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[Announcement] Regarding Kanna's Haku's Blessing


  • Member rebuilt
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    i hope nexon is able to look at the changes made and see that the change from a %matt buff to a flat matt buff was so great that it "broke" kanna in a sense — it's clear kanna's design always intended for a %matt solo buff so changing it to its current state vastly underpowers kanna and she can't compete with a single kms class in terms of dpm (not even bishop, a support class)
  • Member rebuilt
    Reactions: 615
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    edited July 2018
    oops sorry, accidental double post : ( my bad !
  • Member N0b0dy
    Reactions: 610
    Posts: 13
    I just came back to maplestory to see my Kanna's dmg got destroyed.... it feels like a kishin mule now... please make haku's blessing a selfbuff again with the % mAtt buff.
  • Member Goomu
    Reactions: 730
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    edited July 2018
    I logged back in to Reboot today to see if anything changed. Before all this BS my Kanna's range buffed was up close to 12m and I was enjoying life. after the changes my range dropped to 6.5m. Completely killed me. It's been months and we're still trash it seems. Time to just wonder around and AFK in random towns as long as my aging computer will let me.
  • Member N0b0dy
    Reactions: 610
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    edited July 2018
    When i read the post about Haku's Blessing was too strong, even the physical based players told you to make it a selfbuff again....
    Kanna isnt competitive at all now.

    Your reasoning doesnt make sence at all to nerf Kanna that hard.

    GODDAMMIT do something about this problem and dont hope players will forget about it!

    You want Kanna to be a Kishin mule or a Mesofarmer (suicide kanna)? Congratulation, you've done it.

    To all new Players: dont try to main Kanna in this situation. you'll be frustrated.
  • Member TsundereKyu
    Reactions: 2,120
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    edited July 2018
    At this point, I highly doubt GMS will do anything. JMS/TMS has initiate a change in haku first then it has to be approved by KMS. GMS has no control over whether or not Kanna has buffed. At this point, you just have to gear your Kanna more. And with the introduction of flames, Kannas are in *playable* spot. Although they definitely could be much stronger if we were given our %mATT self buff back. With flames and more stat, I've managed to solo Lotus in Reboot as a Kanna
  • Member N0b0dy
    Reactions: 610
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    edited July 2018
    Your showing a video of a lvl 243 kanna that need 19 minutes
    lvl 240 illium in 4 minutes? comparable?

    yeah i think she is playable but still other classes outdmg her if you dont have endgame gear.
    and these other classes with endgame outdmg you again...
    so nexon has to buff kann or nerf all other classes....
  • Member DarkPassenger
    Reactions: 8,980
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    edited July 2018
    you cant compare illium to kanna, even with kanna buffed
  • Member RadiantSight
    Reactions: 1,025
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    edited July 2018
    The point right now involves Nexon putting band-aids on Kanna's Magic Attack% loss and the low DPS Beast Tamer with new releases unrelated to buffing Kanna like flames and V Matrix points.
  • Member N0b0dy
    Reactions: 610
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    edited July 2018
    you cant compare illium to kanna, even with kanna buffed

    kanna should be a boss class. while illium is more a mobbing class.
    kanna gets her usefull mobbing abilities with 5th job. and all of her multiplatform spells arent spam-able like other jobs.

    The point right now involves Nexon putting band-aids on Kanna's Magic Attack% loss and the low DPS Beast Tamer with new releases unrelated to buffing Kanna like flames and V Matrix points.

    2 points ·
    6 months ago

    beast tamers/jetts don't count because they're not KMS classes lol. they don't get any love because Nexon NA only copy pastes KMS patches. they have no concept of balance.

    and thats the problem. They just Copy Paste every buff/nerf and even when TMS players told the kanna nerf isnt justified, they just copied it.
  • Member Argent
    Reactions: 3,090
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    edited July 2018
    I don't think anyone here is under the delusion that the GMS team will fix Haku on their own accord but that our posts here, on Discord, Reddit or wherever else are done to bring constant attention to the issue in hopes that the GMS team will forward our complaints to the people at Nexon who can make a difference. As the saying goes: The squeaky wheel gets the grease.

    With flames, Kannas are no longer drowning in a pool of their own blood but it isn't like it cured the underlying issues.

    As to comparing Kanna versus Illium, or any other class; well, there isn't much point without knowing the specifics about each individual player. While each class plays differently and every person has different skill levels, if two players of similar stats were compared and there is a massive difference in completion time for a boss that can't obviously be disregarded as one player have vastly worse mechanics than the other, the two should have relatively similar times.

    The best comparison I can think of for Haku is Hero's Advanced Combo Orb. A nerf to ACO, where the final damage is replaced with flat 10 attack per orb would mirror what happened to Haku fairly close. Yes, with all the 5th job skills and with flames, the class would still be playable but it would be an absolutely massive set back. This kind of overly broad "balancing" is lazy and unhealthy, but that is what happened to Haku. I consider Hero to be in a great position right now, and with the coming Black update, the class will get even better, but I don't really think it needs a nerf at this point. Should the time come for Hero's to be under the nerf spotlight, I hope that Nexon takes a far more nuanced approach.
  • Member Dodoch
    Reactions: 1,380
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    edited July 2018
    The issues I have with this nerf is that they centered this nerf around TMS, the most broken version of the game. they don't even bother checking how it will affect the game on other different locations. Another reason why the nerf went through was because people that didn't use MAtk saw the buff to other mages as unfair, which it was in the case of other mages, but Kanna herself needs the buff, and instead of working around this issue by switching the party part of the buff to give final damage which would benefit every class, and making the solo part of the buff the MAtk%, they went with the absurd idea of still giving the MAtk buff for the party but on flat MAtk instead of %. They really should change it back to how it used to be, I lost 60% of my range, and no amount of flames or 25 star items is gonna make Kannas competitive any more, as other classes benefit all the same from those.
  • Member Troll4U
    Reactions: 460
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    edited July 2018
    It's sad that Kannas now are not even close to being competitive towards the rest of the mage classes with the exception of maybe Beast Tamer who's already the weakest mage in GMS. It was a solo buff many years ago when they were released, the sudden change in it becoming a party buff was never an intention and might even have been considered a glitch. Even with it's current state, the buff is STILL overpowered for other mages, maybe not as much as pre-nerf but, if anything, Kannas are the ones that actually get dropped to being so weak that they're only use is to be a "kishin mule". Really don't see how this is "balancing" when now almost all classes except a small handful can significantly outperform Kannas with similar stats.

  • Member MagicFoxhair
    Reactions: 1,165
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    edited July 2018
    How's kanna doing? I quit kanna for jett a while ago but it's just as bad damage-wise. Oh and I can dc my party members and myself while grinding/bossing :D
  • Member Argent
    Reactions: 3,090
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    edited July 2018
    How's kanna doing? I quit kanna for jett a while ago but it's just as bad damage-wise. Oh and I can dc my party members and myself while grinding/bossing :D

    She's still suffering from a severe concussion. It has affected her daily life but she's not a paraplegic so she can at least still walk for now.
  • Member Dodoch
    Reactions: 1,380
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    edited July 2018
    Now that the CM seems to be back, I'd like to get an update on this. This thread has gone on for too long without any sort of statement or acknowledgement from a Nexon official(thats not a volunteer).
  • Member rebuilt
    Reactions: 615
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    edited August 2018
    an update would be amazing!
  • Member, Private Tester Hertzian
    Reactions: 520
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    Member, Private Tester
    edited August 2018
    Didnt they say they wanted to make kanna comparable to other mages? Funny how other mages with the same amount of int can solo lotus while i cant do half of it
  • Member Dodoch
    Reactions: 1,380
    Posts: 36
    edited August 2018
    So much for expecting anything out of the nonexistent CM.
  • Member N0b0dy
    Reactions: 610
    Posts: 13
    edited August 2018

    Arwoo wrote: »
    When the original intention of the change to Haku's Blessing was first introduced to the community, the feedback was overall negative. It was communicated to us by our community, that what made Kanna a competitive class, was the fact that the class made already powerful mages even stronger with Haku's Blessing.

    Kanna isnt a "already powerful mage".
    If it made Kanna a "competitive class", why take away that then?

    Arwoo wrote: »
    We will be sure to monitor all points pertaining to Kanna's performance in-game in conjunction with the community's feedback for additional discussions regarding the class' balance in the future.

    You are giving a @%&@# about your community here! there are 13 pages with feedbacks how stupid and not justified this nerf for Kanna was (party buff not included).

    A update from the jms or tms servers about kanna would be nice so we will know if it will be fixed one day.....

    I love my kanna and put so much time (and good items) in her to see other classes rush through arcane river without that good gear.

    P.S please do something about all the Kanna hackers our there, they are destroying the reputation of every single Kanna.