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Check out the v.257 - Tallahart: Grave of the Gods Patch Notes
Superior gollux ring in reboot server
Allow us to buy a second copy of any item in the gollux shop for the original price. Infinite times. Just like all the other coin shops (lucid, magnus, absolab)
This would make gollux consistent with rest of the game content. I don't have a comment on whether this should be applied to the normal servers. There should be a separate thread for that given this one is titled, "superior gollux ring in Reboot server"
Please leave a "Like" if you agree with this
I would say this would be a balanced idea, we can keep buying them, but at the cost of the price increasing.
It's really not Sam's fault for getting the "special" treatment. As a fellow player that made the same mistake but instead of the earring, what I lost was my ring. The blame should be towards the team for favoring certain individuals while being unfair to others. Please don't blame this on Sam, and no I am not a fanboy, just a simple bystander wanting this problem to be resolved so we can all be ~~happily~~ playing this game again.
Now that SavageAce has announced that in 2 weeks, we are getting a star cap increase, items would be destroyed due to the destruction rate increasing as you star along with diminishing success rate for star enhancement. TMS has their Gollux equipment open to 25 stars, and we are mostly likely going to follow their formula too.
25 Stars update would be incomplete without a store restocking since we will be destroying our accessories during our trials enhancing.
since we Really need this now with 15~25 (22) Stars being a thing (and of course people will boom)
What if the item purchased from the shop were a Use tab coupon that could be redeemed for the equipment. This coupon could be traded through the storage system in both reboot and non-reboot worlds. This coupon could only be redeemed after a quest that requires you to kill Hellux to keep up with the spirit of reboot not allowing equipment to transfer.
Add a new npc that can restore boomed items. The price could be based on the number of stars. Maybe it could be someone in Ardentmill or the Maple Admin in Event Hall.
Make it so that destroyed equips in reboot become 0 stars rather than equipment traces.
It would be a lot easier to have the shop restock like scrolls. And why would it make sense to make boomed items in Reboot start from 0 stars instead of an item trace? I'm guessing you don't want to grind droplets, cores or stones
can you elaborate on this?