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Check out the v.257 - Tallahart: Grave of the Gods Patch Notes
Removal of /Find command + Teleport rock option
Do not get your hopes up, this is Nexon we're talking about, they're very unpredictable. in fact, I won't be surprised at all if they will release it, hackers always won at the end
Do not get your hopes up, this is Nexon we're talking about, they're very unpredictable. in fact, I won't be surprised at all if they will release it, hackers always won at the end
Do not get your hopes up, this is Nexon we're talking about, they're very unpredictable. in fact, I won't be surprised at all if they will release it, hackers always won at the end
I don't think removing the /find command is a proper or effective way to tackle the issue of harassment in-game. If I remember correctly, players can block users or change their status to Offline to prevent people from stalking them through the /find command, so I see no reason to get rid of the /find command when it is also a convenient tool to track hackers/botters and get in contact with players who do not read the chat box. I don't know how quickly the team deals with harassment, but I do know that hackers and botters have been a serious issue for a long time, affecting overall game play. So while harassment is an issue, it has somewhat of a solution already, whereas the /find command is necessary until there is a more effective way to combat hackers/botters. KMS does not have many hackers/botters but has a bigger player base and game culture, so removing said features makes more sense for KMS but not so much for GMS.
Ain't they increasing the black list count to 100 and as the above comment mentioned, they can use offline status too (which helps hackers too but thats why I use teleport rock)
The /Find command is very handy as most hackers don't bother to change to offline status so tracking and recording them is much easier for me to send to Nexon (currently over 100 videos of high level hackers)
Overall its still a huge hit for legit players and a huge win for hackers if this goes through
/find option its just throwing small water on huge fire that keep spread
even if this stays how much reports 1GM can process untill action being taken ?
if a person that makes 62floors on dojo takes 2month to get ban(prob just offrank not perm ban...) after who knows how many reports .... i dont know why even needs report for this
we are just waiting on next meltdown on server and we cant do anything
a bit on bright side
maybe we will merge with better server after GMS who knows.....
cough KMS maybe
Teleport Rocks can now only be used by players that grant permission to use the item. Go to Settings/Options/Social to uncheck the option to allow the use of a Teleport Rock."
Thanks for showing how much you care Nexon.. have fun with all the hackers..
In all my years of playing, I've never really seen either of them used as a harassment tool. PLEASE keep these in our version of the game.
As I see in previous replies, I never heard streamers in GMS being harrassed or something o-0 I want to see at least one of these who does...
I am absolutely appauled at the service provided
add them in buddy list ? ahahha
but ye as i said the mess has been done way before with kicking our GM team, this just adds more on it
Pretty sad this was brought over. Even if harassment is a thing the blacklist should solve this. There is absolutely no reason to block the /find and teleport rock features. Hackers are going to have a fantastic time now. Not that it was easy to get a GM to ban them to begin with but now it will be impossible as they have auto change channel and will easily avoid being recorded.
Unfortunately, you can't stalk them through buddy list by adding them, unless they add you back. Otherwise they appear as offline on your list. ):
now you need ask few times full name of the map location and ch to get to your friend (thats not in your bl,even in your bl still was faster /find)
i bet if i point now at ranking of the class thats destoryed by hackers to show how bad and how worst will get soon with this change
i will get faster ban
(you wont even need /find when you see it )
In an ideal world, Nexon's own system would notice, for example, people gaining exp too fast, and send GMs to investigate.
But GMS is far from being ideal, and players tracking suspects has proven essential in getting such cheaters caught and banned. Taking the tools for doing that away from us is a big mistake.
I hope this change will get reversed.