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star forcing odds of success clearly are wrong
actual chance of success for games stated odds when star forcing or otherwise are clearly incorrect. there is a reason some countrys have started cracking down on gambling odd stated chances to ensure game companys that use gambling in their game as a form of revenue are correctly stating the actual odds of winning. there is nothing in place to keep nexon america from lying about stated odds in the game and i would hope that Nexon is truthful with their stated odds and has no need to be policed by some government bill or policy. where is the love Nexon, i blew over 2b mesos and can't even get my weapon 13 starred
I'd say RnG still plays a role. Regardless of the success rate it says.
Just because you fail doesn't mean the rates are wrong.
Chains of bad luck rolls suspiciously happen far more often than a string of good luck rolls. it is easy to mess with a number generator where a person would perceive a 45% chance to be ok and assume that you will pass 4.5 times out of 10, but in the programming back ground that generates whether you pass or not i highly doubt it just spits out a random number between 1 and 100, with 45 of these numbers being pass and 55 being fail. i bet in the actual coding of the roll for passing there is far more going on and if that info were to get out to the actual gaming public ,it would be met with a lot of negative reactions from the player base. if i were to roll a 45% sf 10000 times or even a million times the larger the sample then the end results of the rolls should come pretty darn close to 45% passes and 55% failures in a legit system. but with this system i believe a 45% chance is more like 20%-30% actual chance to pass and a large number of recorded rolls i bet would prove this fact. if anyone has a link to a crazy study i wouldn't mind a read
honestly i am just tired of losing, i have spent thousands of dollars on nx for cubes,over the years. I have never rolled 3 lines of my main stat at legendary tier, not ever, not a single time. at best i have rolled 3 lines of other classes main stats which is useful for trading for my own classes 3 lined gears. the in-game events that i participate in, i never win it big and get something crazy like a half million maple points or something bonkers. I have been discouraged from buying marvel machine,philosopher's books and gach as I don't seem to have much good luck with them either. since my bad past experience I now just do a few attempts when they come around like 2-4 entrys and that's it with no high hopes, so i am not disappointed. Am I just an unlucky player or is this the common theme of things... i don't know maybe i am just having a depressing day i guess =(.
I enjoy playing maple don't get me wrong but to play end game content competitively you sure do have to invest a lot, and with out good luck on your side, good friends and good connections, you are going to be pooched from the get go i guess =(
I sometimes fail 1 star enhancement with 95% of success multiple times.
Neospecter can go on about Gambler's fallacy,but NX has done this kind of shady bs before.
Remember the 8th anniversary 20% enhancement scroll? Bunch of korean rankers have tried this and eventually came under suspicion that the success chance is actually not 20%. One guy actually posted the pic of MS client that he ripped open and found that success rate actually goes down as you succeed (from 20%-> 18%-> 16% and so on). It was pretty clear that the scroll wasn't really 20% success rate (and yes even though the success is low) based on countless samples tried by huge number of rankers back then. NX just kept their mouth shot until the issue got quiet.
Not to mention there's an ACTUAL bug/glitch in the enhancement system that fails the enhancement if you click enhancement button too fast after initial enhancement. As a test, I clicked super fast on enhancement button for over 20 times on 2->3 star enhancement (85%) and every single try failed. This isn't a gambler's fallacy, it's an actual statistical error.