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Check out the v.257 - Tallahart: Grave of the Gods Patch Notes
Are all worlds empty or is it just Scania?
I remember the old days where Scania would be so full specialy on events that the game wouldn't let you log into Scania. It would say it's full. Finding a map to kill monsters would be hard cuz all channels would have someone there already... but now I'm always alone and barely get to see 1 player around (usualy in towns). Did everyone move away from Scania or are all worlds like that, too?
However there's about a dozen or so users online in Scania Henesys channel 1 at the moment; you may want to check out more popular hang-out spots such as Henesys, Root Abyss, or Nameless Town.
They should offer world transfers to the 5 original servers, then move on to shutting down the other servers. The leftover servers can remain as additional servers to aid in support and stability to the original 5, to lessen disconnections, lag, and more channels to spread out the population.
Bera is still very populated, in fact it grew even more after the world leap few months back.
it's what happens when nexon trys to strong arm population control by limiting access to other (normal) servers through the transfer service
You ever realize that many of them have to grow up and get jobs ?
Also a lot of them are studying for their finals.
And due to the in-game problems such as botters, and bans people are not interested in playing anymore. Wait till the next big update game will have a bit more that will come back just the the 5th job hype.
A lot of big decisions that completely restructured the game ruined it, the individuals that may have been instrumental in those decisions may no longer be around. The constant Nerfing/Buffing class adjusting was a big problem for a lot of people I knew. For a long time trouble tickets was never answered, glitched and bugs remained although reported, hackers/botters having a field day although being reported, suggestions and concerns falling on deaf ears. Nexon have came a long way since then, but those are the real reasons people left. Now a days you have 50/60yr old gamers, so people will play game on their spare time. Nexon just need to find ways to attract their true base back to the game, instead of ignoring their consumer base to attract new players (the latter has not worked out for them).
I'm not saying lets go back to the massive grind fest (that really does not bother me), but a structured game with reasonable exp rates can be enjoyable.
Actually FM was a good idea and prices were actually lower in Scania than in other younger worlds. But yeah... hackers ruined it. Also... I had lots of issues with my antivirus not letting me play MapleStory. My old MapleStory friends no longer play the game... also my main (Hero) was not wanted in parties. They all wanted Dragon Knight. Also for a long time MapleStory stayed the same while technology progressed and the new windows didn't play the game until they finally updated that but the game have been giving me issues and not work properly. Anyway... I was glad with Big Bag because I could lvl up easier with less time cuz now I can't play that long. Also revamping Hero made wonders and now I could train alone without losing money on pots like hell. I think they did a good job including more quests now but I guess there's just more cool games out there and that's what made most maplers quit.
no one is blaming game population decline on the world transfer, if you pay any attention you realize that people are talking about the fact that most worlds that had activity within the last.. say , 6 months before the transfer died post transfer because a majority of normal server players did a mass migration to bera because nexon decided to gate off worlds that others wanted to transfer to, to be with friends.
Also, people growing out of it is not the only reason for population decline either, there's a myriad of other problems and issues that are causing that.
finals aren't til a couple months, May to be exact
Turkey Bacon Op
My Second home was Galicia, I transferred there from Broa when the world first open and after 2yrs its been a ghost town