With the new patch tomorrow and the wedding ring effect coming back after being removed years ago, I think it's better to just make the wedding rings into an nx accessory. What's the point of bringing the effects back if you have to remove a ring that you might've took forever to scroll and enhance?
I also think it is better than having to pay 6k nx for the couples ring. I think it'll get more people to also get married too. You pay for the wedding and you can get a ring that you'll actually use instead of let it sit in your inventory, taking up space.
Edit: And maybe also give the option to couples who are already married, to switch rings. No one thought ring effects were going to come back so they could've just chosen any random one.
+1 for this. Having regular wedding rings with effects is horribly outdated since all our regular ring slots are typically taken now. Make it a CS cover item.
Make it a CS cover item.
you dont even need it equipped to do apq
It just seems like such a common sense move.