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Unable to launch game.

Reactions: 310
Post: 1
in Tech Support
Hello! I've found that no matter what I do, what permissions I change, what compatibility changes I make, how many times I repair the download, etc, I still remain unable to even launch the game.
I've also noticed I'm not the only user having this issue and I'm sure I'm not the only one who would appreciate a solution being found for this.
Each time I try to start the game through the nexon launcher it loads for a moment or two and closes out as if starting the game, then nothing happens and the play button just says "currently in-game" for a while before it finally recognizes I'm not actually in-game.
The game won't launch on steam either, and I'm having the same exact issue with Mabinogi.
However, what puzzles me the most is that Maplestory 2 seems to work perfectly fine and is the only game I've been able to get up and running. I had some issues with it at first, but after a bit of fiddling I was able to get it launching and playable. No such luck with any other games.
If anyone has any solutions, It would be greatly appreciated.


  • DiabloLawDiabloLaw
    Reactions: 900
    Posts: 10
    Member, Private Tester
    edited September 2018
    I am also unable to launch the game from Steam and the Nexon Launcher with similar problems that Aylumos mentioned.
    Reactions: 500
    Posts: 10
    edited September 2018
    Yup I posted a thread long ago and a bunch of other people are having the EXACT same problem