Dear Nexon America: Please Implement 25 Star Force and Flames Of Rebirth
My reason for that is: that most of the "New" Sets are worthless because of our Lack of 25 Star Force and Flames, for Example : in Kms a 17 Stared AbsoLab
(The Level 160 ) Glove is better the a 12 Stared Tyrant one,
Plus AbsoLabs has a set effect which makes it even better, and not to mention the new Arcane Umbra (The Level 200 ) set is Even better, but
with our lack of 25 Star Force only the Hat,Weapon,Shoulder are really viable,
From 16Th+ Stars
The Star Force Enhancements starts giving more stats and Weapon/Magic Attack, which is really importent now because we have a damage cap of 10B (10,000,000,000).
And now for the Infamous: Flames of Rebirth .........,
i know that you have even stated that you WON'T Bring it over to GMS, but just think of that, if you bring more Power For FREE, then more players will come
to play the game,
and you will make even more Money,because of Nx Covers, Damage skin
boxes, Premium surprise style and etc....,
I mean just looking at KMS , i mean sure they Had , well still has in the market Mee's the Aee's that give Superior stats to any item (Please DON'T Bring this over to GMS, becaque even nexon korea deleted that).
but 25 Star Force is a way better system because you can fail (just watch at all the people who Destroyed their item at trying to get to 15 STARS!, in Kms it's 17 Stars, and then The True Ultra End game is 22 Stars(But's it's Really Really Really Hard to get to 22 Stars, Mesos cost, can't use the Safeguard function,Etc...)
In KMS the Safeguard function only works from 12>16 Stars (to make it easier to get to 17 Stars, but it's still costs a lot of mesos.
and to sum things up. (Mee = Miraculous equip enhancement scroll, Blue Star Enhancement), 25 Star Forced item has the Equivalent stats to a 15 Mee's Stared item, and for you to Understand,
Tyrants (Superior Items) Are 10 Stared clean, Their stats are Equivalent to a 10 Stared clean level 150 equip. and when they are 15 Stared they have the stats that are equivalent to a
25 Star Forced Item,
and a 17 Star Forced AbsoLab is equivalent to a 7 Star Forced Tyrant, but because the AbsoLabs has a Set effect it's stats Surpasses Tyrants.
Flames of Rebirth are like: Nebulites (They don't have Decent skills like Sharp eye etc...), but they are RNG(You can get 6% All Stats after using a 1 Flames, or you can use 1,000 flames and get nothing (It's RNG)
you use a flame on your'e item and you get some random stats, and you still need to craft it like a Master/Meister's cube.
the one that bosses drop are up to Level 150 so it can be used on equpis that are Under level 150 ONLY(And Cra = Chaos RootAbyss is a Level 150 Set).
so please Nexon America Implement the Systems of: 25 Star Force and the Flames Of Rebirth, because Gms need's it and it will only help to Grow the Playerbase, help give Damage to the
Funded and The Unfunded,
Please implement those Systems for A Better Maple Experience for ALL of the Players.
* Why should you bother with Nebulites (They broken) , when you got a System that every regoin But GMS Uses and it works and not borken, and about 25 Star Force i can confirm that every regionKMS/TMS/CMS/JMS b ut GMS/MapleSEA, Use the 25 Star Force System, Gms has a 15 Star Force Cap, and MapleSEA has a 20 Star Force Cap.
*and TMS/JMS/CMS Has GOLLUX and Flames and 25 Star Force Cap and they are doing just fine, PLEASE for the love of everything that is good Give us:
*Flames of Rebirth (The KMS One's) , and don't even touch Nebulites you can keep them as they are, because it can't continue like this , Nebulites are for the Rich in Terms of Mesos and Real Life Money.
*Flames Are for EVERYONE, (Do everyone a favor and PLEASE Give Us Flames of Rebirth .
PS. As seen on KMS even the Unfunded players Benfit from those systems As well,
*Update i have just found out that JMS also uses 25 Star Force and not 15, (Either they had 15 and they increased it to 25, or it was a diferent version)
so yeah some people will disagree, because they don't like new things, or are being afraid by that this will: "Ruin The Maple Story Experience",
but i do believe that it will only benfit all of the players,
so please i ask you to Seriously Consider adding these systems to the game,
i do believe it will only bring more Good then harm, It will bring Harm at first
but then it will start bringing Sooo much Good, that people will Just Quickly Start to forget the Harm,
I and the other players will be Very Grateful to you IF you will implement both of these Systems into
GMS (Global MapleStory)
Your's Kindly The Master Thief : )
*Update i got a Strawpoll , Credits go to Daxterbeer

( Look 80% of the People want 25 Star Force and Flames of Rebirth *GASP* ) GMS 25 Star Force And Flames Of RebirthThe New Level 160 & Level 200 sets are Useless without Flame of Rebirths and A 25 Star Force CAP !( Look how it's "Easy" to get to 22 Stars the "Golden Point" , you see this is why 25 Stars are not broken and MEE'S are , Spoiler Alert : He Destroyed his item
* With mee's they are Superior stats ee's so can just use protection scrolls from the Cash shop and go up to 12 Blue Stars = 22 Stars from Star Forcing,
* And 25 Star Force isn't borken ( And not gonna incease our "power creep") Because you can fail many times, and Eventually Destroy the Item , So please implement this thank you.
PS. Watch the Video from the Start to the Finish thanks and have a nice day : D
please use paragraphs
I'm all for adding this though.
why not implet the * sys ems had?
was till 20* wasnt so overpriced from the 10º * (cuz 10m per try is rly...) and ppl managed to get to 17*
Tms/Cms also have a 25 Star Force Cap not only Kms, and as i said in my post not have a 25 Star Force cap, makes the new Sets Useless, and Flames of rebirth are not broken as you say it is, it's pretty RNG havey Based, if so Nebs are broken because they are a 100% to get the stats that are on them for exapmle : a Decent sharp Eyes Nebulite give's Decent Sharp Eye at a 100% , and it can be placed on a Level 10 Glove! , To get the Potential Decent shrap eye you need at least a Level 120+ Glove with a Unique potential, and the 25 Star Force cap is not Broken as well, it takes a lot of mesos to get to 22 Stars , (And you can only Safeguard the item (Non Superior ofc, from 12>16 Stars only, and iv'e seen MANY TOP KMS playes destroy their item a billion times, Now mee's are broken , because they are pretty much Aee's that give Superior Stats to EVERY SINGLE ITEM IN THE ENITRE GAME(Talk about bieng borken or Power crap Hehe) And you can just use it as a normal Aee but NX Safeguard the item against destruction Up to 12 Stars (12 Mee's Stared Blue Stats has the stats that are equivalent to a 22 Star Forced ITEM! , so you see my point , mee's are broken, but 25 Star Force isn't because it takes a lot of mesos and Restoring the item After it has been destroyed a Billlion times, it is How ever eeasy to get to 17 Star Force and it can Really help the Funded and Unfunded , because again 16Th+ Stars starts adding more stats and Weapon Attack/Magic Attack, but to reach the true potential of the Ultra end Game (As i call it ) :P , You NEED to reach to a 22 Star Forced Item , and it's HELL to reach that, and since we DON'T have Mee's it is balanced out well, The power Creep in KMS come's from the Mee's they are Superior Stats Aee's OFC they are really broken, but the Flames and 25 Star Force System are fine, especially with the bosses and the new areas that we get, it's way easier in my opinion to Implement something that Kms Has, then to try to implement something that Kms dosn't have, because more often then not Gms tends to break A lot of things , so why to lower the bosses hp and Introduce a lot of new bugs/glitches, then to just simply Follow in Kms footsteps , as every other version doe's and look where they stand as i see from YouTube and Read about them, they have MUCH LESS BUGS THEN GMS, and they have Flames and 25 Star Force, (Well Tms/Cms have that, MapleSEA have a 20 Star Force cap, and Jms have a 15 Star Cap) But all of this vesion doe's indeed have Flames Of Rebirth, and yea Jms have only 15 Star Force and Gollux, but Tms/Cms have Gollux as well as a 25 Star Force Cap, and they are doing just fine, if you ask me , Nebulite are Broken, (But you can't even get them without spending IRL Money So what's the POINT?!) So Again Bringing over A 25 Star Force Cap and Flames Of Rebirth to GMS will only make things better, and not incrases the power creep, because we won't have mee's and everyone will have a chance to get to 17 Star Force, and some good stats from flames, So please i ask you to consider it, and look at diffrent versions as well KMS/TMS/JMS/CMS/MapleSEA Are doing just fine, bringing over those systems will make the New and other Future sets viable, Because THESE SETS ARE DESIGNED WITH A 25 STAR FORCE CAP IN MIND, SO THE SO CALLED "Sets", Only start to Bieng better then Tyrants at 17Th Stars+ , please consider it, i really think it will only help GMS, i Strongly Believe so
For a Better and a Brighter future for Global MapleStory : )
Also, for the love of all that is pure, please format your posts into paragraphs. I'm not reading a wall of text with random strings of caps lock in it.
Format your posts.
If you can't do that, then make your posts shorter.Use paragraphs.
The best eye and face accessories in GMS/EMS are Sweetwater accessories due to them being to obtain 13% at Legendary and being able to reach 15 stars on star force in our version of the game. The "runner up" accessories would be Condensed Power Crystals and the Aquatic Letter Eye which both can obtain 12% at Legendary. Assuming that 1% per line is a small difference to Sweetwater, those who choose Sweetwater are considered screw due to the flaming restrictions of high leveled gears. The level of the flame determines what you flame with.
Similar to your character, flames cannot influence the stats of another item that is a higher level than the flame which is similar to how a level 30 thief cannot wear Absolab, but a level 200 can pretty much wear anything that is its job type. Assuming everyone who was upset with me saw a glance of my Googledoc might remember the abundance of 110 flames from the easier bosses opposed to the 150 flames which drop primarily for CRA and harder bosses. Players who get wear "flammable clothing" (XD) can easily re-roll their stats every boss compared to those who wear higher level gears.
Returning back to Sweetwater and Absolab, people might notice there aren't any 160+ flames out there. In this scenario, those who plan to polish their high end gear must resort to using scarcer Eternal and Powerful flames obtained via crafting as a Jeweler or wait until an event shop rolls in with Eternal and Powerful Flames. Crafted flames require materials from extracted pre existing flames, the counterpart of a "cubic blade" and some of the new crafting materials introduced during the RED Patch such as spell essences.
The idea of crafting Flames utilizes are the new items introduced during the RED patch as well as proving that Accessory Crafting can be just as good as Smithing (people use smithing for Meister Cubes.) Another idea this system would promote is some sort of interaction the community. Players sporting items that are only compatible with crafted flames will demand a high amount materials to make crafted flames. Players who take advantage on the dropped flames from other bosses can sell these flames to the rich so they could use them for materials for the crafted flames. The player who sold the materials would get income which they can use on affording new gear, scrolls etc. Since most "godly" players won't rest until they get the best additional stats, they would be buying materials on a daily basis which allows materials suppliers to benefit everyday.
GMS's community should cooperate more and craft more, and in return become stronger,
but you almost alwasy will get [D], [C] Nebs sometimes [B] Nebs, but the REAL problem Currently is when fusing Nebulites
* (And Nexon would need to do a COMPLETE REVAMP of the Nebulites System in order to to fix it. (Which can lead to other bugs)
But if you were to "IMPLEMENT" Flames of Rebirth it would be A lot Eaiser, Bcause that system has beed Tested and is working Correctly (UNLIKE NEBULITES)
in KMS/TMS/JMS/CMS/MapleSEA/, And Even EMS Before they have merged with us.
+ Flames of Rebirth are Currently in the DataBase, so it should be A Lot easier implementing somethin is is already in the database, rather then making
A Whole new System for Nebulites ( Which Btw Guys Pointing Fingers at *NEXON NA* , you have promsied that to us in the Year 2013! )
* 3 Years have alraedy passed and we can *SEE* Your'e results Thanks BTW .........
* Flames of rebirth is already an existent system in Every Region of Maple Story But GMS, you can see that it works, they can craft flames, get weaker one
from boss drops and they are getting them from events (For Ex: In the V Tracker where you need to Clear Kiritas once we get a "Good" 100% Chaos Scrolls (Icogs are wayy better , thank for that Btw nexon Whoo, yo sure do listen to the players.
* KMS Also get's the BIS Etrnal Flams of Rebirth in events like the V COIN Shop!, wo if you Insist on keeping flames, WHY NOT ADD NEBULITES INTO EVENT SHOPS INTO CRAFTING?! , IN ATTENDANCE REWARDS LIKE IN KMS!
Also the system that we have now which is neb system it's impossible to get those A nebs with out spending tons of money in it, and A neb is not even from mobbing or the quest in game, you can only buy those expensive tickets or spending tons of mesos or GACHPON it. but with FLAME, its a ez things that you can get from gameplay.
Also Flame is one of the item that makes lower spending player or f2p because you can get it in the gameplay (without flames f2p will spending so much more time to work on the spell trace and farming mesos, and thats not how a game should expenriced). but the nebs system is one thing that made up by GMS which is pretty old and not flexible to nowdays. but flame is the item that creat by KMS which can improve by the time and they are apply to all the server except GMS. even if we have S rank neb I still feels Flames can bring more fun and more power to player.
I rather choosing GMS to REMOVE NEBS system to BRING the flame and 25 strars. (not how you guys remove it from ems, this is really bad)
Overall the flames and 25 star does benifit to all of the players.
AbsoLab Is Useless in GMS, only the shoulder is good, and from the Arcane Umbra ( Level 200 Set) , Only the Weapon,Hat,Shoulder,
Is usefull, and ONLY the Weapon is Available After Beating lucid and getting enough coins (24 Coins = 24 Weeks for a 1 Piece of equpiment)
Doe's that seems fair NO NOT AT ALL! , KMS AND EVERY OTHER REGION BUT MapleSEA, Will use the ENITIRE ARCANE UMBRA SET ,( The only thing that they won't use is the overall because a combo of a top and bottom is better) , Do you see where i'm going with these, At 17 Star Force the Arcane Umbra ENITRE SET Suprasses the stats of tyrants equpis (Becaue the Arcanme Umbra has a SET EFFECT) ,
So sure we also need to beat lucid to get what ONLY 1 Weapon, ( And what about newer sets being realesed? ? )
With our Lack of 25 Star Force and Flames ( The sets in Kms are Desgined to be Used and Complemented By the Fact that KMS AND EVERY OTHER REGION Have Flames and 25 Star Force (MapleSEA has up to 20 Stars , but iv'e seen and they also got problems, let's not get into that.)
The 25 Star Force CAP and Flames wil not cause MORE POWER CREEP, Because it's like Star Forcing now, only tha it's Really easy to get to 17 Star Force the Safeguard feature there goes from 12 > 16 ( So you only Risk blowing up your'e item at 16 > 17 Stars) Do you see where i'm going with theses everyone should be able to get to at least 17 Stars and it give's so much Stats (And with set effects that's why KMS Used AbsoLabs insted of CRA)
And that's why every region has implemented a 25 Star Force System ( JMS increasesd their CAP from 15 (Like Us) to 25 Star Force CAP)
Because the New Sets : AbsoLabs And Arcane Umbra ONLY START Being better from 16Th+ Stars because the Star Force Enhancements Start adding Attack and attack really helps.
And MEE'S were the eason KMS Has got so much power creep NOT 25 Stars And FLAMES, Mees are Basically Superior Stats EE'S , ( You Can see why that's caused a Power Creep) They have a Boom Rate just like EE'S and the Other thing , you coulde even ADD superior stats to NON 25 Star Force Equpis ( Superior Stats are only been added After the 16Th+ Stars) That's what have caused the power creep ( They can make a Lvl 10 Ring have Superiors Stats OFC There would be a MASSIVE POWER CREEP FROM THAT! , But look at other regions (Besides MapleSEA (They got some issues to deal with) They all have Got 25 Star Force and Flames of Rebirths ( Yes even the version that WE follow has Raised the CAP from 15 > 25 Star Force ( And they have always had Flames)
And they did it because the new and newer sets to come are useless Under 16 Stars ( 15 Stared Arcane Umbra Shoe is WORSE then a 12 Stared Tyrants Shoe)
If You Add 25 Star Force, Flames of Rebirth (AND NOT MEE'S) Then we won't have a power creep, 17 Stars is Easy to get (Sure the item can boom bo so doe's now)
And Flames are Like Nebulites only PERFECTED (They are Craftable the GODLY Flames) they are in Event shops in Attendance Rewards and from MONSTER COLLOCTION BOXES ( We Don't Need COGS We Need Flames from the Monster collction)
SO please Add 25 Star Force and Flames of Rebirth ( Even JMS Had raised the Star Force CAP from 15 > 25 , AND THEY HAVE GOLLUX)
And they are doing fine . 16+ Stars AbsoLabs/Aracane Umbra is better then CRA+Tyrants ( Only the Top+Bottom are stil BIS)
So at least make our work of killing Lucid and other bosses worth it ( Lotus is NOT worth killing only for his Soul Shards )
( You Only Kill Damien to get the AbsoLabs Shoulder ) Because the Rest of the SET IS USELLES without Flames and 25 Star Force.
IT'S ALMOST 2017 ! ! !
Why should we kill Those Bosses to get Useless equpis if we already have the Best IN Slot!?