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Check out the v.258 - MapleStory x Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba Patch Notes
Nexon should buff map spawns and remove kishin
That's what I make of it because that's the only solution you brought up.
since when does "party with a kanna" translate to "main a kanna"
Anyways they will handle the situation smh later on I hope.
Since I actually finished reading her comment.
"Party with a kanna" isn't a feasible solution anymore, not after they made the end-game purely drop dependent.
Aside from double turrets, another useful is a pair of summons that attack alongside Kanna at different intervals, effectively adding more lines at the user's location (some might prefer turrets over summons and I do agree some scenarios are good for leaving something parked.) The same could be done with Demon's Fury where Demon's Fury can be a summon that attacks with Kanna along with Kish. Demon Fury could also provide a final damage boost and attack speed boost to Kishin since both skills are classified as Demons.
There are also Spirits-based skills mentioned in Rock Yaksha, Clay Yaksha which are Earth-based spirits along with Spirit Corral, a fox spirit attack. I forgot Monkey Spirits (OOF.) I was thinking about a system where skill points invested in Spirit-based skills passively boost pre-existing spirit skills and Demon skills do the same for Demon skills. Demons would be summoned skills, and Spirit-based will be attacks. The same could be applied to Shikigami Charm, Vanquisher Charm and Nimbus Curse (I decided to add Nimbus Curse since their are not enough charms to make charms category and a magic category is more suited)
I don't think it was coincidence that some skills were classified as charms, demons and spirits. It was as though they were suppose to be grouped and skills in the same group strengthen one another. We have Haunting, Demon, Spirits and Magic as skill categories and Haunting seems to following the trend mentioned above. It would make sense if the other skills had a "family" system.
I hope these skill changes would make Kanna more reliable as a hard hitter than a class whose sole purpose is to act as a spawn booster or buff mule.
My question is exactly what triggered this sudden outcry.
Actually, Jms already received a change to the skill. they have a version of Kishin that requires stacking multiple kishin's on the map to obtain a faster respawn effect which was put in about 2 years ago.
Here's a reddit thread about it: https://www.reddit.com/r/Maplestory/comments/47nrv0/rip_kishin_in_jms/
This wouldn't be a wise move to bring over to GMS, in my opinion, because of how crafty GMS players are. Given that GMS players are more willing to break ToS to get a little more convenience out of gameplay. I.E use of Virtual Machines etc
My hypothesis regarding this sudden outcry is that it's a group of players that play or played unofficial (illegal) versions of the client and want changes to be made to the official one to be more like those.
Cause personally, the only difference in training I see using a kanna is when I'm training characters under 150.
You are saying that a nerfed Kishin would promote more illegal activities to run more Kannas just to stack Kishin have the old effect? If Kishin had no enhancing effects and was purely an attack skill, the though of multi-clienting Kannas for self mule use will be pointless. This however doesn't stop the farming bots using Kanna as their primary botting character (maybe it is because KMS doesn't spend time updating non-KMS classes or patching hacks/exploits in them.)
You know the hacking movements Kannas use when they are farming around the map? The system should have detection of the bots' ability to "float" above the ground and their ability to spam Monkey Spirits and Shikigami Charm at impossible intervals.
Im not saying it would promote it, people will find it within themselves to "resort" to it.
another thing, making Kishin Shoukan into a turret type skill, would make kanna even more lack luster. I know a few Kanna mains that quit after the Haku nerf, I hypothesize a Kishin removal or nerf would be the killing blow to other kanna mains on the fence.
One upside to this would be the deterrence of botters and how they use Kannas to bot mesos, nodes, and elite rewards. But Bots/hackers are craftier still, if the spawn rate would be increased, it would mean another class would become the "go to" for botters given that they wont need kishin to farm their mesos, nodes and elite rewards. So, it would be square one again.
So, my conclusion would be that, if Kishin would be removed, there would be no base spawn rate increase, or if it does, it wont be to the extent of Kishin, it would be like the base meso rate increase that happened some time ago, marginal increase. truthfully, that would be a solution to getting rid of bots. remove kishin and leave the spawn rate where it is. So there's no incentive for bots to bot. or make it difficult for them to.
The problem Nexon is facing is that too many wants and subjective needs are being declared, and they should only try to focus on one at a time to be able to do it right, it takes some time to go over the changes because a marketing plan has to be done for every change, want and "need" being thrown out there. To see if that truly is the best possible route.
There is always an incentive for bots to bot.
This game has had meso-farming bots since its inception. In fact, I daresay every game has gold-farming bots, to one extent or another.
The classes they use have changed over time, that's all.
Please don't make baseless accusations.
The outcry is from players who
- are in Reboot and are sick and tired of meso-farming on Kanna instead of playing their main, and/or
- don't have a second computer to Kishin themselves (but have experienced training with Kishin through a friend's help, or even just heard from everybody how much better it is), and/or
- don't want to have to level/leech their Kishin mule Kanna to 225 (Arcana), 235 (Esfera), and now 255 and beyond, just so they can continue using it in high-level areas.
You must be doing something wrong.
No matter what level and what map you use, Kishin makes it so there are more enemies within range of your attack skills. So unless you train using a single-target skill, you always gain exp faster in a Kishin'ed map.
so kishin is giving 1.7*5/2 = up to 4.25x buff to everything, multiplicative to everything else, provided you kill things fast enough.
leeching a kanna who steals 40% of your xp and meso is still up to 2.55x buff, with up to the full 4.25x drop rate.
removing it requires 4x buff to xp, drop and meso to be the same as of now (possibly making it easier for lesser-mobbing classes).
windows has a built-in virtual machine function called hyper-v, if hyper-v is illegal does that means windows is XD
all the change should be planned already, and given nexon's history it's fairly unlikely to be anything good.
if you play jett and beast you already hate yourself so no one cares, but if the kanna change is following nexon's standard then we are all fked.
Since nobody knows when or if we will get a nerf at all. I speak for the community as a whole on this; Please communicate with us if any nerf is ever going to be applied to it. Even just a maple memo about talking to us about the situation and what Nexon plans to do. We really want to know what exactly the future for kishin is whenever possible.
Currently, lots of us are on edge and feel left in the dark. Especially since we didn't get an answer from Arwoo about asking the devs about it yet.
I just figure if we all know what's going to happen sooner, we can all have time to accept fate beforehand.
Suggestion 2: Come out with a Node that increases spawn rate while still being slightly inferior to Kishin, e.g. 40% spawn rate.
You've managed to completely miss the point.
-people have to make a dedicated Kanna to farm meso instead of simply farming on their mains
- people have to log on to a second computer just so they can Kish themselves while training, otherwise get only a third of the EXP and drops.
THIS is where the outcry is coming from, not some wild conspiracy theory you may have come up with.
Nobody is asking to destory Kanna as a character, the power of the class doesn't lie in Kishin's spawn rate alone, and adjustments can easily be made to compensate for its removal. The only change we're asking is to fix the current and extremely unhealthy game meta and replace it with one that is better for almost everyone. So I don't get exactly what you're so outraged about. I'm guessing it's because you don't play on Reboot and are too selfish to care.
Major facepalm