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About 25* release

Reactions: 830
Posts: 17
edited July 2018 in General Chat
i think 20* max is the best choice for most end game players in regular server, so we dont need to give up all of our tyrants. Idk why when we have attack speed 0 and still getting 25* max on everything.
  1. 25* or 20* max32 votes
    1. 25*
       66% (21 votes)
    2. 20*
       34% (11 votes)


    Reactions: 2,160
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    edited July 2018
    Nobody is gonna get 25 anyway. It's a near statistic impossibility.
  • DarkPassengerDarkPassenger
    Reactions: 8,980
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    edited July 2018
    attack speed 0 is marginal advantage
  • PhantomMasterThiefPhantomMasterThief
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    edited July 2018
    Do you want MapleSEA rates for star force ?!


    With a 20 Star cap the most people would get is 17~18
    (5% success from 19 to 20 stars) and higher boom rates with lower success chance

    20 Stars = gimping us, and in a few updates when they release new things, or revamp current content/items, we could be at the situation of 15 stars again (as in new sets that aren't worth, like absolab and arcane prior to 25 stars)

    Just shutup and say thank you, 25 Stars is a blessing to everyone, and contrary to WHAT EVERYONE believes, even if Transposed sweetwater stays capped at 15 Stars, it's still only a *bit* worse then 22 Starred arcane set, stop whining.

    So transposed sweetwater is going from from #1 BiS to #2 BiS (oh no...)
    people who choose to transpose knew the consequences (no one forced you to transpose, as no one is forcing you to get arcane, and no one is even getting weaker, transposed sweetwater won't loose stats, but it just won't gain any)
  • IvangoldIvangold
    Reactions: 2,985
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    edited July 2018
    The 25star might as well have nerfs in non-KMS equips and link skill lv3 which actually got removed in both CMS and JMS, not sure here tought.

    Nexon said that it would come the 25star not 20star enhancent system, that would change a lot, specially considering how many people already started to change most equips or at least rings.
  • JushiroNetJushiroNet
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    edited July 2018
    20 star either means keeping kms rates but stopping earlier for some reason or getting msea's terrible design.

    Kms capped at 20 seems bizzare to cut off 2 stars... or 3 for those who want to take the risk. Msea is just a bad system.

    I don't know why you'd want either of these things.
  • TerrorStreakTerrorStreak
    Reactions: 2,320
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    edited July 2018
    I dont think they will remove level 3 links, these changes were decided months ago, before the ark content even moved over. Ark was released to us with a level 3 link, if they were planning to pull level 3 links ark would only of had a level 2 cap. I know my prediction is true... You will see. Kms programmers delivering the paid for content needs months notice in advance to get the content ready for gms, then gms has to internally test the content b4 delivery.
  • JushiroNetJushiroNet
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    edited July 2018
    Don't forget they included FM shops in the marvel just before removing the fm and had to refund them all. They very well could have given us level 3 ark just to pull it.

    However I don't see why they'd need to. Links are in general extremely small bonuses and the difference between level 2 and level 3 is even smaller.
  • scraper78scraper78
    Reactions: 100
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    25* will basically an impossibility so most will just go for 22*, including myself.
  • illruminatiillruminati
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    edited July 2018
    I think Nexon should make the least harmful decision, Considering they already made tons of bad decisions. Past year we already lost so many players.
    They would gain nothing from implementing a new system that is super restrictive. I also quite frankly dont understand people who rage at people who are funded.
    Its not like getting 15* tyrant and transposing is free and easy to get. Theese people will probably never even have the Arcane set. Instead we should be happy that we all get a system that benefits everyone. if anything the 25* system benefits f2p the most. What i mean is, instead of focusing on how we can make funded less strong. The focus should be making nonfunded players stronger. And thats what the 25* system mainly does. Jealousy or anger doesnt make you as a player any better geared. Im grateful for people spending tons of money so we still can play this game after so many years. EMS Already shut down. Dont want that to happen to GMS aswell. Thats just my 2 cents.
  • TerrorStreakTerrorStreak
    Reactions: 2,320
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    edited July 2018
    So i remember a statement release that stated we will be given more info about 25* system and the fine details of its implementation with the v.197 patch notes. Read through the notes and no info on upcoming 25* ><. Produced what was promised Nexon!
  • DarkPassengerDarkPassenger
    Reactions: 8,980
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    edited July 2018
    That's just the preview, itll show up in the full notes
  • TerrorStreakTerrorStreak
    Reactions: 2,320
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    edited July 2018
    I hope soo man cause i am soooo stressed out over this my beard is falling out cause i invested quite alot of time and money on my gears cry, i didnt sleep last night with how riddled with anxiety i was.
  • darikdarik
    Reactions: 3,270
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    edited July 2018
    I hope soo man cause i am soooo stressed out over this my beard is falling out cause i invested quite alot of time and money on my gears cry, i didnt sleep last night with how riddled with anxiety i was.

    Man you need to take a break from MS if it affects you so badly, seriously , you sound like a drug addict.
  • Roy666Roy666
    Reactions: 830
    Posts: 17
    edited July 2018
    i prefer to get 20* cuz we will be stronger than KMS players with 25* gollux, lv 3 link skills and attack speed 0.
  • PhantomMasterThiefPhantomMasterThief
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    edited July 2018
    Roy666 wrote: »
    i prefer to get 20* cuz we will be stronger than KMS players with 25* gollux, lv 3 link skills and attack speed 0.

    No, you prefer to get 20 Stars, so that people wouldn't need to switch Tyrants/Transposed Sweetwater over to AbsoLab/Arcane.

    at least tell the truth.

    PS. it's already been confirmed and showcased on the ARK: Monad preview video, that we are in fact getting 25 and not 20 stars.

    Don't become like the guy who said neb boxes dropped too frequently so nexon nerfed it because of him.
  • MohanadMohanad
    Reactions: 1,105
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    edited July 2018
    Roy666 wrote: »
    i prefer to get 20* cuz we will be stronger than KMS players with 25* gollux, lv 3 link skills and attack speed 0.

    No, you prefer to get 20 Stars, so that people wouldn't need to switch Tyrants/Transposed Sweetwater over to AbsoLab/Arcane.

    at least tell the truth.

    PS. it's already been confirmed and showcased on the ARK: Monad preview video, that we are in fact getting 25 and not 20 stars.

    Don't become like the guy who said neb boxes dropped too frequently so nexon nerfed it because of him.

    he allready mentioned that in the head thread that its better to keep 20* as its not going ot make the player who spent allready tons of $ on the tyrants and other gears to lose there efforts, its kinda going to be a real non safe environment to spend more $ cuz after u spend ur $$ WHOLE savings and a good portion of ur wealth to make ur gears perfected 5~6 lines 15* tyrants and dig around for best gear and best combinations (atk/stat)... then... TADA!!! all ur spending just has been from history and u need to spend again to get the best gear again... (cubing/priming/SFing) can u imagine? can u feel the waste of the $ spent?! and if u dont spend as much again.. then u will be like left behind and u r not as good any more....

    i dont know if that decision was wise enough not to lose the players who are actually spending the good portion of $ in MS, or its been made to only make the F2P can play moderately

    any one else feels that pain?
  • IvangoldIvangold
    Reactions: 2,985
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    edited July 2018
    Mohanad wrote: »
    Roy666 wrote: »
    i prefer to get 20* cuz we will be stronger than KMS players with 25* gollux, lv 3 link skills and attack speed 0.

    No, you prefer to get 20 Stars, so that people wouldn't need to switch Tyrants/Transposed Sweetwater over to AbsoLab/Arcane.

    at least tell the truth.

    PS. it's already been confirmed and showcased on the ARK: Monad preview video, that we are in fact getting 25 and not 20 stars.

    Don't become like the guy who said neb boxes dropped too frequently so nexon nerfed it because of him.

    he allready mentioned that in the head thread that its better to keep 20* as its not going ot make the player who spent allready tons of $ on the tyrants and other gears to lose there efforts, its kinda going to be a real non safe environment to spend more $ cuz after u spend ur $$ WHOLE savings and a good portion of ur wealth to make ur gears perfected 5~6 lines 15* tyrants and dig around for best gear and best combinations (atk/stat)... then... TADA!!! all ur spending just has been from history and u need to spend again to get the best gear again... (cubing/priming/SFing) can u imagine? can u feel the waste of the $ spent?! and if u dont spend as much again.. then u will be like left behind and u r not as good any more....

    i dont know if that decision was wise enough not to lose the players who are actually spending the good portion of $ in MS, or its been made to only make the F2P can play moderately

    any one else feels that pain?

    Maybe you could consider KMS got this system years ago since maybe 2014, absolab gear was always usefull from the start, while here in GMS i saw a player who killed Hard Lucid yet still had no idea about the coin to make absolab equip, since we never got 25star all of GMS progression got stuck in fafnir-tyrants, making the game super stale and boring after a while, nobody needed to upgrade gear and until 5job came out it was raelly like that, unless you didn't had the equips you would problably just quit with nothing new to the game for so long while Korean players already had to trade gear and adapt to the new meta.

    Just because you spend money you are complainning right now, the game always changed meta, slower or faster in some uptates it always happened, but GMS only really changed with gollux and sweetwater, which still don't bring the same revolution that 25star did in KMS, aside from that it's the real rich that transpose equips since it's not worth until you have a LOT of funding, maybe it already broke the meta for GMS, but at least for most players it will shift the things and make a better game, flames themselves helps more the poor than the rich, but still great for rich players anyway, i guess if you count 25star it was a balance between both systems(considering 25star is a lot harder for new players get and even older ones won't go to 22star unless they got fundings or equips), impleting 25star is a lot better than you might think.
  • MohanadMohanad
    Reactions: 1,105
    Posts: 20
    edited July 2018

    is there anything else u should complain/care about other than the health/money for ur life?!

    benefiting the F2P gamers is something good and has nothing to do with what we discussing here
    the point that our eyes looking at and pointing to is don't waste the efforts of the ppl who spent that much to get there gear to be that shiny,
    and if they change meta of the game as u say, still should not affect the customers who really pay too much to run the business
    i think u don't know how much it cost to fund a single item of the gear to be at proper stat?
  • darikdarik
    Reactions: 3,270
    Posts: 603
    edited July 2018
    Roy666 wrote: »
    i prefer to get 20* cuz we will be stronger than KMS players with 25* gollux, lv 3 link skills and attack speed 0.

    No, you prefer to get 20 Stars, so that people wouldn't need to switch Tyrants/Transposed Sweetwater over to AbsoLab/Arcane.

    at least tell the truth.

    PS. it's already been confirmed and showcased on the ARK: Monad preview video, that we are in fact getting 25 and not 20 stars.

    Don't become like the guy who said neb boxes dropped too frequently so nexon nerfed it because of him.

    Thank you.
  • darikdarik
    Reactions: 3,270
    Posts: 603
    edited July 2018
    Mohanad wrote: »
    Roy666 wrote: »
    i prefer to get 20* cuz we will be stronger than KMS players with 25* gollux, lv 3 link skills and attack speed 0.

    No, you prefer to get 20 Stars, so that people wouldn't need to switch Tyrants/Transposed Sweetwater over to AbsoLab/Arcane.

    at least tell the truth.

    PS. it's already been confirmed and showcased on the ARK: Monad preview video, that we are in fact getting 25 and not 20 stars.

    Don't become like the guy who said neb boxes dropped too frequently so nexon nerfed it because of him.

    he allready mentioned that in the head thread that its better to keep 20* as its not going ot make the player who spent allready tons of $ on the tyrants and other gears to lose there efforts, its kinda going to be a real non safe environment to spend more $ cuz after u spend ur $$ WHOLE savings and a good portion of ur wealth to make ur gears perfected 5~6 lines 15* tyrants and dig around for best gear and best combinations (atk/stat)... then... TADA!!! all ur spending just has been from history and u need to spend again to get the best gear again... (cubing/priming/SFing) can u imagine? can u feel the waste of the $ spent?! and if u dont spend as much again.. then u will be like left behind and u r not as good any more....

    i dont know if that decision was wise enough not to lose the players who are actually spending the good portion of $ in MS, or its been made to only make the F2P can play moderately

    any one else feels that pain?

    Games evolve and so should the community, if nexon doesnt change end game stuff every now and then, the game will end up boring, and the ppl up there who spend a lot of dollars would quit once they reach end game, and they cant afford that, it happens with every single game that follows this same type of management, u need to release stuff so that the players that are end game have new stuff to do, or new improvements to make.