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Scarlet ring

Member STsaar
Reactions: 200
Posts: 7
in General Chat
Any one else have problem with that?
the ring isnt completing a gollux set any more..
i got pend + belt + ring..
and yet doesnt compelet.
the only line on the patch update on the ring is :
The Scarlet Ring will now be Untradeable Once Equipped and a Unique Equipped Item.


  • Member bootlicker
    Reactions: 1,475
    Posts: 158
    edited March 2018
    They hosed you, dude. Nexon removed it's ability to give you a set effect and it doesn't really do anything except be a low grade ring. It's basically a trash item now. You'll be lucky to get anything of value for it on the AH either.
  • Member STsaar
    Reactions: 200
    Posts: 7
    edited March 2018
    bootlicker wrote: »
    They hosed you, dude. Nexon removed it's ability to give you a set effect and it doesn't really do anything except be a low grade ring. It's basically a trash item now. You'll be lucky to get anything of value for it on the AH either.

    you are kidding me right?
    how can they do it without any message before?
    spent like 20b on that ring just so it will be good and complete my sets..
  • Member bootlicker
    Reactions: 1,475
    Posts: 158
    edited March 2018
    Me too. They don't give a damn. They want to have to spend money all over again and half to cube new items. Watch them make superior gollux pendant unique items in the future so we can only equip one of those and have to make new items so they can get more cube money. I imagine deputy dawg, the puppet boy, will be along any minute to lock this thread and issue "warnings" so we can't slander Nexon's good name.
  • Member Zerobeat36
    Reactions: 700
    Posts: 22
    edited March 2018
    I reported the Scarlet Ring as bugged just to get the answer "the ring is supposed to be that way now." It really upset me because I spent a lot of money and mesos to make my Ring really good! I loved how it completed both of my Gollux Sets as well. I have both Superior/Reinforced Rings and Pendants along with a Reinforced Earring and a Superior Belt. After this crap update, I've lost 60% boss and 45% PDR which is VERY big and it just goes to show that Maplestory GM's and creators just do not care about us.

    Also the ring still has this on its description: "This lucky item counts towards any set, so long as you have at least 3 set pieces equipped!" Why the hell is that there if it doesn't work that way anymore?! I love how the Creators are trying to "Better Maple" yet they just keep making it even more crappy!!
  • Member STsaar
    Reactions: 200
    Posts: 7
    edited March 2018
    Zerobeat36 wrote: »
    I reported the Scarlet Ring as bugged just to get the answer "the ring is supposed to be that way now." It really upset me because I spent a lot of money and mesos to make my Ring really good! I loved how it completed both of my Gollux Sets as well. I have both Superior/Reinforced Rings and Pendants along with a Reinforced Earring and a Superior Belt. After this crap update, I've lost 60% boss and 45% PDR which is VERY big and it just goes to show that Maplestory GM's and creators just do not care about us.

    Also the ring still has this on its description: "This lucky item counts towards any set, so long as you have at least 3 set pieces equipped!" Why the hell is that there if it doesn't work that way anymore?! I love how the Creators are trying to "Better Maple" yet they just keep making it even more crappy!!

    We are on the same boat bro.. also lost alot og money and alot of cubing and now its just a regular ring..
    I got the same answer from the gm in chat says thats how it is.. i dont get it when on the description : "... count any set..." thats a big lie.. its count any set as long its the ring in the set..
    and thats the lie on this..
    and they dont give a thing about us.. seriously and now im stuck with a ring and need to buy a new pendant...
  • Member Blissful
    Reactions: 875
    Posts: 23
    edited March 2018
    I literally just completed a Scarlet Ring this week for some flexibility in future sets that might come. I primed, cubed, added a nice nebulite, and PSoK'd it. I just can't believe it is completely untradeable and does nothing. What is the point of the lucky set effect and having it as a coveted item in Marvel if it was going to get shafted like this in the future?

    Also, why remove its ability to work with the Gollux sets? There is absolutely no use for it anymore...

    I am more upset that it is no longer tradeable once equipped. I was upgrading from an event ring that was completely untradeable, and to avoid problem in future investments, I decided to use a Scarlet ring. Nexon, please reconsider the change at least to make it tradeable. Why are the other Scarlet items still tradeable after use? Why this change in only the rings?

    I'm just devastated with this change, as with other people... I hope there is a huge reconsideration in these changes.
  • Member TerrorStreak
    Reactions: 2,320
    Posts: 500
    edited March 2018
    you all only have yourselves to blame, if you want a good idea of the changes coming to GMS go to orangemushroom net and look at the kms patch notes for the changes coming down to gms. KMS 6months ago had the patch that changed how lucky items work that turned the ring in to the garbage that it is now essentially.
    bootlicker wrote: »
    Me too. They don't give a damn. They want to have to spend money all over again and half to cube new items. Watch them make superior gollux pendant unique items in the future so we can only equip one of those and have to make new items so they can get more cube money. I imagine deputy dawg, the puppet boy, will be along any minute to lock this thread and issue "warnings" so we can't slander Nexon's good name.

    If you would actually look at what the lucky items change from KMS did, you would understand that the superior gollux set double superior gollux pendent would not be considered part of the set with that change as it was, but Nexon in their GREAT wisdom added an additional gollux pendent into the actual set bonus itself to get around the single pendant only in the set prior to the changes this patch made. Now when u see the required set pieces when u hover over the superior gollux set, you will see that it now consists of Earring/pendant/pendant/belt/ring before patch it was earring/pendant X1/belt/ring. good on them for knowing how much back lash crippling the item build of almost 90% of the populace and fixing a kms change that would have become a problem.
  • Member Legionnaires
    Reactions: 100
    Post: 1
    Yeah, it's absolutely ridiculous. A GM told me that because it's now considered a "unique" item, it can only take the place of a ring in a set where 3 different items have already been equipped. It's still a lucky item but in a much more limited sense. Practically, however, it is now pretty much worthless.
    Blissful wrote: »
    I literally just completed a Scarlet Ring this week for some flexibility in future sets that might come. I primed, cubed, added a nice nebulite, and PSoK'd it. I just can't believe it is completely untradeable and does nothing. What is the point of the lucky set effect and having it as a coveted item in Marvel if it was going to get shafted like this in the future?

    Also, why remove its ability to work with the Gollux sets? There is absolutely no use for it anymore...

    I am more upset that it is no longer tradeable once equipped. I was upgrading from an event ring that was completely untradeable, and to avoid problem in future investments, I decided to use a Scarlet ring. Nexon, please reconsider the change at least to make it tradeable. Why are the other Scarlet items still tradeable after use? Why this change in only the rings?

    I'm just devastated with this change, as with other people... I hope there is a huge reconsideration in these changes.

    Blissful, it is still tradeable with a PSOK.
  • Member Blissful
    Reactions: 875
    Posts: 23
    edited March 2018
    Blissful, it is still tradeable with a PSOK.

    I PSoK'd it before the patch, and it says untradeable after use. I have been too afraid to unequip it to equip it again. Did it override my PSoK? lol
  • Member, Private Tester Sorrow
    Reactions: 2,780
    Posts: 314
    Member, Private Tester
    edited March 2018
    Nerfs lucky items so that you cannot use two of the same item set effects but two superior pendants are fine ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
    "Unique Equipped Item" never had any correlation with set effects, it just means you can't equip two scarlet rings. How does this make any sense?
  • Member ShiroiSenkouAgain
    Reactions: 370
    Posts: 8
    edited March 2018
    This one really drove me speechless.

    The Scarlet Ring is an item that can only be obtain through CASH ONLY if not getting it through another player who obtain it through said method. Yet, they nerf it to a point where it's even worst than the Silver Blossom Ring(LOL).

    I have seen shitty practice from Nexon more times than I can count. But this here, tops all of them :)
  • Member ShadEight
    Reactions: 3,110
    Posts: 381
    edited March 2018
    First the adventure rings, now this. Who in gods name is coming up with these unnecessary changes? I wouldn't be surprised if they removed the monolith skill from frenzy totem, that is after they steal our cash.
  • Member SuperJonic
    Reactions: 1,390
    Posts: 51
    edited March 2018
    I can't tell if this is actually another bug or something i really want to throw away to get better accessories.
  • Member Catooolooo
    Reactions: 5,625
    Posts: 1,213
    edited March 2018
    Sorrow wrote: »
    Nerfs lucky items so that you cannot use two of the same item set effects but two superior pendants are fine ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
    "Unique Equipped Item" never had any correlation with set effects, it just means you can't equip two scarlet rings. How does this make any sense?

    not exactly

    they changed how sets work

    see, the reason double pend works is because it's one of the ways that people are allowed to do the gollux set because the pend is not unique equipped item, so they had to added a second pend in the set info so that it would still work properly. However the ring of that set is unique equipped and so is only listed once in the set. Scarlet equips have been changed so that it can only represent 1 piece of equip in all sets as long as that equip isnt already equipped in the active set (and you need 3 pieces of the set to begin with), in otherwords they would need to add a second ring into the set effect, but because the ring is suppose to be Unique equipped they wont add a second ring.

    one of the big reasons i never bothered with scarlet equips is due to how wonkey they workeed, First it was only with the highest set ID, then it was with all sets but you needed 3 pieces and now it needs to represent a piece of the set that is not already active in the set.
    SuperJonic wrote: »
    I can't tell if this is actually another bug or something i really want to throw away to get better accessories.

    it's not a bug
  • Member SuperJonic
    Reactions: 1,390
    Posts: 51
    edited March 2018
    Catooolooo wrote: »
    Sorrow wrote: »
    Nerfs lucky items so that you cannot use two of the same item set effects but two superior pendants are fine ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
    "Unique Equipped Item" never had any correlation with set effects, it just means you can't equip two scarlet rings. How does this make any sense?

    not exactly

    they changed how sets work

    see, the reason double pend works is because it's one of the ways that people are allowed to do the gollux set because the pend is not unique equipped item, so they had to added a second pend in the set info so that it would still work properly. However the ring of that set is unique equipped and so is only listed once in the set. Scarlet equips have been changed so that it can only represent 1 piece of equip in all sets as long as that equip isnt already equipped in the active set (and you need 3 pieces of the set to begin with), in otherwords they would need to add a second ring into the set effect, but because the ring is suppose to be Unique equipped they wont add a second ring.

    one of the big reasons i never bothered with scarlet equips is due to how wonkey they workeed, First it was only with the highest set ID, then it was with all sets but you needed 3 pieces and now it needs to represent a piece of the set that is not already active in the set.
    SuperJonic wrote: »
    I can't tell if this is actually another bug or something i really want to throw away to get better accessories.

    it's not a bug

    Then i'll just find a replacement for this garbage ring. Seems pointless to even have it anymore. Not going to replace my tyrant belt just for the 3-set effect.
  • Member Drsizzler
    Reactions: 200
    Posts: 2
    edited March 2018
    Taking away 45% PDR and 60% Boss from a bunch of players is a great way to go out of business Nexon. Please rethink this.
  • Member Catooolooo
    Reactions: 5,625
    Posts: 1,213
    edited March 2018
    Drsizzler wrote: »
    Taking away 45% PDR and 60% Boss from a bunch of players is a great way to go out of business Nexon. Please rethink this.

    it's a change from KMS and since it was from KMS (like AFK mobs) it wont be changed
  • Member thrakkes
    Reactions: 2,135
    Posts: 364
    edited March 2018
    Catooolooo wrote: »
    Sorrow wrote: »
    Nerfs lucky items so that you cannot use two of the same item set effects but two superior pendants are fine ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
    "Unique Equipped Item" never had any correlation with set effects, it just means you can't equip two scarlet rings. How does this make any sense?

    not exactly

    they changed how sets work

    see, the reason double pend works is because it's one of the ways that people are allowed to do the gollux set because the pend is not unique equipped item, so they had to added a second pend in the set info so that it would still work properly. However the ring of that set is unique equipped and so is only listed once in the set. Scarlet equips have been changed so that it can only represent 1 piece of equip in all sets as long as that equip isnt already equipped in the active set (and you need 3 pieces of the set to begin with), in otherwords they would need to add a second ring into the set effect, but because the ring is suppose to be Unique equipped they wont add a second ring.

    one of the big reasons i never bothered with scarlet equips is due to how wonkey they workeed, First it was only with the highest set ID, then it was with all sets but you needed 3 pieces and now it needs to represent a piece of the set that is not already active in the set.
    SuperJonic wrote: »
    I can't tell if this is actually another bug or something i really want to throw away to get better accessories.

    it's not a bug

    It is still 3 pieces required, I think it was just not intended to have double ring. It should just replace ring equipment. But scarlet can go in more than 1 set if other sets have 3 pieces too. I used to wear 3 pieces of Bounty Legend set with eye + ring + scarlet ring for 10%damage, with highest ID thing. Now with 3 pieces requirement, it makes my set totally obsolete, especially with this fix. I just replaced scarlet ring by now, by LGR.
  • Member Invulgo
    Reactions: 4,620
    Posts: 544
    edited March 2018

    thrakkes wrote: »
    Catooolooo wrote: »
    Sorrow wrote: »
    Nerfs lucky items so that you cannot use two of the same item set effects but two superior pendants are fine ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
    "Unique Equipped Item" never had any correlation with set effects, it just means you can't equip two scarlet rings. How does this make any sense?

    not exactly

    they changed how sets work

    see, the reason double pend works is because it's one of the ways that people are allowed to do the gollux set because the pend is not unique equipped item, so they had to added a second pend in the set info so that it would still work properly. However the ring of that set is unique equipped and so is only listed once in the set. Scarlet equips have been changed so that it can only represent 1 piece of equip in all sets as long as that equip isnt already equipped in the active set (and you need 3 pieces of the set to begin with), in otherwords they would need to add a second ring into the set effect, but because the ring is suppose to be Unique equipped they wont add a second ring.

    one of the big reasons i never bothered with scarlet equips is due to how wonkey they workeed, First it was only with the highest set ID, then it was with all sets but you needed 3 pieces and now it needs to represent a piece of the set that is not already active in the set.
    SuperJonic wrote: »
    I can't tell if this is actually another bug or something i really want to throw away to get better accessories.

    it's not a bug

    It is still 3 pieces required, I think it was just not intended to have double ring. It should just replace ring equipment. But scarlet can go in more than 1 set if other sets have 3 pieces too. I used to wear 3 pieces of Bounty Legend set with eye + ring + scarlet ring for 10%damage, with highest ID thing. Now with 3 pieces requirement, it makes my set totally obsolete, especially with this fix. I just replaced scarlet ring by now, by LGR.

    I used to do that also :/

    Kinda upset that it doesn't work like that anymore. I spent lots of time and money perfecting both the Scarlet Ring and parts of the Bounty legend set. Now I "need" to find a better ring.