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Check out the v.257 - Tallahart: Grave of the Gods Patch Notes
Wonderoid Event - "Subjective Morality" Quest Bug
I did checked everything but i cant find her in the rescue mode, did tried the lobby and investigation but nothing i guess that quest been messed out well rip doing adam and eve im afraid.
Anyone who started or continue Episode 1 on this time will have this bug.
Player Name: lVlate
Server: Bera
Level: 224
1. Start Alora persuasion quest.
2. Go to Aspire lobby by talking to Spencer. Talk to Alora.
3. She'll reject the notion that something bad is happening so she wants proof. Go to investigation mode and get 10 documents from 10 boxes you hit to open.
4. Go to lobby and give it to Alora. Krania will appear as you try to persuade Alora and Alora will be taken away.
5. To save Alora you accept a quest to save her, enter investigation mode, go all the way to B4.
6. At the top next to where the lift is, there is a portal. Enter it and save Alora. Leave investigation mode or farming until it times out.
7. ???
8. Profit.
Btw, the pass you speak of (VIP Access Pass) is to unlock the 4th wondroid (Anastasia). You can freely enter the Aspire lobby by talking to Spencer. It's the very last choice on the list of options.
Can confirm. Both my Kanna (with S1 wondroid rescues but have not completed S1 last year) and I/L Mage (with no rescues from last year) couldn't complete the Subjective Morality quest.
Hopefully they fix it in the next maintenance.
Character: Hówls
Server: Reboot
-An issue where the quest 'Subjective Morality' could not be completed will be fixed.
Really? FINALLY!
Character: PoopMagnet
Server: Windia
lvl: 216
class: Aran
I put in a ticket too and they said the same thing.
Bug type:
Brief bug summary:
Fighting Scion before quest is started. Stuck in room with non interact-able Krania. Must wait out timer.
More details:
Must finish this quest to have access to Adam and Eve wondroids. Relogging/restarting maplestory will not get you out of the room. Checking quest log will show the quest has not been accepted and is in the Available tab.
Steps to reproduce:
Simply try starting the quest. Will be transported before accepting quest.
Character name:
Character level:
Character job:
World name:
Date and time of the incident:
Feb. 6th, 2018 at roughly 1 AM EST