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Check out the v.257 - Tallahart: Grave of the Gods Patch Notes
missing/messed up starforce stats
Bug type: missing/messed up starforce stats
Brief bug summary:
More details:
So I notice my starforce stats are lower then they should be
my earrings:
as u can see in Luk it gives +18 instand of +34 (and somehow it gives more to the int 50 instand of 34)
my pendant:
as u can see in Luk it gives +18 instand of +34
my cape:
as u can see in Luk it gives +107 instand of +120
my shoes:
as u can see in Luk it gives +107 instand of +120
also when I try to starforce my shoes and they hit 0 stars my luk was -8:
Steps to reproduce:
Just happend after the flame update
Character name: Nightuly
Character level: 250
Character job: Night Lord
World name: Reboot
Date and time of the incident: 20/06/2018
(mention your time zone if you aren't posting Pacific time)
Believe root cause is if the item had a flat single stat neb pre-patch.
My 15 star Superior Gollux Pendant had an [A] +7 Luk neb pre-patch. The pendant had 68 total luk post patch (same as the 68 luk pre-patch), however it was displayed as 28 (white text, base stat) + 32 (green text, "flame" stat), +8 (blue text, starforce stat). Prepatch it was 28 (white text) + 40 (blue text). When I applied a flame the green stat was lost because I didn't roll a luk line on my flame and thus my pendant now only gives me 36 luk which is 32 luk less than what a 15 star superior gollux pendant should provide.
Character Name: SilverCNight
Character Level: 250
Character Job: Night Lord
World Name: Reboot
Date and Time of Incident: Post-Ark patch with removal of Nebs.
Bug type: Equipment
Brief bug summary: Starforce-derived stats on certain items being messed up
More details:
A 15* CRA bottom should add 40 main and secondary stat but for some reason it's adding 16 more LUK and 16 less INT from starforce.
Applying a flame to the same pants did not fix the starforce stats either, only changed the green text (flame stats) as expected.
Same problem with this 14* superior gollux earrings. It should add 37 all stat through starforce but again, it's adding 32 more LUK and 32 less INT.
Unfortunately I don't have pictures of these items pre-flames but iirc, affected items have flat stat (INT) nebs attached to them previously. I think I have some other items with flat INT nebs attached to them previously so I'll update this post with more pictures soon. I haven't seen any items on my other character with no nebs attached to them affected so far.
Character name: ShøckingIce
Character level: 246
Character job: Arch Mage (I/L)
World name: Reboot
Date and time of the incident: Post-Ark Patch
Please keep the examples coming. The more of them we have, the more likely Nexon is to figure out what went wrong.
Before -
After -
This is the only equip that's like this. The equip was the only one with a 3% MP neb as well as the only one with a 3% or even an MP neb for that matter.
Edit: Huh, I've just realized that the cape had 225 hp beforehand, and then somehow went up to 330 -75. I guess I didn't really lose stats as it gave me stats I shouldn't have had in the first place. I hope this helps solve issues for others though!
In the imgur album I explain how certain flat stat nebs particularly LUK/INT nebs have affected star force stats. Also, if a user has had a 20% boss neb, they had an increase of att/matt. If a user has a 25% boss neb they get a larger att/matt bonus which should not have happended.
Character name: Nerdive
Character level: 250
Character job: Ice/Lightning Arch mage
World name: Reboot
Date and time of incident: Post V patch
where is my int...
Brief bug summary: Inappropriate distribution of star forced stats after update
First equip affected
Second equip affected
Before (only had it up to 10 stars):
As you can see the blue coloured star force stats shouldn't have been altered at all post flames update. But for some strange reason it has been inappropriately distributed and cannot be amended through any means of star forcing or flame application as I as I know.
Fortunately my other equips turned out okay. The only difference between these two equips and the others are the mounted nebs before the patch. The two affected equipment had flat stat Nebs while all others had % based stat nebs. This affected min maxing. Please fix.
Character Name: Krystaliz
Job Class: Luminous
World: Reboot
Date of Incident: Post Flame Update
Character name: SuchADupa
World: Reboot
Another bugged item of mine. Hopefully this will be fixed soon...
A 1 starred 150 overall - https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/454779030600679424/463259298856960001/w.PNG
After transposing onto a 160 commerci suit - https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/454779030600679424/463259316745666564/ww.PNG
In this case its m.att.
Fan on the left had a %IED neb while fan on the right had, if I recall correctly, a flat m.att neb.
Small discrepancy but its there.