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Check out the v.257 - Tallahart: Grave of the Gods Patch Notes
This week i got my Lvl 220 after i trained 5 Lvls in Sky Whale Mountain at mixed Crilias
and then i complete the Lachelein and started the Dream Defender at later time (cuz i could do that b4 and i was 2 lazy)
Im stuck at 20 Stage+ in Dream Defender and i cant do more than Stage 22 cuz the Music Boxes is 2 harder to kill
as Lvl 220 Evan with 1.4m range Buffed what stage on Dream Defender i can do the most?
for me i wanna hit at least the Stage 30 it will be the best for me
Plz Help
You can try watching videos of Evans doing Dream Defender, to see if you are doing it optimally (using the right skills at the right time). But assuming you got the technique down, all that's left is to get stronger.
i got horntail buff, blue potion, guild buff, nobless guild buffs, decent adv bless, decent sharp eye, blessing of the onyx, heroic memories, maple warrior, Mana overload
also booster+2, decent speed infusion+1, green potion+1, Dive Return+1 = 5 att speed
total i got up to 1.7m max to 2m range
and now it saturday i got up to stage 27 the highest but it count me as 26
with all of it
do u think i can get the stage 30 of Dream Defender?
In addition to that, you can use a Wilderness Hunter Buff to get to floor 30.
Once you've gone 20-30 once, you might be able to clear 30 every time without the Wilderness Hunter Buff, if you enter with all your hypers and 5th job buffs active. But I'm not familiar enough with Evan to know for sure.
i have something like 230% boss att
is that enough?
and wich skill is that? the 900 or the 300?
the best that i ever did yersterday is stage 26 like that cuz i saw other evan video that he doing flash return on the music box so it kills it easier than ever and i didnt know that
what is the wilderness buff? it not supporse to be from the nobless guild skills?
and also i did the 5th job skill of my evan the whyrmking breath the bar is just increased
Wilderness Hunter's Buff is a 30 minutes 100 att/m.att buff coupon, that you can get once a day from Mr. Lee's Airlines.
To obtain it:
If you don't have this quest in your lightbulb notifier, go to Event Hall and talk to Mr. Lee.
The island is a mini-dungeon that you can enter once a day and that kicks you out after 1 hour or if you die or disconnect. Note that the island has no "town" and therefore no potion shop or access to storage. Make sure you have everything you need on you before you enter.
Monsters are matched to your level. Some are regular and some are bosses, but the only one that's really dangerous is the guy in the hazmat suit.
On this island, most portals you enter will take you to a random map. However, going back into the portal you just came out of will usually take you to the previous map.
The island has various quests and rewards, but we'll focus on the Wilderness Hunter's Buff for now.
oh yeah u right i forgot from it but it litle hard to get no?
What exactly looks hard about it?
Takes 10-15 minutes depending on luck.
You can try to use Onyx Apples instead, but they only last 10 minutes.
1. Increase Arcane Force level by completing daily symbol missions. Having 360 AF makes you deal 1x damage with no reduction, and 540 AF makes you deal 1.5x damage.
2. Use Wind Flash - Return! to deal 20% more damage.
3. Use Dragon Dive - Return, Green MPE potion, and Decent Speed Infusion Node to gain att speed.
4. Noblesse guild buff, Guild Blessing, Wilderness buff, Blue MPE potion, Hero's Echo, Ursus buff, etc.
5. Try to use Dragon Slam and Elemental Barrage without fusing because it gives you two very powerful skills to break music box with instead of one.