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Reactions: 1,060
Posts: 66
edited January 2018 in Off-Topic Discussion

Before I begin, I'd like to apologies cuz I won't be able to respond to anyone in here, so you don't really have to msg me or anythign like that, in fact if you read this than just so you know, I'm not really here anymore, I'm at vacation (Thailand).

I've been looking at threads in this forum for a long time now and I noticed that, so far, Nexon never ever really did things that we asked for....
And I find it a bit sad because people in here invest so much effort and thought and time, and yet, it's all for nothing.... which is really sad because when someone make a thread about something, he know that his request might be pointless and Nexon won't do his request but he has a little hope that maybe Nexon will actually do it, and yet....
there are so many people in here with such an amazing ideas that could actually help the game by a LOT, and yet, all the hopes, all the efforts, thoughts, time, it's all for nothing!

And what do they tell us from time to time (in order that we won't lose that hope)? they send a GM or somethin like that to tell us like "We are currently discussing about it", and of course, a week later, nothing has changed... 1 month later? yup nothing has changed either, few months later? again! nothing has changed! but do you know what did change? us, that we totally forgot about it.... so we don't even bother to talk about it anymore nor make threads about it anymore, in other words, Mission Accomplished (for Nexon's plan) see what they did there?

So? Nexon really listen to us? of course they do! but does it change anything? of course not! what is the point of someone listening to you but do exactly the opposite of what you want?? if they NEVER do as you wish/want. alright alright you can listen and keep on listening to me 24/7 but there is no point if NOTHINGS ever changes.

I also got a feeling that 1 of the reasons that they're reading our threads is only to make sure that we don't break those SUPER insane strict rules (kinda feels like I'm in North Korea sometimes), and yet, they NEVER EVER did things that we asked for. (and even when they do, it's probably been 3-4 years since when people asked for it)

I'm quit the forum for awhile, because of the reasons I've mentioned above ^
I might come back later, and of course, I'll be hoping for a change, and I ain't talking about a "change" but a "BIG change".

Also hoping that I won't get perm ban, including IP ban, hell ban, and idk, all those crazy ban ways that Nexon can do to you, even tho I've read the rules and was making sure that I ain't breaking them.

But yeah, I always said that the MAIN problem in the game is the hackers, and no it's not that we don't have the same cash shop as KMS, and it's not because of whatever you are thinking, but the ONLY problem is the AMOUNT of botters which are TAKING OVER our game (literally 70%-80% of the online people in Bera are botters.... when I was in Leafre and Henesys, they were all empty, and yet it showed me that Bera is very active, even more active than Reboot, so I was wondering, how come Bera is so active and yet, I can't even find people, not in Henesys, Leafre, Chu chu, etc, and I thought that it's like people are literally hiding... but then a few friends told me that the reason is cuz that MOST of the players who are online are actually hackers/botters who farm mesos, and it totally explains everything....)

Goodbye, and good luck guys.
  1. Do you agree with what I said?26 votes
    1. Yes, that's why I also gave up.
       54% (14 votes)
    2. No, Nexon always do everything for us!
       8% (2 votes)
    3. idc, cus I just wanna watch the game goes into chaos! muhaha
       31% (8 votes)
    4. U r crazy, the game is fine, the economy is great, we also don't have hackers, game is in good shape
       8% (2 votes)


  • MigiSouthpawMigiSouthpaw
    Reactions: 1,000
    Posts: 153
    edited January 2018
    goodbye, youo are free now my friend
  • NicholasBNicholasB
    Reactions: 1,195
    Posts: 79
    edited January 2018
    I feel you, have a good one brother :(
  • DarkPassengerDarkPassenger
    Reactions: 8,980
    Posts: 2,669
    edited January 2018
    VFM will lock thread cause of the “no one needs to know you’re quitting” etc

    That aside, I’ve been reading a site where employees or ex employees write reviews about how it was to work there or how it is working there, (site also has information on the whole company) and the reviews reflect perfectly the content and gameplay we (the players) get. Most reviews if not all say this one thing “the company (Nexon America) is a good place but management isn’t that great and focus tends to shift a lot.”
  • AKradianAKradian
    Reactions: 40,340
    Posts: 6,342
    Member, Private Tester
    edited January 2018
    I think the main problem with getting our requests fulfilled is the game of "broken telephone" that it entails.


    For example, we've been asking for many years for a way to hide our androids while still getting the stat boost from their hearts, both for aesthetic reasons ("clean look") and for practical reasons (reduce screen clutter in tricky boss fights, especially in parties). People even suggested two reasonable mechanisms for doing it: one would be a toggle, somewhere in the Equipment or Options windows, and the other would be a "Transparent Android" Cash cover.
    Now, years later, we get the functionality - but it's tied to skill transparency. So if you want to not see your android, you'll also have to give up seeing your skill effects (and your pet and familiar). However, there is no way to hide other people's androids, even though you can set their skills to transparent (this might actually be a bug). You see their androids even if they themselves don't.
    On the other hand, we get bonus functionality - that we never asked for - of having the android be semi-transparent, if the skills are.

    How does this happen? Why does it take so long to implement a simple suggestion, and the implementation ends up not even fulfilling the purpose (in our example, we still have to suffer the screen clutter of our party-mates' androids in a boss fight)?

    Because of the long chain of communication between us (GMS players) and the people who actually code the game (Nexon's programmers in Seoul, Korea).

    First, we write our ideas, and then other people come and suggest improvements or offer objections. It's a long thread and not all of the participants have perfect writing skills.

    Second, the CM is supposed to read everything on the forums (and reddit, and Discord, and facebook, and everywhere else fans communicate their thoughts about the game) and condense it all into a report for the other team members to read.
    Obviously, this is way more work than any one human being can do, and Nexon has never hired assistant CMs. Instead, we have the volunteer CM assistants, a.k.a VFMs. They read everything and summarize what they deem worthy of passing on to Nexon. But summaries, by definition, omit much detail. The VFMs also pass along links to the original thread, but I think we can safely assume that the people at Nexon rarely have the time to actually read all the original discussion. Especially since the people who actually do the technical work are Koreans who might not understand English well enough to follow the original thread, even if they were inclined to try.

    Third, the Nexon America Maplestory team discusses the suggestion. I suspect that most suggestions die at this stage. But assuming the request is considered reasonable, they send it on to Korea. I'm not sure whether it gets translated into Korean at this stage or a bit later, but unless the translation is done by the same person who originally localized the relevant content, there is a significant risk that the terminology used will be wrong (remember, most Nexon staff don't play the game or play it very casually) and result in an incomprehensible request. For example, if we request changes to Morass maps, and the person doing the translation doesn't know the original Korean name is also phonetically Morass, they might translate it into, say, "quicksand" - and then the devs say "what are quicksand maps?" and toss the request in the shredder.

    Fourth, the Nexon Korea GMS team considers the request. I don't know who they have to consult. There's an overseas dev team that deals with shared non-KMS content (like, say, Kanna class), and there is the primary Maplestory team and its director, and all sorts of other decision makers.

    Fifth, if the suggestion is not dead yet, it is put into the queue, at whatever priority it was assigned.

    Sixth, development starts. A designer looks over the suggestion and whatever the various teams decided to do with it, and comes up with what they believe was intended. Refer to the swing picture, above. Then a programmer implements the design, as best they can given the spaghetti coding all around. As far as I can tell, nobody looks over their code. If it runs, then it's good.

    Seventh, when the time comes, it's integrated into a patch, and sent to America for QA. I doubt the QA people have the original request to refer to when they test this new feature. They only have, at best, the developers' description of what was implemented. So all they can see is whether it works or not, not whether it fulfills any user intention.

    And then, finally, the users get to see what they got. Which they may or may not recognize as resembling something they asked for, years ago.

    TL;DR: listening happens, and implementation sometimes happens, but it takes so long and suffers so many twists along the way, that we are rarely satisfied with what we get when it eventually happens.
  • cheezburger85cheezburger85
    Reactions: 1,190
    Posts: 79
    edited January 2018
    AKradian wrote: »
    I think the main problem with getting our requests fulfilled is the game of "broken telephone" that it entails.


    For example, we've been asking for many years for a way to hide our androids while still getting the stat boost from their hearts, both for aesthetic reasons ("clean look") and for practical reasons (reduce screen clutter in tricky boss fights, especially in parties). People even suggested two reasonable mechanisms for doing it: one would be a toggle, somewhere in the Equipment or Options windows, and the other would be a "Transparent Android" Cash cover.
    Now, years later, we get the functionality - but it's tied to skill transparency. So if you want to not see your android, you'll also have to give up seeing your skill effects (and your pet and familiar). However, there is no way to hide other people's androids, even though you can set their skills to transparent (this might actually be a bug). You see their androids even if they themselves don't.
    On the other hand, we get bonus functionality - that we never asked for - of having the android be semi-transparent, if the skills are.

    How does this happen? Why does it take so long to implement a simple suggestion, and the implementation ends up not even fulfilling the purpose (in our example, we still have to suffer the screen clutter of our party-mates' androids in a boss fight)?

    Because of the long chain of communication between us (GMS players) and the people who actually code the game (Nexon's programmers in Seoul, Korea).

    First, we write our ideas, and then other people come and suggest improvements or offer objections. It's a long thread and not all of the participants have perfect writing skills.

    Second, the CM is supposed to read everything on the forums (and reddit, and Discord, and facebook, and everywhere else fans communicate their thoughts about the game) and condense it all into a report for the other team members to read.
    Obviously, this is way more work than any one human being can do, and Nexon has never hired assistant CMs. Instead, we have the volunteer CM assistants, a.k.a VFMs. They read everything and summarize what they deem worthy of passing on to Nexon. But summaries, by definition, omit much detail. The VFMs also pass along links to the original thread, but I think we can safely assume that the people at Nexon rarely have the time to actually read all the original discussion. Especially since the people who actually do the technical work are Koreans who might not understand English well enough to follow the original thread, even if they were inclined to try.

    Third, the Nexon America Maplestory team discusses the suggestion. I suspect that most suggestions die at this stage. But assuming the request is considered reasonable, they send it on to Korea. I'm not sure whether it gets translated into Korean at this stage or a bit later, but unless the translation is done by the same person who originally localized the relevant content, there is a significant risk that the terminology used will be wrong (remember, most Nexon staff don't play the game or play it very casually) and result in an incomprehensible request. For example, if we request changes to Morass maps, and the person doing the translation doesn't know the original Korean name is also phonetically Morass, they might translate it into, say, "quicksand" - and then the devs say "what are quicksand maps?" and toss the request in the shredder.

    Fourth, the Nexon Korea GMS team considers the request. I don't know who they have to consult. There's an overseas dev team that deals with shared non-KMS content (like, say, Kanna class), and there is the primary Maplestory team and its director, and all sorts of other decision makers.

    Fifth, if the suggestion is not dead yet, it is put into the queue, at whatever priority it was assigned.

    Sixth, development starts. A designer looks over the suggestion and whatever the various teams decided to do with it, and comes up with what they believe was intended. Refer to the swing picture, above. Then a programmer implements the design, as best they can given the spaghetti coding all around. As far as I can tell, nobody looks over their code. If it runs, then it's good.

    Seventh, when the time comes, it's integrated into a patch, and sent to America for QA. I doubt the QA people have the original request to refer to when they test this new feature. They only have, at best, the developers' description of what was implemented. So all they can see is whether it works or not, not whether it fulfills any user intention.

    And then, finally, the users get to see what they got. Which they may or may not recognize as resembling something they asked for, years ago.

    TL;DR: listening happens, and implementation sometimes happens, but it takes so long and suffers so many twists along the way, that we are rarely satisfied with what we get when it eventually happens.

    Yeah, but again, who cares about that? I mean come on we have a LOT more bigger problems than "a way to hide our androids", of course it'd be cool if we had it but again we have 100x bigger problems than that, which is of course the hackers.... the economy is totally destroyed, and it's all thanks to those botters who farm mesos 24/7.
  • AKradianAKradian
    Reactions: 40,340
    Posts: 6,342
    Member, Private Tester
    edited January 2018
    Yeah, but again, who cares about that? I mean come on we have a LOT more bigger problems than "a way to hide our androids", of course it'd be cool if we had it but again we have 100x bigger problems than that, which is of course the hackers.... the economy is totally destroyed, and it's all thanks to those botters who farm mesos 24/7.

    I gave that as an example of a simple suggestion taking too long and coming out wrong at the end.

    As for the big things - they're trying. The auto-ban waves we had/have are a result of Nexon trying to solve the hacker/botter issue. They don't seem to be doing a very good job at it, but it's certainly not a case of "everything we write on the forums falls on deaf ears blind eyes".
  • GomenasaiGomenasai
    Reactions: 1,295
    Posts: 78
    edited January 2018
    AKradian wrote: »
    Yeah, but again, who cares about that? I mean come on we have a LOT more bigger problems than "a way to hide our androids", of course it'd be cool if we had it but again we have 100x bigger problems than that, which is of course the hackers.... the economy is totally destroyed, and it's all thanks to those botters who farm mesos 24/7.

    I gave that as an example of a simple suggestion taking too long and coming out wrong at the end.

    As for the big things - they're trying. The auto-ban waves we had/have are a result of Nexon trying to solve the hacker/botter issue. They don't seem to be doing a very good job at it, but it's certainly not a case of "everything we write on the forums falls on deaf ears blind eyes".

    I doubt they actually REALLY trying, just think about it, we had times where mesos rate was about 10$ per 1b, and now it's literally 1$ per 1b, why? cus of TOO many hackers/botters, now the question is, how come that these days there are a LOT more hackers? cus Nexon either barely trying or they are not trying at all.

    I don't fall for those kind of tricks, such as "they're already trying their best", I'm sorry but I don't buy it, no matter what you are going to say.
  • cheezburger85cheezburger85
    Reactions: 1,190
    Posts: 79
    edited January 2018
    AKradian wrote: »
    Yeah, but again, who cares about that? I mean come on we have a LOT more bigger problems than "a way to hide our androids", of course it'd be cool if we had it but again we have 100x bigger problems than that, which is of course the hackers.... the economy is totally destroyed, and it's all thanks to those botters who farm mesos 24/7.

    I gave that as an example of a simple suggestion taking too long and coming out wrong at the end.

    As for the big things - they're trying. The auto-ban waves we had/have are a result of Nexon trying to solve the hacker/botter issue. They don't seem to be doing a very good job at it, but it's certainly not a case of "everything we write on the forums falls on deaf ears blind eyes".

    Hahahaha, "they're trying" ok now that's probably the most funniest joke I've heard so far in this forum XD
  • DarkPassengerDarkPassenger
    Reactions: 8,980
    Posts: 2,669
    edited January 2018
    Gomenasai wrote: »
    AKradian wrote: »
    Yeah, but again, who cares about that? I mean come on we have a LOT more bigger problems than "a way to hide our androids", of course it'd be cool if we had it but again we have 100x bigger problems than that, which is of course the hackers.... the economy is totally destroyed, and it's all thanks to those botters who farm mesos 24/7.

    I gave that as an example of a simple suggestion taking too long and coming out wrong at the end.

    As for the big things - they're trying. The auto-ban waves we had/have are a result of Nexon trying to solve the hacker/botter issue. They don't seem to be doing a very good job at it, but it's certainly not a case of "everything we write on the forums falls on deaf ears blind eyes".

    I doubt they actually REALLY trying, just think about it, we had times where mesos rate was about 10$ per 1b, and now it's literally 1$ per 1b, why? cus of TOO many hackers/botters, now the question is, how come that these days there are a LOT more hackers? cus Nexon either barely trying or they are not trying at all.

    I don't fall for those kind of tricks, such as "they're already trying their best", I'm sorry but I don't buy it, no matter what you are going to say.

    Which rates are you going by? You can't use illegal site rates as they arent official, the meso market system can sometimes reach 220+ maple points per 100mil. Depending on server, 220 is one Ive seen in windia, an empty world. So, populated worlds likeBera would most likely have higher rates.

    It's not that they're not trying but more than they overextend or they started trying a bit too late.

    It's like AKradian said if feedback has to cross multi-regional boundaries, and things have to get compiled from multi-platforms and summarized (condensed), and properly formatted, and translated, then things do happen to get lost in translation. Developers do want to know what's going on in a game they're developing. Just the process of getting from Us to them is what takes long.
  • DarkPassengerDarkPassenger
    Reactions: 8,980
    Posts: 2,669
    edited January 2018
    AKradian wrote: »
    Yeah, but again, who cares about that? I mean come on we have a LOT more bigger problems than "a way to hide our androids", of course it'd be cool if we had it but again we have 100x bigger problems than that, which is of course the hackers.... the economy is totally destroyed, and it's all thanks to those botters who farm mesos 24/7.

    I gave that as an example of a simple suggestion taking too long and coming out wrong at the end.

    As for the big things - they're trying. The auto-ban waves we had/have are a result of Nexon trying to solve the hacker/botter issue. They don't seem to be doing a very good job at it, but it's certainly not a case of "everything we write on the forums falls on deaf ears blind eyes".

    Hahahaha, "they're trying" ok now that's probably the most funniest joke I've heard so far in this forum XD

    It's simple to be cynical about this stuff but that's pretty much the process as AKradian illustrated. Lack of focus and proper supervision, poor management.
  • Mercedes4Ever31Mercedes4Ever31
    Reactions: 1,215
    Posts: 69
    edited January 2018
    Sorry to hear that :/
    But that's quite true though.

    Goodbye buddy :(
  • ZeroBluxZeroBlux
    Reactions: 1,100
    Posts: 80
    edited January 2018
    AKradian wrote: »
    I think the main problem with getting our requests fulfilled is the game of "broken telephone" that it entails.


    For example, we've been asking for many years for a way to hide our androids while still getting the stat boost from their hearts, both for aesthetic reasons ("clean look") and for practical reasons (reduce screen clutter in tricky boss fights, especially in parties). People even suggested two reasonable mechanisms for doing it: one would be a toggle, somewhere in the Equipment or Options windows, and the other would be a "Transparent Android" Cash cover.
    Now, years later, we get the functionality - but it's tied to skill transparency. So if you want to not see your android, you'll also have to give up seeing your skill effects (and your pet and familiar). However, there is no way to hide other people's androids, even though you can set their skills to transparent (this might actually be a bug). You see their androids even if they themselves don't.
    On the other hand, we get bonus functionality - that we never asked for - of having the android be semi-transparent, if the skills are.

    How does this happen? Why does it take so long to implement a simple suggestion, and the implementation ends up not even fulfilling the purpose (in our example, we still have to suffer the screen clutter of our party-mates' androids in a boss fight)?

    Because of the long chain of communication between us (GMS players) and the people who actually code the game (Nexon's programmers in Seoul, Korea).

    First, we write our ideas, and then other people come and suggest improvements or offer objections. It's a long thread and not all of the participants have perfect writing skills.

    Second, the CM is supposed to read everything on the forums (and reddit, and Discord, and facebook, and everywhere else fans communicate their thoughts about the game) and condense it all into a report for the other team members to read.
    Obviously, this is way more work than any one human being can do, and Nexon has never hired assistant CMs. Instead, we have the volunteer CM assistants, a.k.a VFMs. They read everything and summarize what they deem worthy of passing on to Nexon. But summaries, by definition, omit much detail. The VFMs also pass along links to the original thread, but I think we can safely assume that the people at Nexon rarely have the time to actually read all the original discussion. Especially since the people who actually do the technical work are Koreans who might not understand English well enough to follow the original thread, even if they were inclined to try.

    Third, the Nexon America Maplestory team discusses the suggestion. I suspect that most suggestions die at this stage. But assuming the request is considered reasonable, they send it on to Korea. I'm not sure whether it gets translated into Korean at this stage or a bit later, but unless the translation is done by the same person who originally localized the relevant content, there is a significant risk that the terminology used will be wrong (remember, most Nexon staff don't play the game or play it very casually) and result in an incomprehensible request. For example, if we request changes to Morass maps, and the person doing the translation doesn't know the original Korean name is also phonetically Morass, they might translate it into, say, "quicksand" - and then the devs say "what are quicksand maps?" and toss the request in the shredder.

    Fourth, the Nexon Korea GMS team considers the request. I don't know who they have to consult. There's an overseas dev team that deals with shared non-KMS content (like, say, Kanna class), and there is the primary Maplestory team and its director, and all sorts of other decision makers.

    Fifth, if the suggestion is not dead yet, it is put into the queue, at whatever priority it was assigned.

    Sixth, development starts. A designer looks over the suggestion and whatever the various teams decided to do with it, and comes up with what they believe was intended. Refer to the swing picture, above. Then a programmer implements the design, as best they can given the spaghetti coding all around. As far as I can tell, nobody looks over their code. If it runs, then it's good.

    Seventh, when the time comes, it's integrated into a patch, and sent to America for QA. I doubt the QA people have the original request to refer to when they test this new feature. They only have, at best, the developers' description of what was implemented. So all they can see is whether it works or not, not whether it fulfills any user intention.

    And then, finally, the users get to see what they got. Which they may or may not recognize as resembling something they asked for, years ago.

    TL;DR: listening happens, and implementation sometimes happens, but it takes so long and suffers so many twists along the way, that we are rarely satisfied with what we get when it eventually happens.

    this sounds like the exact process of turning a bill into a law and how they will always get passed with changes rather than how we wanted it.
  • PirateIzzyPirateIzzy
    Reactions: 5,265
    Posts: 862
    edited January 2018
    That aside, I’ve been reading a site where employees or ex employees write reviews about how it was to work there or how it is working there, (site also has information on the whole company) and the reviews reflect perfectly the content and gameplay we (the players) get. Most reviews if not all say this one thing “the company (Nexon America) is a good place but management isn’t that great and focus tends to shift a lot.”

    For those wondering, here's the site in question:
  • NicholasBNicholasB
    Reactions: 1,195
    Posts: 79
    edited January 2018
    PirateIzzy wrote: »
    That aside, I’ve been reading a site where employees or ex employees write reviews about how it was to work there or how it is working there, (site also has information on the whole company) and the reviews reflect perfectly the content and gameplay we (the players) get. Most reviews if not all say this one thing “the company (Nexon America) is a good place but management isn’t that great and focus tends to shift a lot.”

    For those wondering, here's the site in question:

    Oh, never knew about it, thank you.