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Check out the v.256 - The Dark Ride: Limbo Patch Notes
does anyone else hate this planet vita event?
1.laggy as hell when you enter this place. 2. PLEASE call it planet Vegeta it's similar anyway (dbz) 3. no one likes this 13-anniversary space thingy event its really dumb. tell us what you don't like about it, do you like this event? do you hate it ? i say they should remove this event its a waste of space
I don't really hate it because I think it can be easy to make 200 coins/day and the mini games are also easy to play too.
The only thing I hate is the difficulty to get the Black Armor for my Kaiser (one of my two mains).
I had tried 100 color coupons but haven't seen Black yet and that makes me want to give up right now.
My main gripe is that you don't have enough time to buy all the items from the shop, as a bunch of chairs and such go away before other items do.
The petite avatar skill is the new passive for getting stardust while grinding.