Item type (Hair/Face/NX Item/Pet): Hair
Item name (English/Korean): Curly Poodle Hair (Female)
Website link (where the item was seen): Cash Shop Update - 09/06/17
Image of item: REQUEST MET. THANK YOU. Item type (Hair/Face/NX Item/Pet): Face
Item name (English/Korean): Odd Eye (Female)
Website link (where the item was seen): Cash Shop Update 02/01/17
Image of item: REQUEST MET. THANK YOU.
Item type (Hair/Face/NX Item/Pet): NX Item
Item name (English/Korean): >:3 (Face Accessory)
Where the item was seen: n/a
Image of item:
Item type (Hair/Face/NX Item/Pet): NX Item
Item name (English/Korean): Bright New Year Hat
Website link (where the item was seen): n/a
Image of item:
Item type (Hair/Face/NX Item/Pet): NX Item
Item name (English/Korean): Knee Freedom
Website link (where the item was seen): n/a
Image of item:
Item type (Hair/Face/NX Item/Pet): NX Item
Item name (English/Korean): Winter Fantasy Cape
Website link (where the item was seen): n/a
Image of item:
I would like to see Resistance Permanent Outfit Packages in Cash Shop.
I have not ever seen Battle Mage / Mechanic / Wild Hunter Permanent Outfit Packages.
Only Blaster Permanent Outfit Package.
It would be great to see those Packages someday.
What you think?
I believe that the Resistance outfit packages have been released three times before, however I wouldn't mind seeing them be released again as old class packages that are not Zero, Beast Tamer or new heroes packages are very rare.
Personally, though I would love to see the Blaster packages be re-released either as a stand alone item or with the Resistance packages, but that is just me.
Got link? I cannot find how those look.
I am not sure which one you were referring to, but here is the link to both, just in case.
For some reason I can't get the actual update link that has the Resistance Packages, but here is a cash shop update thread from 11/6-11/12 on South Perry from 2013.
Item type (Hair/Face/NX Item/Pet): Hair (Frequently asked for in this thread)
Item name (English/Korean): Time World White Rabbit Hair
Website link (where the item was seen): July 5th, 2017
Item type (Hair/Face/NX Item/Pet): Hair
Item name (English/Korean): Rough Volume Hair
Website link (where the item was seen): July 5th, 2017
Item type (Hair/Face/NX Item/Pet): NX
Item name (English/Korean): Apple Bunny Shirt
Website link (where the item was seen): N/A
Item type (Hair/Face/NX Item/Pet): NX Item- Hat
Item name (English/Korean): Maple Black Beret
Website link (where the item was seen, including previous cash shop rotation link):
Image of item:
Item type (Hair/Face/NX Item/Pet): Face
Item name (English/Korean): Crescent face female (white)
Website link (where the item was seen, including previous cash shop rotation link): Has not been seen for females, but has been for males
The problem I have with these eyes is that there is no white version for females. I've absolutely loved these eyes from the moment they were posted, come males only have a white version of them? If theres anyway there can also be made a white version for females, i would highly appreciate it.
Item type (Hair/Face/NX Item/Pet): Hair
Item name (English/Korean): Super Cutie Hair
Website link (where the item was seen): Cash Shop Update for July 5th
Item type (Hair/Face/NX Item/Pet): Face
Item name (English/Korean): Still Eyed Face [F]
Website link (where the item was seen): Cash Shop Update for July 5th
Item type (Hair/Face/NX Item/Pet): Hair
Item name (English/Korean): Toth Hair
Website link (where the item was seen): November 27th Black Friday Deals
Item type (Hair/Face/NX Item/Pet): Face
Item name (English/Korean): Mysterious Face
Website link (where the item was seen): Cash shop update for December 6th
Please bring back the option where we can purchase perm nx for one week
tem type (Hair/Face/NX Item/Pet): Nx Item
Item name (English/Korean): Red Slime Slippers, Brown Aviator Glasses, Red Checkered Shirt, Gentleman's Mustache
Website link (where the item was seen): N/A
Item type (Hair/Face/NX Item/Pet): HairItem name (English/Korean): Curly Poodle Hair (Female)
Website link (where the item was seen): Cash Shop Update - 09/06/17
Image of item:
Item type (Hair/Face/NX Item/Pet): FaceItem name (English/Korean): Odd Eye (Female)
Website link (where the item was seen): Cash Shop Update 02/01/17
Image of item:
Item type (Hair/Face/NX Item/Pet): NX Item
Item name (English/Korean): >:3 (Face Accessory)
Where the item was seen: n/a
Image of item:
Item type (Hair/Face/NX Item/Pet): NX Item
Item name (English/Korean): Bright New Year Hat
Website link (where the item was seen): n/a
Image of item:
Item type (Hair/Face/NX Item/Pet): NX Item
Item name (English/Korean): Knee Freedom
Website link (where the item was seen): n/a
Image of item:
Item type (Hair/Face/NX Item/Pet): NX Item
Item name (English/Korean): Winter Fantasy Cape
Website link (where the item was seen): n/a
Image of item:
Item name (English/Korean): Mocha Hair (Male)
Website link (where the item was seen, including previous cash shop rotation link):
Image of item:
Item name: Ruya Hair
Website Link:
I am not sure which one you were referring to, but here is the link to both, just in case.
For some reason I can't get the actual update link that has the Resistance Packages, but here is a cash shop update thread from 11/6-11/12 on South Perry from 2013.
As for the Blaster Outfit package here is the link to that update.
Item name (English/Korean): Time World White Rabbit Hair
Website link (where the item was seen): July 5th, 2017
Item type (Hair/Face/NX Item/Pet): Hair
Item name (English/Korean): Rough Volume Hair
Website link (where the item was seen): July 5th, 2017
Item type (Hair/Face/NX Item/Pet): NX
Item name (English/Korean): Apple Bunny Shirt
Website link (where the item was seen): N/A
Item name (English/Korean): Petite Damien Weapon Cover, Damien Package (Damien Coat, Damien Eyepatch, Commander Damien Mask)
Website link (where the item was seen, including previous cash shop rotation link):
Image of item:
Item name: Prism Tresses Hair
Website link:
Image of item:
Item type: Perm NX / Top
Item name: Rainbow Top
Website link:
Image of item:
Item name: Moonlight Fairy Hair / Forest Fairy / Fairy Blossom
Website link:
Image of item:
Item Name: 黒髪のフューチャーロイド_女
Website Link:
Image of Item:
Item name (English/Korean): Maple Black Beret
Website link (where the item was seen, including previous cash shop rotation link):
Image of item:
Item name (English/Korean): Crescent face female (white)
Website link (where the item was seen, including previous cash shop rotation link): Has not been seen for females, but has been for males
The problem I have with these eyes is that there is no white version for females. I've absolutely loved these eyes from the moment they were posted, come males only have a white version of them? If theres anyway there can also be made a white version for females, i would highly appreciate it.
Item name (japanese): not specified
Website link:
Item type (Hair/Face/NX Item/Pet): NX item
Item name (japanese): 斉天のクロス
Website link:
Item name (English/Korean): Action Demon Pet/Demon
Website link (where the item was seen, including previous cash shop rotation link):
Image of item:
Item name (English/Korean): Super Cutie Hair
Website link (where the item was seen): Cash Shop Update for July 5th
Item type (Hair/Face/NX Item/Pet): Face
Item name (English/Korean): Still Eyed Face [F]
Website link (where the item was seen): Cash Shop Update for July 5th
Item type (Hair/Face/NX Item/Pet): Hair
Item name (English/Korean): Toth Hair
Website link (where the item was seen): November 27th Black Friday Deals
Item type (Hair/Face/NX Item/Pet): Face
Item name (English/Korean): Mysterious Face
Website link (where the item was seen): Cash shop update for December 6th
Please bring back the still eyed face [F]!!!
tem type (Hair/Face/NX Item/Pet): Nx Item
Item name (English/Korean): Red Slime Slippers, Brown Aviator Glasses, Red Checkered Shirt, Gentleman's Mustache
Website link (where the item was seen): N/A
Item name: Lotus Hair
Website link:
Image of item:
Item name: Contemporary Chic
Website link: (Feb 2016, please back)
Image of Item: