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Demon Pet Trio

Reactions: 310
Posts: 2
edited August 2018 in General Chat
Normally I don't ask for you (Nexon) to bring anything specific to the cash shop, but this time is different. I have been patiently waiting for another chance to get the Demon pets, but you haven't had them since May of 2017 while other pets have had multiple chances in the cash shop. All I ask is that perhaps, before the year ends, you add them to one of the upcoming rotations please? Thank you.


  • CrystalOraCrystalOra
    Reactions: 3,135
    Posts: 666
    edited August 2018
    It would be nice if they came back as the perm versions that gave an att bonus!
  • xPicturexPicture
    Reactions: 915
    Posts: 22
    edited August 2018
    CrystalOra wrote: »
    It would be nice if they came back as the perm versions that gave an att bonus!

    That would never happen. That was a one time exclusive event, just like when they sold permanent hyper tele rocks, permanent pendant expansion which hasn't been seen since 2012ish.
  • CrystalOraCrystalOra
    Reactions: 3,135
    Posts: 666
    edited August 2018
    Yeah I'm still kicking myself for not investing in more perm tele rocks and pendant slots. At that time we had far fewer characters, but it would have been so nice to have a few more of those things. I think I have a perm second slot on three characters and I only really play one of them. Thanks to the cash shop being more open to groups of characters I have the use of my perm tele rocks on many characters. Unfortunately some characters are stuck in classes all to themselves and are unable to use what I have. Zero, Beast Tamer, and Kinesis don't share with anyone. Lef, Nova and Sengoku have very few members. I feel that some of the stand alone classes should be grouped in the cash shop. We are at a point in the game where Nexon really should offer their loyal players better and better things. Something I would like to see is a water of life that makes temp pets perm, I would totally pay for that!!! So many people keep saying that the game is on a downward turn. Offer better perm stuff then! Give the hold outs something to talk about!!!
  • 26002600
    Reactions: 735
    Posts: 93
    edited August 2018
    Never bring the Bitty pets, back Nexon that is all I ask, that way only us cool people haz them.
  • CrystalOraCrystalOra
    Reactions: 3,135
    Posts: 666
    edited August 2018
    Lol! Cool People!!! HAHAHAHahahahahaha!!!
  • ArchonisSanArchonisSan
    Reactions: 200
    Posts: 5
    edited August 2018
    CrystalOra wrote: »
    It would be nice if they came back as the perm versions that gave an att bonus!

    Oh god yes, Crystal.

    Off topic a bit, but shouldn't this go to suggestions?

  • ArchonisSanArchonisSan
    Reactions: 200
    Posts: 5
    Oh god yes, Crystal. I am aching for a perma pet at the moment.

    A little off topic, but maybe this should be in suggestions?