KMS I feel it's pretty terrible. For a game with this many classes the grind in getting 5th job skills is pretty ridiculous. I want to experience all classes 5th jobs before deciding on a main character and just doing the quest in the world tree area is ridiculous if you are doing the quest fresh at level 200 and you don't have dark sight or really high defense.. I know the game is a grinder but getting 5th job skills shouldn't be this bad . I think upon completing 5th job you should unlock all the skills and then you would have to level them up through farming. We should be able to experience all the skills straight away.

Make quests more relevant , make them give better exp,mesos and better reason of doing them.

Crimsonwood keep party quest
It's still gone.. will it ever come back?

Expiring items
Why do so many items expire? I can understand certain object expiring but so many shouldn't. In my opinion stuff like chairs and mounts shouldn't have time limitations as well drop and exp coupons which are in the use tab. As well as some other items.

Game population

Frustrated by the current world population which seems to be declining all the time but I am not surprised with the current state of the game. It's been in decline since the end game party play training area removal.

I think the GMS team should go give Korean MapleStory a try and see how smooth it is.. even on low end computers it runs like a dream in comparison with GMS. Much less frustrating to play. Sure KMS isn't perfect in this area, it can still crash ,freeze and error in the same way . However it's far less frequent . It's a rare occurrence because of the fact they don't force Nexon Launcher.

But if most of/ all the above was fixed then I am sure the population would rise and so would the games profits..

#saveMaplestory #makemaplegreatagain #bringbackgamelauncher #fixmaplestory
and 5 others.


  • Member, Private Tester chaoscauser
    Reactions: 4,840
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    Member, Private Tester
    edited November 2017
    Lilyflower wrote: »
    I agree but one question what's the point of making a thread if nexon america doesn't read this.

    @Arwoo said he would read it on Discord when I sent him it... Even if no one reads it at least I have laid out all my frustrations. Then it's up to nexon if they want to save the game or not. If enough people get behind this thread maybe they might take notice ..More frustrations added..
  • Member, Private Tester chaoscauser
    Reactions: 4,840
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    Member, Private Tester
    edited November 2017
    Lilyflower wrote: »
    I agree but one question what's the point of making a thread if nexon america doesn't read this.

    Don't quote a page long post if you're the 2nd one to post, or if you only have 1 sentence to say. It's a waste of space. Use spoilers if you have to.

    Anyways, I agree with most of what you said, except for 5th job. It makes sense that 5th would be at 200. If 5th job was actually a job, instead of another set of hyper skills, I'd agree. Yes, I understand that 5th can completely change the gameplay of a class, but thematically and by gameplay reasons, it makes sense.

    Didn't say it shouldn't be at 200 but the tasks you have to do for it as a level 200 is silly. They should change some of what you have to do.
  • Member DarkPassenger
    Reactions: 8,980
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    edited November 2017
    I wouldnt consider this a rant or rave, as it illustrates what a lot of people point out as well. And it expresses little to no opinions.
  • Member, Private Tester chaoscauser
    Reactions: 4,840
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    Member, Private Tester
    edited November 2017
    I wouldnt consider this a rant or rave, as it illustrates what a lot of people point out as well. And it expresses little to no opinions.

    Well it's my personal rant .. even if it illustrates what a lot of people point out.
  • Member, Private Tester chaoscauser
    Reactions: 4,840
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    Member, Private Tester
    edited November 2017
    Boss entry limit nerfs....... *sigh* In KMS the bosses give so little exp, whereas our bosses give a good amount of exp. KMS is supposed to be a grindy experience. They never have 2x exp events , they don't have stuff like kishin, frenzy totems or firestarter rings. They have burning events up to 130 not 150.. Makes no sense either nerfing potion drops.

    I really enjoy this game but please just stop copy and pasting from KMS. Go back to how you used to be some years back where GMS would get unique changes and not always follow KMS. The game was so much more popular when you did that...... and more enjoyable . PLEASE NEXON PLEASE
  • Member, Private Tester PhantomMasterThief
    Reactions: 3,195
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    Member, Private Tester
    edited November 2017
    Boss entry limit nerfs....... *sigh* In KMS the bosses give so little exp, whereas our bosses give a good amount of exp. KMS is supposed to be a grindy experience. They never have 2x exp events , they don't have stuff like kishin, frenzy totems or firestarter rings. They have burning events up to 130 not 150.. Makes no sense either nerfing potion drops.

    I really enjoy this game but please just stop copy and pasting from KMS. Go back to how you used to be some years back where GMS would get unique changes and not always follow KMS. The game was so much more popular when you did that...... and more enjoyable . PLEASE NEXON PLEASE

    If your gonna copy and pase from kms at least give us the good features to balance out the bad features

    for ex: kms is more grindy and harder, but their client is lightyears ahead of gms's ( in terms of stability and actual gameplay )

    another example if your gonna bring over the boss nerfs drop nerfs etc,
    then at least also bring over: flames/ additional options/ higher star force cap/ the ability to purchase items from the cash shop with full reward points price instead of a discount.

    and make reward points as drops from elite bosses/monsters like they are in kms/ occult cubes as drops from bosses/ stability/ transparency/ more communication with the community/ listening to the community.

    TL;DR: If your gonna bring over the bad things then you might as well bring over the good things to companste for that, and we want more transparency/communication/and for you to listen to the community.

    May GMS live to see brighter days, we just want to play a stable & a fun game at the end of the day :)
  • Member, Private Tester chaoscauser
    Reactions: 4,840
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    Member, Private Tester
    edited December 2017
    Also how burning fields reset after every maintenance .. and they won't start increasing until someone enters the map as the map will have no mobs on it.
  • Member, Private Tester chaoscauser
    Reactions: 4,840
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    Member, Private Tester
    edited December 2017
    I also feel that at times certain events feel a bit short, The current breakthrough event for instance.. This update made it harder to level with the reduction in boss entries.. and we have such a short time to get 200 (Yes people can do it easily in 4 hours) but they have lots of support and my world in El Nido is so empty. I've only managed to reach 185 on my Cadena which I made for breakthrough.

    Not everyone has time to sit around and grind for hours a day.. I am someone with quite a number of exp benefits having a level 210 mercedes, 200 aran/evan 200 zero , I had a kin ring, pendant of the spirit , gold pots ... max legion board exp,legion exp coupons/some potions to gain a bit of exp, runes, regular exp coupons ,2x exp event, burning fields and I still struggle reaching 200 that fast..

    If i had help with pink bean ,madman ranmaru ,CHT daily help from a friend in level range it would be a different story.. but El Nido is a barren place.

    Give us back our boss runs.. it slowed down the early progression to being shorter on meso as well as early on experience. I was short on meso to star force at times due to how ridiculous the RNG can be at times. I spend over 100m doing it..

    You increased meso gain on Reboot yet , you did nothing to compensate for meso loss in regular servers.
  • Member, Private Tester chaoscauser
    Reactions: 4,840
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    Member, Private Tester
    edited December 2017
    Double miracle time notifications , why? they just create lag and are annoying
  • Member Angelicaxoxo
    Reactions: 560
    Posts: 18
    edited December 2017
    ALl of it Needs implementation asap.
  • Member DarkPassenger
    Reactions: 8,980
    Posts: 2,669
    edited December 2017
    itll get better
  • Member, Private Tester ManiOh
    Reactions: 2,155
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    Member, Private Tester
    edited December 2017
    very good points in 1place
    altho some of the points are not that high priority and needs a bit more things to be add
    but most definitely deserve quick implementation
    if at least half of this gets implemented would change aloot to better

    nice work

    #saveMaplestory #makemaplegreatagain #bringbackgamelauncher #fixmaplestory
  • Member MainlyUseless
    Reactions: 430
    Posts: 6
    edited December 2017
    I also agree with a lot of the statements you have made.

    A very well thought out and, frankly, quite lengthy, rant.

  • Member pandabunnies
    Reactions: 1,955
    Posts: 344
    edited December 2017
    If you can afford it, a UPS is a good investment in case of power outages. Of course, knowing the launcher it'd likely find an excuse to bug out regardless. This is a pretty good list. Kudos!
  • Member DauntlessAhri
    Reactions: 910
    Posts: 39
    edited December 2017
    Oh dw, until they do some serious fixing of their company I ain't giving them a single cent. I want kannas buffed NOW, i don't want to see these dumb nerfs and stuff anymore either, why not nerf the actual broken classes instead?
  • Member DarkPassenger
    Reactions: 8,980
    Posts: 2,669
    edited December 2017
    Oh dw, until they do some serious fixing of their company I ain't giving them a single cent. I want kannas buffed NOW, i don't want to see these dumb nerfs and stuff anymore either, why not nerf the actual broken classes instead?

    There really is no broken class. The ones you refer to as broken require a lot of micro managing or insane funding.

    Kanna shouldn’t have gotten the nerf to the skill. But it doesn’t mean other classes should be brought into it when it comes to kanna changes as other classes go by KMS, and kanna doesn’t
  • Member, Private Tester chaoscauser
    Reactions: 4,840
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    Member, Private Tester
    edited December 2017
    In addition some content is really tedious like the recently added Winter's Bard .. the quests are really boring due to the low drop rate and number of creatures needed to kill them. If it wasn't for the event chair and not having taken in the lore before I wouldn't do it again.. The reward isn't worth it otherwise.

    Spawn rate on some of the maps increase the tediousness of some of the quests. At times in the bearwolf map i had 0 things to kill..
  • Member, Private Tester chaoscauser
    Reactions: 4,840
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    Member, Private Tester
    edited March 2018
    So instead of better communication we are getting worse communication....
  • Member MarisaKirisame
    Reactions: 500
    Posts: 19
    edited April 2018

    I apologize for Reviving this thread
  • Member, Private Tester chaoscauser
    Reactions: 4,840
    Posts: 596
    Member, Private Tester
    edited April 2018
    I apologize for Reviving this thread
