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Check out the v.257 - Tallahart: Grave of the Gods Patch Notes
Frenzy Totem (Monolith) bug report
Bug type: The skill
Monolith from the item
Frenzy Totem
Brief bug summary: The effects of Frenzy Totem remain on the map even if the caster were to leave after casting Monolith
More details: The bug is that when the caster leaves the map after casting the Monolith skill, the effects of the Frenzy Totem
(Monolith skill) would remain on the map. If you are not familiar with it already, the on screen totem does actually disappear when the caster of the Monolith skill leaves; however, in Global MapleStory, the effects of the totem would remain on the map for the full 10 minute duration.
Judging from how the server that first introduced this item handles it. It appears that it was never an intended feature for the effect to stay when the caster leaves. The effect of the Frenzy Totem will leave with the caster after they depart from the map. I have made a video of usage with the Frenzy Totem
(Monolith skill) inside Taiwan MapleStory to show everyone for demonstration.
Steps to reproduce:
- Cast the Frenzy Totem skill Monolith
- Leave the map
- Re-enter map and you will see that the Monolith has disappeared but the effects of the skill remain on the map.
Character name: KingCostco
Character level: 103
Character job: Dual Blade
World name: Bera
Date and time of the incident: January 13th, 2018 9:30 PST
Therefore, we should also have Frenzy Totem in Gachapon on GMS as well as the improved spawn density and respawn rate, since apparently items are supposed to be exactly the same across different servers as the poster here has indicated.
I would doubt this is a bug.
I actually looked at a TMS stream awhile ago and the streamer was browsing the fm. To my amazement were stores selling guardians and divinity rings all around for a few billion mesos. The difference in availability is staggering.
And your point? Don't have to be an active member of the forums to report an actual bug... Is there no credibility when I put the effort in demonstrating how the Totem functions on the server it came from? A bug is a bug, I'm just here to bring it to light for the developers.
You're correct about this.
My advice is to follow the bug report format.
Noted and edited, thanks for the advice!
the reason might be because it seems like you're posting on a separate account to avoid backlash since this is a bug that some people wouldn't mind keeping. not that there's anything wrong with that either
The account doesn’t matter as long as the bug posted is credible and legit. There’s people with no post history running for VFM. He may be active on the discord and not forums.
it's not a nerf, basically, the totem effect stays after the user leaves the map. It's a potential exploit. It'd be like kishin shoukan remeaining in effect after a kanna leaves the map. is what he's saying.
this change would make the item worse (for people that totem to train mules on the same account, or totem friends, or sell totem service). my point's still the same.
Well, he did the right thing reporting it. An exploit is an exploit.
Off topic but how do you have a custom picture?
Kishin is just shorter, but you can still leave the map and the effect will stay for the full 3 minutes.
It's always worked that way.
From what I notice, when Kanna leave map while kishin is active, the actual kishin summons expire regardless of their time left. The effects of kishin only stay because of the effect while it was active. I'm assuming, OP is saying Monolith stays even when the user is out of the map, as in the skill doesnt expire when the user leaves.
The monolith disappears, the effect stays. Same thing with Kishin, the summons disappear but the effect stays.
They both work exactly the same, they just have different summon durations. The effect always lasts for the full length of the summon duration, regardless of whether or not the caster leaves the map.
Has it crossed your mind that maybe Kishin has been glitched as well? This would make it harder for hackers that use just 1 Kanna bot to rotate maps as well.
Has it crossed your mind to look for JMS confirmation instead of just mindlessly speculating?
This is not a bug, it's intended. I will need to google where I saw this x.x