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Revamped Familiars

Post: 1
The site crashed when i was almost done writing my idea for revamping them (surprised, anyone?)

Basically few familiars are useful so heres what i suggest:

Give familiars with ranged abilities a ranged attack. They all follow the same lame AI and its boring. Snack Bar shouldnt have to be 5 inches from an enemies face in order to blast a laser at it. Also add piercing to ranged attacks when it makes sense, Snack Bars laser being an example here too

Buff familiar strength. Make them scale with mainstat, add some sort of level up system, or straight up buff them. This issue is more apparent in reboot, 68k damage from a lv168 familiar is laughable

Improve familiar abilities. Few have useful abilities. The ones that add a large amount of mainstat add like +3, and thats pretty much nothing

Add booster packs to reboot. Certain familiars are literally unobtainable, and many might as well be (cmon, no one will get PB as a drop). Make them available for reward points or meso (20m, or 1.5k reward points maybe). This gives access to familiars non-reboot players can get, while also making it feasibly possible to get familiars that are a virtually nonexistent drop

Id have a much more detailed thread but i dont want to type for 20 minutes and lose it all again. And i dont know how to paste saved drafts,, if thats even a thing


  • EnokumoEnokumo
    Reactions: 1,610
    Posts: 122
    edited August 2018
    I wanted to point out Familiars in my Crusader Codex Revamp thread but guess I will leave my ideas here:
    • Instead of flat Stat increase make it percentage-wise, so instead of +3 Int you get 3% Int which is at least somewhat useful.
    • Add more gimmick familars: We have these that makes you shadowy or full red but we could have more that transforms you, makes you invisible, etc.
    • Adjust the drop rate of low level monster familiars. especially before 20 you get waaaaaaaaaay too much of them, and I am not speaking of Lab Server conditions.
    • Make Vitality Recovery for a large range without being in a party: You most likely won't be in a part with someone who's running with that sort of familar, just let them regen it within a range.
    • Allow using two familiars at the same time: Effect only applies when they have different bonus, example Big Spider + Leprechaun will only give the 60% drop rate and 100% meso obtain (so the higher bonus applies)

      To your suggestions:
      • Familiars do have different ranges but they are fairly.. poor. I however agree that certain familiars could walk faster so they attack faster naturally.
      • idk if buffing familiar's damage is necessary, I found them not significant while grinding. However I'd still keep their effects they bring in, such as Big Spider poisoning enemies where plenty classes benefits from that.
      • Like said, instead of flat stats we should have percentage for the stats.
      • I am sort of neutral to that idea? I mean in all honesty, you shouldn't get something like PB that easily. Having it is like a small trophy you can flex with it in Henesys. I would suggest to recheck the drop rate of the familiars we have and make some quicker, some slower to get.
  • OccireOccire
    Reactions: 1,935
    Posts: 140
    Member, Private Tester
    edited August 2018
    JMS replaced Monster Book with Familiar Book, as did TMS, which is basically monster book but with familiars fulfilling the same role as monster cards as well (having a monster's familiar gives you its drop table and such). There are pros and cons to this, of course

    - You can summon up to three familiars, I don't totally understand how the fatigue system works, though. I've played around with these on JMS somewhat briefly, but I'm not sure if you can refill fatigue after you're out for the day.
    - Monster card sets are generally the same, just using familiars instead. Leafre set goes from 30% Ignore DEF to 20% Mesos Obtained, there are a few new sets, but usually they just give 1% All Stats + 15% Ignore DEF.
    - You can set favorite familiars
    - You can rename familiars
    - Familiars have potentials, rather than having certain effects (it includes usual potentials like % stats as well as things familiars could do before, like increasing item and meso drop and changing your character's appearance), I'm not sure what the cubing situation for these are.
    - You can level up familiars by feeding other familiars to them, but I honestly have no idea what this does (I think it ranks them up?)
    - You can sell familiars to an NPC for familiar coins, and the same NPC sells a booster pack for familiar coins, I think.

    I haven't seen much coverage on this in English communities, so I don't really know much more than this.