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Check out the v.257 - Tallahart: Grave of the Gods Patch Notes
Please Return The Legends Return/ Star Planet
I made a lot of frend star plant like efufu, dango, cutamillion, linetape, and ohter cool peopl. Rvry day i come home from skool i plaid legens. I woul always push katelin off the compute bench and steal her kills. Legens was the only thing i wantd to play wen i get home from stressful day of high skool. Takig away star plant is useless. Its dark and dreadful like my cold restless soul when i found out that star plant was gone. Pls nexon bring it bak. Maple is boring without it.
-mina aka pregnent ladi
I really hope they bring back the games for users to play.
nexon pls bring back pvp(and/or star planet)
the legends return could be brought back as one of the places you can teleport to from the dimension mirrors. or just bring back star planet as a whole.
@ilovpvp Hi efufu maybe you should stop using sarcasm and actually play a game for once instead of trolling. People go to star planet for fun or to gain RP not for you to go trolling --- trolling is better for 1 card where its more towards luck. also if ur blind how can you even see where ur going? typing is ok-- cuz thats via touch. but seeing is seeing.
p.s. forhaces is not hace
thank you, love you
@blackbean baby5535, bby ik its u
nexon pls bring back star planet!
these days, i log onto maplestory and find myself at a loss. i had grown so accustomed to immediately heading to star planet, and now…
#RETURNTheLegendsReturn #BringBackStarPlanet
#ReturnTheLegendsReturn #BringBackStarPlanet