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Check out the v.256 - The Dark Ride: Limbo Patch Notes
Evan equipment tooltips cut off at bottom
bug type: visual
Ever since the Ark update on June 21, my Evan's gear has had its tooltips cut off visually at the bottom
Every equip I see seems to be affected, whether it's equipped or in the equipment tab of my inventory or someone else's equip that was smegad, to some degree.
My stats do not seem to be affected, it appears to be only visual.
None of my other characters have this problem, only my Evan.
Character: Gobber, level 231 Evan on Reboot
Time: post-Ark update on June 20
It's a pain as I have cubes and bpot scrolls expiring and idk what equips have bpots or what their potentials are.
The bug seems to affect about 90% of equips, but not all. In particular, certain weapons, certain rings, androids/android hearts, and the crusader codex appear not to be glitched. The bug affects both unequipped and equipped items.
I have not seen any items that are not affected, however some are just minorly affected.
For example:
The left codex is on my Illium, right on my Evan. It's still cut off, just doesn't cut off any information.