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Exposing the hacker problem

Reactions: 1,735
Posts: 184
edited September 2018 in General Chat
Since there is nothing being done to combat the worsening problem of hackers, I decided to take it upon myself to create a youtube series exposing the hacking problem in game and calling it out. I will be updating this frequently, as obviously, hacking is becoming a big issue to the point the game is often unplayable. I have two videos so far.

If you have any suggestions of areas populated with hackers, let me know.
I plan to do a video on shady beach, sleepywood, and the CH1 Hene spammers for sure, but there are many many more areas, so let me know where you find them and I will call it out.

Part one:
Crazy Hayato hacker in Shady Beach:

Part two:
Kanna hackers in ALL 20 CHANNELS of teddy maps in Ludi:

(Stick with this one, I had a bit of luck in ch3 and ch20, but as you'll see, they both get taken over by hackers eventually)


  • rizariza
    Reactions: 3,025
    Posts: 638
    edited September 2018
    I really appreciate your hard work as yes this is an issue Nexon and their team never addressed or made any solutions for. As I hate saying this and it will annoy you or some, situations aren't as easy to fix and this one is one of them. Reason being is a few things You have to ask the question first "why do botters exist and who is pulling the strings behind them". From most of what I know, the hack you showed first is a hack that been used for years now believe it or not. That hack is one of the main reason a lot of people were able to break through to 250, as well as farm a load of mesos to either buy equips or sell. I too record and have documents of almost all hackers I come across and had reported to gm in the past not the moderators of these forums or discord but the actual team itself. They are the only ones who can really do anything and I a video of reporting a hacker during a gm event. The thing is we want this issue to be solved and I try my best every time I log on to document and keep records of everything that goes wrong in the game. This includes hacking, dupping, bad vfm(they know who they are) and anyone who is ruining the game. that's why they hate me lol.

    I say your welcome to message me and I can share my information or anyone who wants to can as I record and have a lot. I say posting in forum is the first step but you will come across a lot of people who will throw this topic under the bus or push it aside due to the fact of them participating or benefiting from these hacks. Remember just take a view on who runs the economy in the servers chances are those same bots being used are from them. Most people in various games do that to gain power and influence it happened in khaini with a guild called hustle. where they as well as a few other guilds used these bots to gain levels and farm cra gear with doing this made a lot of money funded their guilds and then magically they ran the whole system set the prices and such. same tactics used today. Nexon won't fix the issue cause sad but true they benefit from it. Cause they can shut the whole hacking issue down today if they wanted too. why won't they? Cause the same ones who they market or benefit from will quit and thus making them lose money.

    There is one thing I learned about finding out the truth. If you want to know whos behind an issue, follow and trace the money. Cause that's the issue with the collapse of fm it's now nearly impossible for us to expose these people unless they do 1 on 1 trades. But yea I don't want to ramble too long But I wish you luck also word of advice. Mods in forums and discord can't solve your important issues You have to find a way to contact Nexon gm or tech team directly. gm events or others with actual team members is one way. Also if you have more information on these things please contact and send me it as I do like collecting. I feel we can drain the swamp or at least clean some of it if we combine great minds together and eliminate the issue together.


    Riza Saika (bera-Leader of Dragontribe)
    Riza Saika (ms community- Voice of the people)
    Riza Saika (ms community- Voice of the voiceless)
  • YoongiYoongi
    Reactions: 1,735
    Posts: 184
    edited September 2018
    What's also unfortunate is that there is a limit of 9 reports per day. I couldn't even report all of those 20 hackers because of the imposed limit. So 11 of them are unreported and still going to be there.
    Surely these hackers, especially the ones in every single of the same map are running multiple clients of the game on one PC. I feel like this should be something traceable, however, you can't even really go by IP addresses, because some people have family members, roommates, etc, playing the game on different PCs on the same IP address. There is also the issue of VPNs and all too.

    However, I still feel like more can be done to combat this and there just isn't anything being done. We need more GMs and we need more people patrolling these areas. It's clear that there is a lack of moderation on these hackers because the problem is increasing ten fold. These people are out hacking in populated, common areas where everyone can see them. Hackers realize they have nothing to be afraid of so it's continuing.
  • rizariza
    Reactions: 3,025
    Posts: 638
    edited September 2018
    Yoongi wrote: »
    What's also unfortunate is that there is a limit of 9 reports per day. I couldn't even report all of those 20 hackers because of the imposed limit. So 11 of them are unreported and still going to be there.
    Surely these hackers, especially the ones in every single of the same map are running multiple clients of the game on one PC. I feel like this should be something traceable, however, you can't even really go by IP addresses, because some people have family members, roommates, etc, playing the game on different PCs on the same IP address. There is also the issue of VPNs and all too.

    However, I still feel like more can be done to combat this and there just isn't anything being done. We need more GMs and we need more people patrolling these areas. It's clear that there is a lack of moderation on these hackers because the problem is increasing ten fold. These people are out hacking in populated, common areas where everyone can see them. Hackers realize they have nothing to be afraid of so it's continuing.

    I recommended this before many times also mentioned it in the "we want a merge thread". Sadly the "SMARTEST" thing to do is never the "RIGHT" thing to do. I feel you should document it as you are to keep track of all of them make ways to identify them and show people it and encourage fair playing. It's due to having people who are in Nexon team who can something but choose to leave things as is. But actually, Nexon can track ip's believe it or not. When I was running for Kaiser rep my brother voted for me on his account. though 3 of my brothers voted for me, 1 of them was on the same internet as me and the dumb mods actually said I was making accounts to vote for myself when most people know I have brothers in game. I had the most votes for it but lost due to the same way I got a ban in the discord. But they have the resources to fix the issues, its just they use them when its convenient to them. And I go further to even saying this. These same people can ban me from a discord, but can't come together to ban hackers or people ruining the game smbdh.

    Riza Saika (bera-Leader of Dragontribe)
    Riza Saika (ms community- Voice of the people)
    Riza Saika (ms community- Voice of the voiceless)
  • AKradianAKradian
    Reactions: 40,340
    Posts: 6,342
    Member, Private Tester
    edited September 2018
    The forums are not the place to report or "expose" hackers.
    No one here, including the VFMs and the Community Manager, can do anything about them.

    If you've run out of in-game reports for the day, or have a video you wish to show Nexon, the correct place to make reports is the support site: http://support-maplestory.nexon.net
  • rizariza
    Reactions: 3,025
    Posts: 638
    edited September 2018
    AKradian wrote: »
    The forums are not the place to report or "expose" hackers.
    No one here, including the VFMs and the Community Manager, can do anything about them.

    If you've run out of in-game reports for the day, or have a video you wish to show Nexon, the correct place to make reports is the support site: http://support-maplestory.nexon.net

    Yea..... I told him that in my first post I actually posted a video lmao. We all know gm or the actual team are the only ones who can do anything. But even then they don't ban unless its a good reason behind it. I feel there should be another team who is involved with the game programming to interact with us and either integrate or implement things into the game depending on the idea or issue.
    Yoongi wrote: »
    What's also unfortunate is that there is a limit of 9 reports per day. I couldn't even report all of those 20 hackers because of the imposed limit. So 11 of them are unreported and still going to be there.
    Surely these hackers, especially the ones in every single of the same map are running multiple clients of the game on one PC. I feel like this should be something traceable, however, you can't even really go by IP addresses, because some people have family members, roommates, etc, playing the game on different PCs on the same IP address. There is also the issue of VPNs and all too.

    However, I still feel like more can be done to combat this and there just isn't anything being done. We need more GMs and we need more people patrolling these areas. It's clear that there is a lack of moderation on these hackers because the problem is increasing ten fold. These people are out hacking in populated, common areas where everyone can see them. Hackers realize they have nothing to be afraid of so it's continuing.

    Also to go further into this Nexon America is also limited in what they can do cause they slaves to Korean maple team. So like forums help but they won't solve an issue unless a lot of people back it. world merge, cheating levels, farming, and hacking items are the biggest and only issues we have and easy to fix. If you can get people to back you I'm confident it can be done. I may not be the one to lead the change but I can spark the idea to make it happened. ;)

    Riza Saika (bera-Leader of Dragontribe)
    Riza Saika (ms community- Voice of the people)
    Riza Saika (ms community- Voice of the voiceless)
  • ShokunKaYoShokunKaYo
    Reactions: 1,470
    Posts: 147
    edited September 2018
    Hacker problem is never gonna be fixed. Seriously, there will be cure for cancer before the hacker problem gets solved. It's been what 10+ years, and they still haven't done a jack. You can report them all you want, they're not gonna go away. Honestly, do you really expect a game that lags legit people out for "NGS hacking" is going to have an hack detection program good enough to ban people who are actually hacking? Botters are using the same hack programs from years ago ffs. Besides, nexon needs some people to be in the server to make it look like the game isn't dead yet.