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Didn't Get Maplestory M Day 6 Reward (Medal+Title)

Reactions: 400
Posts: 3
edited July 2018 in Bug Reporting
Bug type: Reward box, didn't receive rewards

Description: I opened the box, received nothing and the box just disappeared after I attempted to claim the items. Also noting that with the other boxes, even when you claimed everything you had to double click it again for it to be removed form your inventory, this wasn't the case for the day 6 box.

IGN: Srayed
Level: 217
Class: Mercedes
World: Scania
Time: ~12:50 AEST



  • phatmike09phatmike09
    Reactions: 100
    Post: 1
    Same thing happened to me. Day 6 box disappeared on initial opening and I didn't receive the medal or the title. Have you heard anything else about this bug?