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Check out the v.256 - The Dark Ride: Limbo Patch Notes
Hi . im asking for how i can change my main of broa to bera... ?? help me plz..
his question isn't a suggestion, he's asking if he can. Nor is he asking for a merge.
To answer the question, you cannot unless they have another world transfer event.
You will never, ever be able to transfer into bera... period! When they allow for server transfers you will be able to transfer out of bera, but absolutely NO ONE will be allowed to transfer into bera. Since it is the most popular server. That ship sailed buddy! Maybe u will be merged if u r lucky into one of the other lesser servers to make a mini bera
Im sure we can agree there is a similarity between the OP, who wants to go move from Broa (a dead server) to Bera, and those of us who want a world merge to pheraps join Bera or be in an active world like Bera.
Wanting to move is not the equivalent of asking for a merge.
Don't derail threads to support your own topic.
Be careful when you talk like that, or else they can ban you.
Let's face it, just by looking at Neospector's msg, you can clearly see that they don't wanna merge/alliance worlds.
I mean, yes, he's right, Wanting to move is not the equivalent of asking for a merge, but we can all agree that the fact that someone wants to move to Bera, or to merge/ally worlds, both end up as the same results (for that one person who wanna move to Bera)
So in other words, if you ask that person, would you like us to merge/ally worlds for u? or just to move Bera? he'd say either "doesn't matter to me" or maybe he'd say "merge/ally worlds" (because then he'd be able to meet a lot of new ppl as well, the more people, the better).
LET the merge/alliance Begin.
OP's question was answered: you cannot transfer characters to other worlds unless a world transfer event is ongoing, and in addition, Nexon typically disables the highest populated servers from participating, which makes it unlikely that Bera will be able to receive new transfers should such an event occur in the future.
Close reason: Thread derailment