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Familliar disappearing when accessing certain map
Each time I access some map like when you climb the cliff after Lakeshore 2 map or when u go into Pollo and Fritto mini game where you have to shot bird my familiar disappear. You have to summon them each time you go to these places. Since your familiar have vitality, you cant summon the same familiar you were just using. Its really annoying.
Not a bug. >.>
You can't have familiars summoned on maps where it considers you to be "floating" (basically anywhere you're moving up and down with the arrow keys instead of jumping).
Best choice is to find another familiar with similar effect and switch to it while you wait for first one to regen. Either that or change channel to bring your familiar up to full vitality before going to floating map.
I consider that a bug since your pet, android and anything following you except your familiar get back with you once you get out of those kind of map.
At the very least, for the maps that force-unsummon, they should refill the stamina of the familiar. It sucks to go into a Fritto portal and basically play the 1/3 roulette that it's NOT the eagle hunting so that you don't get screwed and not be able to resummon your familiar afterwards.
True, but "your pet, android, and anything else following you" also don't have to be summoned every time you log on either, while familiars do. Or are you suggesting that's also a "bug"?
I think you are right.
Pet follow you around but you have to summun them every time it goes back home from hunger which, when you think about it, is like vitality from familiar. My opinion is than familiar monster should work on a similar mechanic : when you log in, there is no reason you shouldnt have your previous familiar already summuned with his remaining vitality (or full, depend on how much time have pass) and when you go into Fritto eagle hunting it should still be there after like your pet.
The reason on how work that mechanic probably lie on how nexon designed familiar monster. They are probably already aware of this but it would take them too much time to fix it for the inconvenient it cause.
I'm really sorry for all the typos, english is not my main language.
Unfortunately true, hence why might be better putting this in Suggestions, Feedback, and Requests.