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Ark Innocence Scroll is very misleading

Reactions: 210
Post: 1
edited August 2018 in Suggestions, Feedback, and Requests
Hey guys,

Recently I decided to transpose my 15-star tyrant cape on to a sweetwater cape. After transposing I realized a scroll had been used on it previously and wished to remove it which led me towards using an ark innocence scroll. The description on the ark innocence scroll states " Resets all of an item's stats except it's potential and star force enhancement" and "it does not reset Bonus Stats." Since all of the stats gained were from enhancing a tyrant I assumed all would be fine based on the description provided. After passing the scroll on my cape it completely removed all stats gained from transposing, leaving me with a useless cape. I tried to reach out and spoke to Senior GM Hartesia who also agreed with me that the description is very unclear and is very misleading.
I've spent many hours working towards the cape and all of my progression has been erased instantly. I'm reaching out to request a replacement for my cape or compensation.

Attached is the description of the scroll and the result of using an ark innocence scroll on my cape.




  • NeospectorNeospector
    Reactions: 9,760
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    edited August 2018
    "Bonus Stats" are what GMS calls Additional Options, which is to say, the stats you obtain from Flames of Rebirth.
    Transposing adds to scroll stats, from what I know, (although I will admit I don't know the system very well), which is what the Ark scroll is supposed to clear.

    To color-code matters, the Ark scroll clears scroll stats (the ones in blue), keeping the flame stats (in green).
  • AKradianAKradian
    Reactions: 40,340
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    edited August 2018
    You can't have your cake and eat it, too.
    You reduced the number of stars on your Sweetwater Cape in order to rescroll it. You did this, knowing that you'll only lose 3 allstat per star, not Tyrant-level ATT. Right? In doing that, you count on the game not knowing where the cape's stats came from, and treating its stars as normal-equip stars.
    And yet, when it comes to Ark Innocence, you suddenly expect the game to remember that the stats on the Sweetwater Cape originate from star-forcing a Tyrant?

    I am sorry for your loss, but the description on the Ark Innocence is not to blame for it.

    Also, the GM didn't say they agree with you, they just said they'd forward your feedback.

  • EnokumoEnokumo
    Reactions: 1,610
    Posts: 122
    edited August 2018
    I think in the moment when it says what does NOT get reset it should be clear that any additional stats you had on your cap is gone. Transposing gives additional stats and is not excluded from the reset, so I don't see how is that misleading.